How to Thrive in Your Relationships
Would you like to thrive in your relationships according to biblical wisdom? If the Bible is your standard, then you are in the right place. Enjoy this collection of articles written by various Christian writers to help strengthen your relationships.

Every February because of Valentine’s Day, our thoughts are turned towards relationships. Fortunately, the Bible holds a suitcase full of wisdom that several Christian writers and I have unpacked for you today!
There are posts for every relationship category because I want you to thrive in your relationships. The categories are:
- Friends and Neighbors
- The Church
- Parenting
- Marriage (Husband, Wife, General Marriage)
- Singleness
- Relationship Problems
No relationship comes without its set of problems. That’s why I’ve included the section on Relationship Problems. Be sure to read that section even if you don’t have a current problem so you can apply the wisdom of the Word and see peace.
Please feel free to bookmark this page. There is loads of wisdom here that you’ll want to refer to in the future. It’s so easy when it’s all in one place.
Also, please share the posts as you read. More people could use biblical wisdom to thrive in their relationships. Am I right?
Ok, friend. Let’s dive right in!

Thrive in Your Relationships: Friends & Neighbors
A second likewise is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:39
Walking with God Across the Street: 5 Tips to Get to Know Your Neighbors
How Friendships Strengthen Your Faith
Why You Will Thrive in Community
What Jesus Might Say About Your Social Media Reach
How to Thrive in the Workplace

Thrive in Your Relationships in the Church
But now they are many members, but one body. 1 Corinthians 12:20
Nothing Knocks the Church Down Faster Than Division
The Church Can Heal Through 3 Doors of Prayer
Why the Church Needs You to Put on Your Ministry Shoes
9 Verses on Unity: Give Others Space to Grow
Thrive in Your Marriage

The 5 Best Verses that Describe a Husband’s Role
What to Do When Your Impassioned Prayer Is “Change My Husband”
10 Verses That Describe a Wife’s Role
General Marriage
How to Find Renewed Love in Your Marriage
5 Ways Biblical Love Prevails in Marriage
Life and Marriage: 4 Steps to Keep Walking with God
5 Little Foxes that Damage a Marriage
How to Decide the Leader in a Christian Marriage
Want to thrive in your relationships according to biblical wisdom? Enjoy this collection of articles written by various Christian writers. #LiveYielded #ThrivingInChrist Share on X
Thrive in Singleness
But I desire to have you to be free from cares. He who is unmarried is concerned for the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord; 1 Corinthians 7:32
How to Find Freedom from Fear of Singleness
How to Delight Yourself in the Lord
Thrive in Parenting

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Walking with God When Parenting Is Really Hard
How to Teach Your Kids the Keys of Obedience
How to Influence Your Teenager’s Quiet Time
Use Prayer Sticks to Spice Up Your Family Worship
How My Family Memorized Psalm 23 (Video)

Relationship Problems
Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all wrongs. Proverbs 10:12
Walking with God When You Need to Apologize
Does God Say We Should Forgive But Not Forget?
Walking with God to Untangle the Mess of Unforgiveness
How to Be Healed from Hurt: A Triple-Braided Rope
Walking with God Through Brave Reconciliation
Thrive in Your Relationships Every Day
I pray the above posts spoke into your situation and illuminated God’s Truth so you can thrive in your relationships every day. Be encouraged. God hears your prayers and is working to move on your behalf.
Relationships are tricky and take a great deal of “choosing to love.” But when you do that, you’ll find that it’s worth it.
Be blessed and don’t forget to share! Thank you so much!