How to Influence Your Teenager’s Quiet Time
Does your teenager have a quiet time? Here’s how I helped my kids to follow God and help my teens have a daily quiet time.

A reader asked how to get their teenagers to follow God, so I’m sharing my experience with mine. You might be able to pick up a tip or find one of the materials listed below for your family.
Start Your Teens While They’re Still Young
If they’re still young, start talking to them and training them in the things of God. Maybe this is controversial, but I didn’t tell my kids they were in the family of God by default. They aren’t saved just because my husband and I are saved. So I would phrase it like, “If you’re in the family of God…” and my littles would ask, “Am I in the family of God?” Then I would take those opportunities to share the plan of salvation.
My teens accepted Jesus when they were little, and this year my two “Littles” did as well. They were ripe because seeds were planted. This last Easter, my third born accepted Jesus as we were going through Resurrection Eggs. And then my youngest accepted Jesus last month because I was talking about how someone I know just died. She asked questions, and yes, the topic was “the family of God.”
But before they ever accepted Jesus as Savior, I would have them participate in some form of Daily Time with God.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Create a Culture and Example
In order for my teenagers to naturally expect to read the Bible and pray every day, I had to create the culture of that in the family and lead by example. Please note, I am not perfect in this!!!
To create a culture of a child building the habit of having a Daily Time with God, I need to give them materials that are appropriate by age.

Here’s us a couple of years ago. Notice my youngest is merely coloring a Bible coloring book and playing with some of the prayer sticks. My oldest is writing seriously in his journal about what he was gleaning from his reading (I’m still curious what it was!). Then my second born is reading a Bible story to my third born because the latter was getting distracted.
Each time was slightly different. Some seasons were much more chaotic. I don’t mean to paint a rosy picture of perfection. It’s not. {grin} However, it’s what we do. And when I say, “It’s time for Daily Time” or “Go have your Daily Time with God,” they do it for the most part.
Brethren, join in following my example, and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us. Philippians 3:17 NASB
Give Gentle Encouragement
Be gentle about encouraging them to seek God. If they’d only spend like a minute or two, I’d ask God for something to say to steer their heart to God.
He’d give me something like, “Hey, what did you learn?” and get them talking. Or something like, “God’s got something He’d like to show you in His Word today. Something you can apply to your life.” And almost before I would finish the sentence, I’d see a curiosity that made them walk back over to pick up the Bible or whatever again. Then under my breath, I’d be praying for them!
Giving them lots of grace is important, too, because the Bible says to grow in grace. So if they weren’t really “into it” that day, I wouldn’t press it. Instead, I’d press in with praying for them.
But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and SaviourJesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

What My Teenagers Are Using for Their Daily Time with God
I found a devotional for teens called Daily Truth for Godly Youth (#ad) that my boys have used off and on since it’s a 365 day type. They mostly use a book such as this during the summer.
During the school year, we begin the day family devotions style (which I’ll share about in a minute), and they will use their Bible class as a type of quiet time that also counts for class credit. If they need something specific, I’ll often give them one of my resources from the Live Yielded Shop (shameless plug), or pinpointed counseling to help them work through the problem.
Our Bible Curriculum Choices
I’ve used Christian Light Education for their Bible curriculum for a few years (for my younger son too).
For last year and this year, my teens are using books and workbooks from the Majoring in Men curriculum. Ed Cole’s legacy continues on and his style is very “tell it like it is.” He doesn’t hold back with truth and living righteously! The ones we chose are:
Courage Curriculum Set
Courage is a challenge to young men to win life’s toughest battles, to become successful-champions in life. It’s an exhortation to live! Courage will change the life of any man who studies it. In twelve quick lessons, the student will learn: The meaning of true manhood. When mature manhood begins. Why it takes courage both to stand, and to turn and run. What integrity means, and where it begins. How to build a strong reputation. This MAJORING IN MEN® curriculum set includes the book (#ad) and corresponding workbook (#ad).
Maximized Manhood Curriculum Set

Pornography. Adultery. Television addiction. Immaturity. Dr. Edwin Louis Cole, known as “the father of the Christian men’s movement,” was not afraid to tackle the tough topics that affect men today. His straightforward, biblical insights help men and women alike to realize their full potential in Christ. Putting the principles found in Maximized Manhood into practice will revolutionize the student’s home and transform the student’s life into what God designed it to be. This MAJORING IN MEN® curriculum set includes the book (#ad) and corresponding workbook (#ad).
Power of Potential Curriculum Set
In the Power Of Potential: Maximize God’s Principles to Fulfill Your Dreams Curriculum {the book (#ad) and corresponding workbook (#ad)}, Ed Cole reveals secrets to everyday problems that prevent people from achieving maximum potential. Now these situations can thrust you toward your greatest success! This direct, challenging message features hidden laws to help you strengthen your greatest personal assets, rise above injustice and criticism, unlock keys to future success, and more.
Sexual Integrity Curriculum Set
At a time when sex has been degraded to crass adult humor and virginity is regarded by some as cheap merchandise, a new generation is bringing back what a previous generation threw away — the understanding that sex is to be valued and respected. God made sex good!
Possibly the most unusual and most important book about sex you will ever read, Sexual Integrity addresses sexuality with powerful insight. This MAJORING IN MEN® curriculum set includes the book (#ad) and corresponding workbook (#ad).

Virtues to Start the Day
This year I’m beginning our homeschool day for all the kids with a dedicated 10 minutes for “virtues class.” I’m going over my favorite Bible verses with the kids. Everyone has their Bible and journal and writes down the key verse for the day. Then I expound on it.
Soon I hope to incorporate changing the format to memorizing verses, especially longer passages of Scripture, but we will keep coming back to “virtues verses” as I call them.
Finally, we follow up with prayer. I haven’t used the Prayer Sticks this year yet. But they’re there if I need to change things up.
I remember as a teenager every day before school my mom would pray with my brother and me. Then we would all recite Psalm 19:14 (KJV) as a prayer. I memorized that verse that way!
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
As you can probably guess, I’m ending our virtues class with this as well, and they are memorizing this verse as a result. I love it!
u003cemu003eHere's how I helped my kids to follow God and help my teens have a daily quiet time.u003c/emu003e #ThrivingInChrist #LiveYielded #DailyTimeWithGod #Teenagers Share on X
Don’t Give Up
Remember, you’re planting seeds in your teen’s life with every bit of encouragement, instruction, prayer, and exhortation. We don’t see the seed in the ground once it’s been planted.
God is working on your teenagers hearts as you are faithful to train and influence them for the things of God. Then you will see them having a Daily Time with God.
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Great tips, Kelly. I remember in a radio program of Elisabeth Elliot’s, she mentioned that when you teach your children to feed themselves, it’s messy at first. And she said that’s true spiritually as well. She applied it to family devotions, when it doesn’t go perfectly and when all kinds of disruptions and distractions come up during that time. She encouraged parents to persevere and assured them that God was working even though it wasn’t all picture-perfect. But that applies with personal devotions as well.
I love that analogy! Thanks for sharing, Barbara!
These are great tips, Kelly! I think setting the example for them is the most powerful tip of all :).
True! Thanks for stopping by, Anita!
Kelly, I love these suggestions. Family devotions can be such a challenge, but they such an important way to model practicing our faith. Thanks for the book suggestions, as well!
Yes, challenge is a key word. lol But we must keep pressing on. Blessings to you!