17 Specific Prayers for Thriving in Christ

17 Prayers for Thriving in Christ.

Here is a list of specific prayers for thriving in Christ. I pray these daily for all my followers, readers, and subscribers. Each prayer is biblically based.

Before I get to the specific prayers, I’m praying some general prayers over you today:

Father, I pray for all my followers and friends today. May they only be influenced by who You want them to be. I pray a crop failure for any prayers that have been prayed for them that are contrary to Your will. May You be glorified through them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

>>> Check out our Prayer Guide: What Every Believer Needs to Know >>>

Now for the Specific Prayers for Thriving in Christ

#1: Love God

The first one is based off the first commandment Jesus gave us (Mark 12:30). I start these prayers with the first and second commands because they are the standard by which we base every action. I am praying for you daily that you would love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

#2: Love Others

I suspect none of us are perfect in the execution of walking in love, but I pray that the Holy Spirit will remind us while in the moment and show us exactly what that would look like. I’m praying this for myself, too, because I know I need to grow in this area! As we choose to walk in love, God will open doors of divine appointments to minister His life to others. I pray for you daily that you would love others (Mark 12:31).

#3: Draw Near to God

James 4:8a says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” I. Love. This. Promise. All it takes is a momentary pause in your day to draw near to Him. It’s a simple turning of your heart. It’s an uncomplicated decision. And the drawing near holds a sweet result—God’s presence. The way you sense Him will probably look different than your neighbor but that’s okay.

Notice He doesn’t give a specific way how to draw near, He just said draw near. Sometimes we complicate how we can come to God or when we can come to God when He simply desires for you and me to come to Him. I’m praying for you daily that you would draw near to God.

#4: Hindrances Removed

Galatians 5:7 (ESV) says, “You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth?” A plethora of hindrances come from every angle: sin, hurts, people pleasing, complacency, health challenges. The list seems endless. Those hindrances are distractions that keep us from running well with God. I pray for you daily that you would identify and eliminate hindrances that keep you from thriving in God.

#5: Daily Time with God

I pray that you would spend time with God daily. Matthew 6:11 (ESV) says, “Give us this day our daily bread.” It reminds me that not only do we need food for our physical body but our spirit man as well. It seems easy to eat physical food. Our stomach growling, our decreasing strength, and even grumpiness are all good reminders that we need to eat.

The signs of spiritual starvation aren’t as obvious. They’re listed in the post, 3 Simple Ways to Avoid Spiritual Starvation, if you want to find out what they are. Having a Daily Time with God is a daily denying (Luke 9:23). But when we do spend time with God, we’ll find a beautiful relationship with God, strength to meet the day, and matchless fulfillment.

#6: Provision

I pray for you daily for every need to be met. God’s supply is unlimited. May that truth overtake our limited thinking! I love Philippians 4:19 and Matthew 6:25-34, passages that help us know God will provide for our needs. We don’t need to worry.

He takes care of our needs and will also throw in some of our wants sometimes. He’s a good, good Father. If you need some encouragement for what your miracle-working God can do, check out 14 Miracles of God in Our Everyday Lives.

#7: Physical Healing

I pray for you daily for physical healing. My friend’s advice from when I faced a sickness years ago kept coming to me, “Don’t receive it.” What does that mean? It’s the devil who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He wants to steal your health, kill your body, and destroy your faith. If he approached you with a “gift” of sickness or disease, would you receive it?

God does NOT give us sickness or disease. God is the One who gives good gifts. Healing is yours for the taking (Matthew 8:17 and Isaiah 53:4a). If you’d like some encouragement on healing, check out my post, God’s Healing Power Is for You. If you’d like more help with how to pray, get God’s Healing Power Toolkit.

#8: Doer of the Word

The bold words of James 1:22-25 will shape your destiny if you are insightful enough to apply it. The Word liberates. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon for “law of liberty” in verse 25 states, “freedom from the dominion of corrupt desires, so that we do by the free impulse of the soul what the will of God requires.”

Our choices are deception or blessing. The determining factor is if we do the Word or not. I’d rather do the Word and live blessed, wouldn’t you? 😉 I pray for you daily that you would be a doer of the Word.

#9: Delight Yourself in the Lord

I pray for you daily that you would delight yourself in the Lord (Psalm 37:4). We can easily make the desires of our heart an idol when our focus is on what we want, instead of pleasing God. It brings a weariness to our spirit. In delighting ourselves in the Lord, it takes our focus off of what we are waiting for and places it back on the Lord. Waiting brings strength, not weariness, if we are waiting on the Lord. I’ve explained this in more detail in my post, In a Season of Waiting? Delight Yourself in the Lord!

Did you know I pray for you daily? I have a list of specific prayers I pray for all my followers, readers, and everyone I’m following. #thrive #prayer #pray #biblicaltruths #spiritualgrowth

#10: Wisdom and Discernment

I pray for you daily for an increase in wisdom and discernment. If you desire this, park in the first dozen verses of Proverbs chapter two. The promises there are amazing! They are conditional, though. The first four are the “if” portion. The next six are the “then” portion. God will work a change in you. How do I know? He did it with me! I was a biblical fool. If you’d like to know how it happened, check out my post, How a Biblical Fool Got a New Reputation.

