God’s Healing Power Is for You Today
Do you need healing? God’s healing power is for you! Jesus took care of our sickness and pain on the cross. Miracles of healing still happen today.

I am believing for miracles through God’s healing power to happen in your life even while you read this post! If that sounds outlandish, I don’t care. I don’t mind being radical for Jesus.
I’ve never met or heard of anyone who never had an ailment at one time or another. On any given day, I probably know of someone who is sick in some way. Like others, my history is dotted with illness.
Several months ago, I went to the doctor for what I thought was a quick appointment for something that wasn’t serious.
She was concerned. She took a closer look, shared more of her expert advice with me, and I left with an appointment card bearing the date and time of my scheduled surgery for a few weeks later.
It was only a little distressing compared to what others have gone through, but I was nervous between that initial day and the day I received a clean pathology report.
Dealing with the Battle
Nervousness wasn’t the only problem; I had to deal with an intense ongoing battle. Every time I felt the pain or remembered the upcoming surgery, I had a choice to make. Was I going to worry? Or stand in faith for a good report?
Right after praying God’s promises and deciding to trust God, doubtful thoughts would come. The “what if’s” were flying at me in fast succession.
What if I have cancer? What if I have to undergo treatments? Oh my Lord, what if I have to stay in the hospital for a long time?
Then I knew I would have to keep doing what I know to do: believe God for healing and stand on His promises until it’s done. I also began to wonder:
Why am I going through this?
The battle wasn’t easy, by any means. Many times my strong faith would falter after only a few minutes.

Don’t Receive It
My friend’s advice from when I faced a sickness years ago kept coming to me, “Don’t receive it.”
What does that mean? It’s the devil who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He wants to steal your health, kill your body, and destroy your faith. If he approached you with a “gift” of sickness or disease, would you receive it?
God does NOT give us sickness or disease. God is the One who gives good gifts. I had to keep reminding myself of those truths.
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. James 1:17 NASB
Why There’s Sickness
Why does God allow us to go through tough situations?
We live in a fallen world, and as a result, there’s sickness and disease. But Jesus came because God wanted to restore us back to what He called good when He created us and the world.
My husband can skip rocks across a calm body of water, but I have never been able to do it no matter how much I try. You know how it leaves that ripple effect? Let’s look at it like this a moment:
- Our world is a pond.
- The rock is that ailment that happens.
- The ripple effect is God’s ability to use that for many different purposes.
God could use those ripple effects for many different reasons. Through it maybe I would learn to cling to him like never before. Maybe I would increase in faith and decrease in doubt. Maybe I would dig into His Word and study like crazy about healing.
Looking back, I’d say all those happened anyway.
If you’re dealing with an infirmity, you may not know the reasons why until it’s over. But you can be sure that God will work everything for your good (Romans 8:28).
God can take that rock out of your pond, AND He can use the ripple effects. And God will be glorified!

Receiving God’s Healing Power
Check this out in Isaiah. This is cool:
Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. Isaiah 53:4 (ESV)
In the Hebrew, the word griefs means “sickness,” and the word sorrows means “pain.” I love that! How exciting, right?
That’s why I say pray His promises! Jesus already took care of our sickness and pain on the cross. Even if it’s a serious disease. If you are fearful that a sickness might cause death then look at it this way. It’s appointed unto man once to die, so pray, “God if it’s not my time to die, then I am receiving healing according to what I know in Isaiah 53:4.”
So many healings that took place in the Gospels happened because of the faith of that person. I know it’s easier said than done, but choose to believe that He has healing for you. “According to your faith be it unto you.”
And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction. Matthew 10:1 ESV
Jesus gave authority to His disciples to heal. We are His disciples. That goes for you and me, too! It’s not just for them back then. Why do we want to pick and choose parts of Scriptural truth? Jesus is the same (Hebrews 13:8). Why would He give healing to only part of His people? Why would He give authority to His people for only part of history? He doesn’t because He doesn’t change!
Jesus already took care of our sickness and pain on the cross. #ThrivingInChrist3 Passages Where We See Physical Healing and Spiritual Healing at the Same Time
These passages tell me that physical healing is just as much as my covenant right as salvation is!
#1 from Isaiah 53
Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. 5 But He [was] wounded for our transgressions, [He was] bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace [was] upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:4-5 NKJV, emphasis mine
Griefs = sickness
Sorrows = pain
Transgressions and iniquities = sins
Jesus took care of it all on the cross! By His stripes we are healed!
#2 from James 5
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. James 5:14-15 NKJV, emphasis mine
I’d often wondered why in a passage about physical healing, there is a line about sins being forgiven. It seemed almost out of place until I realized that God will bring physical healing and spiritual healing at the same time.

