Bible Study Tools

Would you like some easy Bible study tools and tips to help you thrive in Christ?

Remember the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:3-9; Luke 8:4-15)? The seed is the word of God, and when you “take in” the truths found in the Bible through reading, studying, and meditation, that seed is planted in your life. Studying the Word regularly helps it take root in your heart!

The seed is the word of God. Luke 8:11

That’s why I’ve put together this page of Bible study tools and tips for your convenience. In this page you will find links to free digital Bibles containing Bible study tools and Bibles, tutorials, Bible study methods, resources, tips for when you don’t understand your Bible study, and more.

Bookmark this page for future reference. Or pin it to keep the information handy. I’ll be adding to this page in the future. Okay, let’s dive into these in more detail!

Free Digital Bibles Containing Bible Study Tools

Want to study something from the Bible? What better Bible study tool than having an online Bible that you can take with you anywhere? It’s quick and easy! Click a link below and check out all the other perks they have to offer: (YouVersion) (my favorite!)


Brief Tutorial: How to Use Blue Letter Bible 

Since Blue Letter Bible (BLB) is my favorite go-to resource for when I’m studying the Word, I’m going to give you a broad tutorial.

  1. Once on BLB, head straight to the prominent Search the Bible box, and enter a verse location or topic/word(s) you would like to study.
  2. Choose the version of your choice in the drop down menu, and click the green magnifying glass icon.
  3. The next page yields your search results in a new box, and from there you can go a few different places. (You can change to a different word or version from this box, too.) It will tell you how many verses the word you chose occurs in the version you chose. Below that is the list of those verses. Choose a verse and click on TOOLS.
  4. TOOLS opens the verse with six tabs. Scroll up and down real quick and you’ll see your verse in it’s chapter. Click any tab for more information at your fingertips.
  5. The first tab is the INTERLINEAR to take you to the Hebrew (Old Testament) or Greek (New Testament). Don’t be afraid to go into this one! The box for this tab is clickable, and if you click something you didn’t want to you can just hit the back arrow. If you click on a number in the Strong’s column that corresponds with a particular word in the verse you chose, it will take you to information that you would find in an Exhaustive Strong’s Concordance and more. Scroll down to find the Strong’s definitions.
  6. Below that is the Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, probably for the more determined at heart. This box may or may not have the exact definition for that particular verse, but it’s fun to read through to see. Well, it’s fun now, but it didn’t used to be. 😉
  7. To get back to the TOOLS tab, hit your browser’s back arrow button. There are more tabs to explore! There is a wealth of information here. You will find the verse in different versions, cross-references, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and miscellaneous (which has information such as related maps and images for the selected verse). Dig in! 

You will find that you’ve learned to navigate in BLB fairly quickly, and soon you will be learning so many great verses to help you on your journey!

Would you like some easy Bible study tools to help you thrive in Christ? Here you will find tools, tips, tutorials, and resources. Share on X

Bible Study Methods 

Here are some simple Bible study methods to add to your belt of Bible study tools! I’m such a fan of acronyms! Here are a couple of Bible study methods that I’ve found and have used in the past. They’re easy to remember because of the acronym.

SOAP Bible Study Method

The SOAP Bible Study Method is a very common method for beginners.

S = Scripture

This letter stands for Scripture. Write the Scripture in your journal. Writing a verse or passage by hand slows us down and helps us notice truths we may never have seen. It’s also great way to help wake up if you’re having your Daily Time with God in the early morning.

O = Observe

Next it’s time to observe what you just wrote. What are your observations of the verse or passage? Go ahead and write down whatever is jumping at you. Oftentimes the Holy Spirit will illuminate a word or phrase from the verse that is just what I need for the day!

A = Apply

Ask God how you can apply this verse or passage to your life. the Bible still holds practical application for us today. God’s wisdom is timeless. His truth will never pass away. If you are willing to live yielded to God, He will show you specific practical ways you can apply His Word and allow it to change your life.

P = Prayer

Close out your time with God by praying the verse or passage over yourself. Ephesians 6:17-18 says to take the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and pray. Pray God’s promises back to Him. Thank Him for what He is doing. Bring your needs before Him and praise Him for the answer in His timing.

>>> Check out our Prayer Guide!SaveSaveSaveSave

GROW Bible Study Method

I really like this acronym! If you’ve followed me for awhile you know how this whole ministry is based on spiritual growth! I’ve noticed that this particular acronym is just about the SAOP Bible study method in reverse. So I’ll be more brief:

G = Greet. Instead of closing in prayer, begin with prayer! Invite God into your day and more specifically this Daily Time with Him.

R = Read. Read the verse or passage. Try reading it aloud. If you read it out loud a few times you will begin to memorize it! (See more tips on memorizing verses).

O = Observe. This letter stands for observing what you just wrote. What are your observations of the verse or passage? Go ahead and write down whatever is jumping at you. Oftentimes the Holy Spirit will illuminate a word or phrase from the verse that is just what I need for the day!

W = Write. Write the Scripture in your journal. Writing a verse or passage by hand slows us down and helps us notice truths we may never have seen. It’s also great way to help wake up if you’re having your Daily Time with God in the early morning.

Other Easy Bible Study Methods to Try

Double-entry journal method

Word Studies

Check out these tips for when you don’t understand your Bible study.

What Are Scripture Writing Plans?

Another Bible study tool is using Scripture writing plans, which are a list of verses or passages usually organized by topic to go through in a given month. Generally what’s expected is that you read the verse or passage for the day and write it out. They are useful for helping you get into the habit of cracking open your Bible and using it each day. You can use any Scripture writing plan with any Bible study method.

The Live Yielded Shop has the 31-Day Living Yielded Scripture Writing Plan. It goes a step further. Besides reading and writing the assigned passage, there are reflection questions that goes along with each section. When we reflect, we have an additional opportunity to yield to God. Get your copy today!

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