What the Bible Says About Corban

Have you ever heard of the term corban from the Bible before? It’s in there, even if you don’t remember reading it. Let’s find out just what it means. #ThrivingInChrist #BiblicalTruths #Bible #Traditions #SpiritualTruths #Relationships #Parents

Have you ever heard of the term corban from the Bible before? Maybe you don’t remember reading it.

Trust me—it’s in there.

And the great thing about studying the Bible is we get to dig in and find out just what it says about corban.

Read the following passage and look for the word corban.

9 And he said to them, “You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your tradition!

10 For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.’

11 But you say, ‘If a man tells his father or his mother, “Whatever you would have gained from me is Corban”‘ (that is, given to God)–

12 then you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or mother,

13 thus making void the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And many such things you do.”

Mark 7:9-13 (ESV)

Jesus used this as a specific example of how the Pharisees and scribes upheld men’s traditions over the commandment of God.

God‘s law says that parents are to be honored. If the parents had needs and requested their children to help, the priests told them to answer corban.

What is corban?

This is a guest post for Nerd Word Wednesdays. Join me there to learn what the Bible says about corban.

* this is shared at some linkups

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    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Thanks for joining us, Michele!

  1. Loved learning from your post Kelly! Went over to read the rest and thanks for sharing.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      I appreciate you saying so, Gretchen!

  2. I’ll admit I’ve never noticed that word before! How interesting! Thanks for sharing.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      I hadn’t either, but I’m glad I know what it means now!

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