13 Miracles of God in Everyday Life

Here is a roundup of 13 stories of miracles in everyday life. God’s evident hand is in the details in our lives. Read and be encouraged!

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Most of us never experience a visit from an angel plainly declaring how God is about to do a miracle in our lives. If God does a miracle on our behalf, we are witnesses of His glory. And what a blessing that is!

One of the most well known miracles of all time is the miracle of Jesus’ birth. It’s one that’s for the benefit of all mankind. Sin separates us from God, but He made it possible for us to be with Him again by sending Jesus to earth. 

Jesus took on human form, was supernaturally born to the virgin Mary, and lived a sinless life. He took the punishment for our sins, dying in our place, because of His selfless love for us.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 NLT

That free gift is enough proof from a miracle-working God that He loves us and wants to be with us. But He didn’t stop there. He is the same God that performs miracles today.

God’s Miracles in My Everyday Life

God performed miracles in my life, and I love to hear how He did the same for others. When He moves through detailed circumstances in our lives it’s a manifestation of His love for us.

It also leaves us in awe as we see Him glorified through the mighty working of His power.

Since Almighty God still does miracles today, I wanted to hear more stories and share them here for our encouragement. I asked some other bloggers if they would share posts or stories of how God moved this way in their lives.

We aren’t more important or special than anyone else. God moved through our simple everyday lives. There’s no other explanation other than He is God. These miracles are reminders of His goodness. So through this post we will:

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! Psalm 96:3 ESV

These #miracles of God in the midst of our ordinary lives are reminders of His goodness. #ThrivingInChrist Share on X

3 Miracles God Did in My Life

Kelly R. Baker.

I tend to think either the devil tried to kill me a few times when I was little or else I just wasn’t too smart. I’ll go with the first one. 😉 I wrote a mini-series explaining three of these instances where God saved my life. If one small detail in any of the stories hadn’t happened the way they did, I wouldn’t be writing this today. All I can say is, thank you God!

Check out the You Are Here for a Reason mini-series. Quick links below.

Miracle #1: A Rescuing Hand

Miracle #2: God Saves a 3-Year-Old

Miracle #3: That Time I Caught on Fire

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A Roundup of Miracles in Our Everyday Lives

Miracle #4: My $15 Story

Rachel Schmoyer from Read the Hard Parts shares her $15 story. I shed a few happy tears at the end of this post. God moved in exact details. I’m still wondering if that could have been an angel?

Miracle #5: Pray Laugh Repeat: the bones and the blue eyes

RJ Rodda is an Aussie Christian expat mum in Georgia (not America). In this post, she shares a beautiful and miraculous testimony of how God knows us so completely. He is our Creator after all!

Miracle #6: No Scripture No Prayer

Emily M. Wood from Splashes of Joy shares a story of God in the details and how He comes to comfort at just the right moment. He hears. Always.

Miracle #7: A Bible Dripping with Oil

Leah Lesesne from Shelemah shares a surprising sign and wonder currently happening. I love the balance Leah brings out in this post.

Miracle #8: “A Miracle Heard”

Julie Dibble

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Julie Dibble shares “A Miracle Heard” for us here:

The room was dimly lit. About thirty of us sat in a wide circle of plastic chairs. The woman pastor leading the group provided a layman’s description of meditative prayer. Did God know I needed it simple to follow?

Letting my eyes fall shut, concern crept up the back of my neck. Clearing my mind was not easy. I am a planner, a thinker, a child of wonder. The cross. That’s what I can focus on.

Almost instantly the rabbit trails disappeared. It was if God erased a lifetime of worry, of plans, and those thoughts you think you so desperately need. His truth repeated and seeped, filled the deep crevices of old pain. No stiffness, no worries or shivering … well until just a bit later.

Out of nowhere, a voice spoke to me. “NO MORE ALCOHOL”.

I will strengthen you and help you. Isaiah 41:10.

No one laid hands on me

My eyes opened in a slight panic. All around, women talked quietly in a room now bright with lights. Was I in a trance? I had an urge to peek under my chair to see if someone put a recording or a talking doll there.

My soul knew the truth but dare not whisper. Self-medicative chains clanked on the floor.

A problem I didn’t think I had.

A legacy broken.

A heart healed.

A life saved.

More Miracles in Everyday Life

Miracle #9: Choosing to Stay

Sometimes God takes us into difficult circumstances and then shows us how He orchestrated it as an incredible blessing. A heart-touching story by Sara Payne from Uncommon Grace!

Miracle #10: The Back Story

Tammy Dunlap from Grandma Mary Martha shares this beautiful poem-story that shows God’s hand over our lives through the years and working everything to our good.

Miracle #11, #12, and #13: Grandma Knows a Secret

Myrtrude G. Hall.

In this post, I shared brief accounts of miracles my grandma experienced in three areas: health, financial, protection. It’s the first post in the “power of God” series I published. In it, we explore experiencing the miraculous power of God firsthand like Moses, Elijah, or Peter.

Your Turn to Share Miracles

God is so amazing! We hope you think so too after reading these. May we turn our hearts ever torward Him and thrive in His matchless love.

Now it’s your turn. What miracles have God done in your life or the life of someone you know?

Know someone that would be encouraged by this post? Use the icons below to share it!








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  1. Wow!!! What an inspiring post!!! Such a tetimony of God’s active presence in our lives!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      I love how He customizes His responses to our needs. He truly is a loving Father!

  2. I also wonder if it could have been an angel at the end of my story. Thanks for sharing! It’s mindblowing to think how God works so intimately for all His children!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Isn’t that the truth? God is awesome!

  3. Dear Kelly

    Just finished reading your blog post “14 Miracles of God in Our Everyday Lives”.

    Here are my thoughts:

    Agree with you; the most prominent miracle of all was Jesus’ birth.

    This enabled Christ to step in between God and us, so God doesn’t see our sins.

    Many modern people question why Jesus had to die for ‘all of us’ why couldn’t he do it ‘for himself’ they say.

    I cherish your idea of reaching out to bloggers and sum their experiences about this topic as you do.

    I think you’re right to “go with the first option”.

    You couldn’t put together this fantastic blog without being a smart woman.
    God bless!
    Edna Davidsen

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Edna! I hope this post will be a testimony to anyone who reads it!

      1. You’re welcome, Kelly.
        It’s a pleasure to read your material.
        Have a good one . . .

  4. This is wonderful! I can’t wait to come back and finish reading all of these testamonies. Thanks for rounding them up, friend.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      I’ve wanted to get a bunch of testimonies together for a long time. That verse about declaring His wondrous works resonates each time I read it! It’s a blessing to see you here, my friend!

  5. Love the encouragement here and how these stories show how amazing our God is.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Hi Rebekah! So glad you participated. 🙂 God is indeed amazing!

  6. What a great idea for a post! I want to come back and read all of these amazing testimonies now. God is so good!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      It’ll give you a faith boost! 😉

  7. It is so important to record the miracles we see so we can remember what God has done and encourage others with our stories. Our family witnessed a miracle last month and we don’t ever want to forget. God is real. He loves us. And sometimes things happen that are unexplainable and it is beautiful. Thanks for compiling all this information.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      I’m excited to hear God did a miracle for your family, Bailey! Praise God!

  8. Ten years ago, God miraculously saved Rev’s life and just a few months later – the life of our first grandchild. I call them both my miracle men. I wrote about Rev’s miracle here – https://countingmyblessings.com/important-thank-ten-years-making/
    I thank God every day for the blessing of bonus days!! Great post, Kelly! He continues to put His goodness on display every day!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Thanks for sharing that, Deb! God’s hand was in it all the way. He is good!

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