#11: Memorize the Word

I pray for you daily that you would hide the Word in your heart. Psalm 119:11 (ESV) says, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” The idea here is that of storing up, reserving, treasuring in your heart God’s truth, commands, and promises. When you memorize the Word, it helps keep you from sinning.

Tip: praying it helps you memorize it! And praying these prayers for thriving in Christ every day is how I memorized many of the verses in this post! Or at least the general gist of them. {grin}

#12: Emotional Healing

I pray for you daily for emotional healing. It’s called heartbreak for a reason. Hurt shatters your heart but God can resurrect it! If you are going through emotional pain, lay your hand on your heart and pray the promise from Psalm 147:3 (ESV), “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

Need to know more about how to be healed from hurt? Check out my post, How to Be Healed from Hurt: a Triple-Braided Rope.

#13: Divine Protection

I pray for you daily for divine protection. My prayer usually goes something like this:

Thank You, God, for Your promise that no weapon formed against us will prosper. I declare there will be no accidents or injuries for us today. We will not be a part of an attack of any kind. Tragedy will not touch our family. Thank You that You’re with us as we’re going in and coming out and for our guardian angels. I plead the promises of Psalm 91 over us. Thank You for divine protection. Amen.

Check out the promises in Psalm 91:9-11, Psalm 121:8, and Isaiah 54:17.

#14 God’s Will Be Done

Sometimes doing God’s will is easy and other times it’s a difficult battle between flesh and spirit. Jesus knew this all too well when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane shortly before being crucified. He knew God’s will but yet He needed to pray “not my will but yours be done” (Luke 22:42).

The battle was so fierce that Jesus sweat drops of blood. “Hematidrosis,” a very rare condition of sweating blood, “generally happens when a person feels intense fear or stress.” While I don’t believe our struggle to live yielded to the will of God will be as intense as that, I still pray for you daily to delight to do it (Psalm 40:8).

17 Prayers for Thriving in Christ.

#15: Trust God

I want to know the outcome of every situation before it happens. It’s my struggle with desire to control. That’s why trusting God is challenging for me? Can you relate?

2 Corinthians 5:7 encourages us to walk by faith and not sight. That’s definitely easier said than done. God knows our end from our beginning, and He holds us in the palm of His hands. I pray for you daily to trust God (and me too). The faithful are full of faith. Believe in Him, even in the wilderness seasons, because you can be sure that He works everything to your good (Romans 8:28).

#16 Strength

Do you ever have those days when you feel like you just can’t do what you need to do? It’s more difficult on days when you wake up from a night that you were awake more than you slept. Or days when you’re dealing with difficult people. Or a spilled-your-coffee type day. Those are the days when I go to God’s promises of strength!

A few of my favorite verses for this are Psalm 138:3, Ephesians 3:16, and Isaiah 40:29. I pray for you daily for strength, claiming His promises. God never becomes weak or weary (Isaiah 40:28), so we know our source of strength never ends!

#17: Thrive in Christ

My favorite passage of Scripture, and the one that this blog is based on is Psalm 1:1-3. I think this best describes how we thrive in Christ. (This is why I’m praying prayers for thriving in Christ!!)

The righteous are illustrated by the simile of a tree both fruitful and flourishing. When we plant our roots deep into the soil of God’s Word and position ourselves to be continually nourished by Him, we will not wither but spiritually thrive! I love that! I can’t wait to share my series on thriving in Christ with you next month. In the meantime, I’m praying for you daily to thrive in Christ!

Here is a list of prayers for #ThrivingInChrist. I pray these 17 specific prayers daily for all my followers, readers, and subscribers. #LiveYielded Click To Tweet

Which of the prayers for thriving in Christ do you like best?

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  1. Thank you Kelly! Your prayers are so coveted! My heart is full with sincere gratitude to know that unseen soldiers are covering me in prayer. God bless you.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      My pleasure, Lureta! God bless you too!

  2. Thanks for these powerfully inspired scriptural prayer points I’m going to be using it as my daily prayer guide&motto remain blessed

  3. Kelly, Thank you for your commitment to prayer for us and for the encouragement that comes from knowing that you are praying. I pray, as well, for you, my friend!!!! I love the specific prayer points and Scriptures that you mention in your post. I’ll be sharing them with others. Visiting today from CMB.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      It’s a habit that brings much joy, Deborah! It’s a blessing to hear you are praying for me as well. Thank you! And thanks for sharing. 🙂

  4. Thank you for your prayers. I always take any prayers people want to pray over me that God has led them to pray. And I believe that God has led you to pray for all the women who are on your sight. But prayers go both ways, so I challenge every lady to pray for Kelly every day. Prayer is a powerful weapon against Satan and we don’t use it enough. God bless you, Kelly and all the women who visit your site.

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