Day 38: The Thing That Destroys Your Anointing

In studying Samson’s life we can see what destroys the anointing. If you are God’s, then He has anointed you, but is not to be taken lightly. From the 40 Days of Daily Bread Series.

Yesterday we covered the question if you can lose your anointing. Today we’ll continue talking about what destroys the anointing.

Pin this post with the title Day 38: The Thing That Destroys Your Anointing, part 2.

This is a hard message, but one I needed to learn. I was trying to have my cake and eat it, too. Then God gave me a revelation about Samson’s life. His story helps us learn what destroys the anointing.

Samson’s Anointing

The story of Samson is found in Judges chapters 13 through 16. He was called of God to deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines (13:5). Looking back at his history, we can see that the Spirit of the Lord was on him at the beginning.

And the woman bore a son and called his name Samson. And the young man grew, and the LORD blessed him. And the Spirit of the LORD began to stir him… Judges 13:24-25 ESV

Notice that “the Lord blessed him” and “the Spirit of the Lord began to stir him.”

He had a marvelous calling up until the point of allowing himself to break God’s commands by going to a harlot (16:1). Right after that was when he fell in love with Delilah and from here we see his downfall. Read chapter 16 now to refresh your memory of what happened.

When Everything Wasn’t Still Fine

And when she pressed him hard with her words day after day, and urged him, his soul was vexed to death. 

And he told her all his heart, and said to her, “A razor has never come upon my head, for I have been a Nazirite to God from my mother’s womb. If my head is shaved, then my strength will leave me, and I shall become weak and be like any other man.”

When Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she sent and called the lords of the Philistines, saying, “Come up again, for he has told me all his heart.” Judges 16:16-18 ESV

Notice that he “told her all his heart.” Samson didn’t use wisdom and guard his heart with all diligence did he (Proverbs 4:23)? Right after Delilah woke him up in verse 20 it says, “he did not know that the Lord had departed from him.”

He had become so used to his sin that he was walking in deception!

The (Bad) Fruit of Disobedience

He probably thought everything was fine. If he was really paying attention to his walk with God then He would have sensed that the Lord had departed from him.

Samson probably regretted his decisions. Can you imagine a blind Samson in slavery day after day, having nothing to think about or distract him from his recent choices?

Yet sin brings consequences. God made it very clear that no razor was to touch his head. If he didn’t tell anyone that secret, then it wouldn’t have happened to him. And he knew that. But he let down his guard with Delilah.

What Destroys the Anointing

What destroys the anointing? Disobedience.

Samson paid greatly for his:

  • blindness
  • slave
  • loser instead of a hero
  • lost Delilah
  • lost anointing/ministry
  • died an early death
Samson was so desensitized to his sin that he didn't realize the Lord had departed from him. #DailyBread #ThrivingInChrist Share on X

Warning: Do Not Open the Door

His actions are a warning to us! The devil will try to harass us daily until we let down our guard and open the door to him somehow.

Sometimes he comes at us in such a subtle way. We might think, “I love the Lord above all else. There are no idols in my life.” And even right there the enemy can catch us in his trap if we don’t examine our hearts.

We can believe we’re okay while watching garbage in a movie, all the while thinking we love the Lord more. Yet Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments,” in John 14:15. And we go right along watching the garbage instead of removing it from entering our spirit man.

The next thing we know, we’re walking in disobedience and on the road to our anointing being destroyed (or greatly diminished).

Jesus said some things that carried a great deal of weight. Being in His will is pretty important to Him because He says those who aren’t will not enter into the kingdom of heaven. You can even be in the ministry and still be out of God’s will (Matthew 7:21-23).

This section is to help us respond to His promptings. "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." James 1:22 ESV #ThrivingInChrist #DailyBread #DailyTime #BibleStudy #GodTime #QuietTime #Devotions #Devotional #40dayswithGod #40daysofdailybread #Bible #spritualgrowth

Apply the Word

This section is to help us respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” James 1:22 ESV

Whew! I want to ditch disobedience that brings spiritual death and begins to destroy your anointing as a result. Do you?

  • Ponder this: Have you opened the door to the enemy, giving him legal access in your life? Obedience leads us to operate in our place in the kingdom; it’s the way of life.
  • Write in your journal what God is showing you and do it. A life of a Christian is full of repentance, but God is in the business of bringing life after death. Do not be afraid to die to self and experience His new life.

How can you obey God to show Him your love for Him? 

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  1. adegboyeag says:

    I wonder if is God plan for Samson to go through what he went through for our generation to learn from it

  2. Ruth kaela says:

    There is a lot to learn from Samson’s life. The biblical lessons teach us something. For example, a young woman may want to marry a young man from whom her parents have noticed some strange behavior, and may advise her not to go ahead to marry the man against the parents advise. Later in the near future she may discover that the man has another relationship or has some criminal cases. When one is desperate for marriage it is possible to over look some Strange charater in that person.
    Biblical lessons are meant for us to learn something. The Word of God never change, Hebrews13 : 8 Says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever.

  3. I am glad to haveheard this massage, I have a call but challenges are so overwhelming. How do I activate my oil

    1. Keep seeking Him. Stay in the Word and prayer daily. Obedience is key!

  4. How did I activate my oil was through prayer and fasting on the mountain , I never knew doing the work of God is Good I was call from my mother womb ,though my family background are Islamic, grow up as a young boy ,I was not going to church neither going to mosum ,but it was attack from one year that makes me accept my call , today I am still imagine myself if God can used me like this , All Glory belong to Jesus

  5. If someone covet your anointing and you made a mistake and you feel like must of your anointing are down please what can I do pls help me
    Help me am feeling really down pls

    1. Mistakes are forgivable! Don’t get into condemnation (Romans 8:1). Ask God for forgiveness and then spend time with Him daily, letting Him restore your heart. He still has a future for you and loves you very much.

  6. Gabriel Benson says:

    Please I’m a beliver and worship leader from a young berthed ministry for22 years without getting married and just recently, about four months ago, I got married to a 15 year girl. Later I found out that she is a sorcerer and along that short period, I relised that most of my anointing is draining completely. So what can I do?
    Do I have to make my decision lo let go of the women to find another women or go through that situation and restore it??

    1. I’m sorry to hear that. It sounds like a difficult situation. I suggest bringing the issue to your pastor’s attention for help. Praying for you!

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