40 Days of Daily Bread

Need consistency with having a Daily Time with God? Need a breakthrough in your spiritual walk? 40 Days of Daily Bread are devotionals are power packed! #DailyTime #spiritualgrowth #devotionals #biblestudy #dailybread #quiettime #liveyielded

Welcome to 40 Days of Daily Bread: Devotionals for Breakthrough! This is a collection of how I learned to live yielded to God and saw the fruit of thriving in Christ as a result.

Would you like to become consistent with having a Daily Time with God?

Do you want to become a stronger follower of Jesus?

Do you need BREAKTHROUGH in your walk with the Lord?

If you said yes to any of those questions, then you will find plenty of good spiritual food in 40 Days of Daily Bread!

Jesus showed us that we can come to the Father for our Daily Bread (Matthew 6:11). Your inner self needs nourishment to be strong and to grow. You might have been unintentionally fasting your spiritual food. Don’t allow yourself to become spiritually malnourished!

Why 40 days? God used a period of 40 days to prepare His people for the special work:

  • Moses on Mount Sinai to receive the 10 Commandments (Exodus 24:18)
  • The 12 spies scouting the land (Numbers 13:25)
  • Elijah on Mount Carmel for recharging (1 Kings 19:8)
  • Jesus fasted in the desert to be tested by the devil prior to His earthly ministry (Matthew 4:2)

Whatever your reason, this time is going to equal one thing—breakthrough!

Are you ready to breakthrough into a greater spiritual maturity? Great! Then keep reading!

You Will Need

  • A Willing Heart

God wants to do a work in you during this time. That tug you feel to be involved in this—that is the Holy Spirit saying He is about to prepare you for service. Listen to that.

The posts will be brief, but you are investing eternally!

  • A Reminder

If you have a smartphone, set an alarm. If not, sticky notes are tried and true. Place one in a prominent place with a loaf of bread that you’ve sketched. Don’t worry, I can’t draw either. But God doesn’t care about your artistic skills. He’s more concerned with your obedience to follow through!

Have you ever tried to measure your spiritual growth? If you aren’t recording your walk with God, then you are cheating yourself of recording your own spiritual history. A regular notebook will be fine, or even an app such as Evernote.

I pray you are blessed and filled to overflowing through these devotions!

See breakthrough in your walk with God. Check out 40 Days of Daily Bread. Click to Tweet

40 Days of Daily Bread Table of Contents

Note: some of the days are related and some stand individually.

Day 1: Measure Your Spiritual Growth (What area do you want to see change?)

Day 2: Stand Strong (There are four elements trying to knock you down. Here’s how to stand.)

Day 3: Establishing Your Mind & Eyes with Truth (See how the Helmet of Salvation protects your mind and eyes.)

Day 4: Avoid the Trap of Voices (See how the Helmet of Salvation protects your ears and mouth.)

Day 5: Your Heart’s Territory (See how the Breastplate of Righteousness guards your heart.)

Day 6: The Power of Encircling Truth (See how the Belt of Truth protects what God put in you to do for Him.)

Day 7: Peace In Decisions (See how the Shoes of Peace guard you in decision making.)

Day 8: Using Your Shield (See how to use the Shield of Faith and how it guards against attacks.)

Day 9: Damage to the Enemy (See how to use the Sword of the Spirit to do damage to the enemy.)

Day 10: God’s Got Your Back (Praying to put on your armor, because retreat is not an option.)

Day 11: Some Old Dirt On Me (I share some old dirt on me when I talk about how God makes us useful.)

Day 12: Busting Bad Attitudes (Our attitudes make a big mark on those we influence.)

Day 13: You’re Not Alone (Three advisors in your life that walk alongside you.)

Day 14: Why We Need Each Other (A story of how the Body of Christ stepped in and brought needed encouragement.)

Day 15: Nagging God (How to ask God without nagging Him.)

Day 16: Faith for Direction (How to get the faith to walk you through that next step.)

Day 17: Avoiding Spiritual Flakiness (Here’s some wisdom on hearing from God.)

Day 18: Ways God Speaks, Part 1 (Four avenues of communication the Father uses to speak.)

Day 19: Ways God Speaks, Part 2 (Four more avenues of communication the Father uses to speak.)

Day 20: Let Go of My Neck (How God arrested my attention to bring me out of worry.)

Day 21: 3 Types of Pride (There are three kinds of pride. How God did a work of removing some pride in me.)

Day 22: Bad Fruit from the Roots of Pride (King Nebuchadnezzar was eaten up with the bad fruit from the roots of pride in his life.)

Day 23:  My Insanely Embarrassing Walmart Story (A Walmart story of how God showed me the second kind of pride…was in me!)

Day 24: Why False Humility Will Rob You of God’s Best (See how the devil uses the third kind of pride to keep us from walking in the confidence of God.)

Day 25: Be Washed From Pride (Pride can spread through all our senses, but we can be washed from it with the Word.)

Day 26: Humbling Reminders (A testing circumstance might come as a reminder to walk in humility.)

Day 27: Jesus’ Pride (Can you imagine a prideful Jesus? Instead we learn from His example.)

Day 28: The Surprising Rewards of Humility  (God blesses the humble with many rewards.)

Day 29: Top 5 Bible Verses on Strength to Pray (An encouraging post on the power of His strength for us.)

Day 30: How to Increase Your Appetite Level (How to increase your spiritual appetite and gain a strong spirit man.)

Day 31: Do You Have to Pray Out Loud to God? (The difference between talking to God and “thinking to God”.)

Day 32: How to Practice Praising God (It takes practice to praise the Lord unashamedly.)

Day 33: Are You Going Around the Mountain Again? (Often when you find yourself stuck, God says enough is enough and comes to the rescue.)

Day 34: 9 Blessings for Those Who Fear the Lord (What the fear of the Lord is and the benefits for those who have it.)

Day 35: The Secrets to Working out Your Salvation (The secrets to working out your salvation.)

Day 36: How to Fight the Enemy (The weapons that are at your disposal to fight the enemy.)

Day 37: Can You Lose Your Anointing? (We look at the question of whether or not you can lose your anointing)

Day 38: The Thing That Destroys Your Anointing (We can learn from the consequences of Samson’s specific sin to find what destroys the anointing.)

Day 39: How to Deal with Hurt and Rejection (How to respond and be healed when hurt by someone.)

Day 40: God Is Delighted to See You Move Forward (The way to gain victory when we feel like giving up.)

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