9 Verses on Unity: Give Others Space to Grow
These nine verses on unity help us keep unity in essentials in the Church. Unity doesn’t mean perfection. Here’s how to give others space to grow.
When the Church resembles an unruly toddler rather than Jesus, could we remember to have unity in essentials? The Bible gives us many verses on unity. It’s a paramount time to review them.
When I began to come out of being doggedly disjoined from the Body of Christ (meaning I only associated with those who believed the same doctrine I did), I discovered a wonderful peace. I’ve learned a boatload of beautiful truth from Believers I had first judged as missing it.
And sometimes I wonder if we need to evolve in our thinking:
We may not always agree with everything that another Christian (even Christian leader) says. Each one of us is coming from a different background of experiences, viewpoints, and studies of the Word of God. We still need the whole Body of Christ. We can still glean from someone who doesn’t believe exactly what we do, and vice versa. Unity in Christ is essential. Not the divisive unessentials.
The Unity of One
Avoiding, distancing from our sister because she views Christianity a little differently is nothing more than prejudice within the family of God. Like Nicodemus, the seekers will discover new truth quietly and in the dark while you’re not noticing (John 3:1-21). Could we give the other Christians space to grow?
As a young Christian I used to wonder how we could be ONE like God says in the Bible? But how can we when there are five thousand denominations?
Could unity be an application of love? I think it is. Our need to be right needs to be placed in a straight jacket because to let it roam free is insanity.
They will know we are Christians by our love (John 13:35).
9 Verses on Unity
You know, I generally give you several verses for a topic. But really, all we need is one! (Seems appropriate since the topic is unity, but I mean that!) At any rate, here are nine of my favorite unity verses:
Psalm 133:1 NASB
A Song of Ascents, of David. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together in unity!
John 17:23 NLT
I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.
Ephesians 4:3 NKJV
Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:13 NLT
This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.
Avoiding, distancing from our sister because she views Christianity a little differently is nothing more than prejudice within the family of God. #ThrivingInChrist #LiveYielded Share on XRomans 14:19 NLT
So then, let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up.
Philippians 4:2 NLT
Now I appeal to Euodia and Syntyche. Please, because you belong to the Lord, settle your disagreement.
RELATED: Walking with God Through Brave Reconciliation
Philippians 2:2 NKJV
Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
1Corinthians 1:10 NASB
Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment.
1Peter 3:8 ESV
Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.
How to See Others with Unity
Just like we need to pursue unity within the Church as a whole, we need to maintain unity with the individual relationships within the Church.
Have you ever come across a previous highschool classmate after a long time apart? When you see that person again (even if they found you on Facebook) and you think, wow, they’ve drastically changed, physically I mean. What about that person’s heart?
It’s so tempting to not let that first thought be one that remembers “that’s just the way he is.” Right? Like maybe he had a reputation for gossip or having a critical nature or something.
But remember, you don’t often see the heart changes of others.
God sees you as a work in progress, see that other brother as a work in progress too. Realize that we are all at a different place in our walk with God. Let the thoughts and feelings toward that person be “better than yourself” (Philippians 2:3).
Let’s stop keeping people in their past. See, sometimes other Christians hurt us or do dumb things, and we walk away. Then as we remember them, we only recall their bad fruit. How do we know that person hasn’t allowed the Husbandman to do some purging?
We all know in nature that a tree takes a long time to bear fruit. If it’s been a long time since you “accepted” those Christians you wrote off, perhaps view them from the lens of today rather than the memories of the past? That’s love.
And what if you do look today and still see bad fruit? Remember, everyone is at a different place in their walk with God, and they’ll grow stronger eventually. Just keep loving.
Let’s give them space to grow.
Maybe You’re the One Feeling Judged?
Perhaps as you’ve read this, you are sincerely wishing others would do this very thing—toward you. It hurts to be criticized, doesn’t it?
Jesus experienced it too. He left Nazareth a carpenter and came back as a rabbi and the townsfolk weren’t buying it. They wondered where did this man get these things? This wisdom? The ability to perform mighty works?
Then they insulted Him by saying, “Is this not the carpenter…?” (Mark 6:1-4). It was no compliment.
Jesus experienced other’s rejection many times. Forgiveness is key to finding healing from hurt. If you need some more info about this, check these posts:
- How God Heals the Heart-Shattering Pain of Hurt
- How Jesus’ Rejection Makes a Difference in the Hurts You Face
- Respond to Rejection Like Jesus
Praying Verses on Unity
I’m going to pray through the verses on unity over us. Is that ok? Will you come in agreement? (See what I did there? ;))
Father God, help us to see just how good and pleasant it is to live in unity with those in the Body of Christ. May we experience such perfect unity that the world will know that You sent Jesus and that You love them so much.
I know it’s a process, Lord. Where we need to grow in this area, help us yield to Your hand. Shape our thinking so we will endeavor to keep that unity of the Spirit. May we build each other up and not tear each other down, even when nobody is listening but You.
Lord, if there’s a specific person that we need to settle our differences with, help us to forgive and show us a way to resolve the disagreement. Help us choose to live in one accord.
Father, help us decide to have no divisions among us. Nope, just love, humility, and unity! In Jesus’ name, amen.
Thanks for joining me today! I pray you’ll keep these verses on unity in mind and choose to give others space to grow!
Keep thriving,
So important that aspect of giving others space to grow – thank you for the reminder, we are all a work in progress!
Yes, we are! Thanks for stopping by, Sharon!
I love the prayer you wrote from these verses! I’m saving it on my phone. Such a timely post.
Aw thanks, Cassie! Glad it blessed!