#3 from Luke 4
It’s found in Jesus’ words as well:
The Spirit of the LORD [is] upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to [the] poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to [the] captives And recovery of sight to [the] blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; Luke 4:18 NKJV, emphasis mine
Those who are:
- Brokenhearted need emotional healing
- Blind need physical healing
- Oppressed need spiritual healing
Again, Jesus can and will take care of all of these for you!
#4 from Mark 2
Jesus forgave the paralytic’s sins at the same time He healed him. (The full story is in Mark 2:1-12.)
5 When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” … 9 “Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘[Your] sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk’? Mark 2:5, 9 NKJV
God’s healing power is for YOU for whatever type of healing you need: physical, emotional, and spiritual.
Miracles of Healing
I’ve heard stories of miracles all my life. I don’t remember most of them, but a few have stayed in my mind. A young lady came to the altar several years ago to accept Jesus as Savior; while she was there God healed her of cancer. She had the tests before and after to prove it.
Another one is a case of a man that couldn’t move his neck past a certain degree. One Sunday morning during the time of worship last year, he was healed after having the same problem for about 15 years.
When my brother was a teenager, he saw a blind person recover his sight after he prayed for him.
God Has Power to Heal
Sickness and disease does not come from God. Even though sickness exists in this broken world we live in, and He can use your circumstances for many different reasons, God has power to heal.
Jehovah Rapha—the Lord your Healer (Exodus 15:26)—provides physical healing. You can believe in physical, emotional, or spiritual healing because of what Jesus did on the cross. He suffered to make you whole. Oh, how He loves us!
Miracles of healing still happen today. God’s healing power is for YOU!
How have you experienced God’s healing power?
The Praying for Healing Toolkit shows you how to pray for physical healing.

The Praying for Healing Toolkit shows you how to secure a breakthrough in praying for healing. It gives you examples and the tools to pray specifically and proactively.
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Don’t miss the other great posts in the Power of God series:
- Experiencing the Miraculous Power of God
- Like Moses, We Can Get Used to Using God’s Power
- God’s Power Defies What Is False
- How God’s Greatest Power Was in the Suffering of the Cross
- A Testimony of God’s Power of Provision
- Prayer Is a Conduit to God’s Power
- God’s Healing Power Is for You
- Live Empowered: the Holy Spirit Moves through Us
I’m reading Still Waiting by Ann Swindell right now — so good and she deals with the heartache of waiting for healing on this planet,using the Bleeding Woman in Mark 5 as an example alongside her own story.
I think I hear of the woman with the issue of blood at least once a week. Her story lives on because of her decision of faith. I don’t know Ann’s story, but I’ll say a prayer for her right now.
Is it a curse to be single for people who want to be married and have children? Why or why not?
The desire to be married and have children is God’s design. Not a curse.
I agree with you! I’m just wondering how I can get a husband as a never-married woman in my 40’s
That’s a good question, Theresa. I’ll just share my experience with you. When I was single I desperately wanted to get married so every thought and action contributed to that goal. But I was searching for fulfillment through a love that can’t completely satisfy.
Since I sought the wrong source for Love, my relationship with God didn’t seem to satisfy. I got mad at God and turned my back on Him for awhile. Then He ministered through my Mom one day. It’s a long story, and I need to share it in depth on the blog, but He caused me to have a revelation of His selfless love for the first time. That was when I turned my heart to Him and pursued Him with the same passion and intensity that I previously did marriage.
Now He was able to begin working on me because I wasn’t ready for marriage. He taught me to delight myself in the Lord that I might receive the desires of my heart (more on that here: https://kellyrbaker.com/in-a-season-of-waiting-delight-yourself-in-the-lord/ ). This is a big lesson because my heart desired a husband so much.
But if I had been married at that point, I would have made a wreck of it. I also had to allow God to teach me how to submit to authority, be considerate of others, and overcome the stronghold of lust (see this post for help with that or any weakness: https://kellyrbaker.com/a-process-for-overcoming-weaknesses/ ).
I had worked hard since I was a girl to know how to look good on the outside while seriously neglecting my inside. Therefore, Pride was a major issue. I wrote a series of short posts explaining how God dealt with uprooting the embedded pride (see days 21-25 of 40 Days of Daily Bread if interested: https://kellyrbaker.com/40-days-of-daily-bread/ ).
I met my husband 10 years before we were married and six of those we were marrying age. God told us, our parents, and a lot of other spiritual leaders in our lives we were meant to be, but that didn’t mean we should have tied the knot right then. Because we weren’t ready.
Now I don’t know your situation AT ALL, and I’m NOT trying to say you have all these problems. What I am telling you is, God knows you and what needs to happen in your life before releasing you to marriage. Ask Him to show you if there’s anything He needs to change in you that’s a hindrance to marriage, and then be teachable and yield to the Potter’s hand.
I hope this is helpful. Thanks for your question. Perhaps I’ll turn this into a post one day in case it’s helpful to others. Many blessings and praying for you daily!
Wow, Kelly. I’ve never considered that Isaiah verse in that way. Thanks for that insight. Great article today, friend. ((xoxo))
Studying the Hebrew and Greek provides additional insights. I’m happy to hear you were blessed by it. Have a great week, friend! 🙂
Kelly, I love your insight about the ripple effect! Thanks for sharing!
Being bedridden for four pregnancies left me a lot of time of asking questions. I didn’t receive healing the way I wanted, but each one of those times I learned stuff about my heart and other truths I didn’t know. I have been healed at other times, though, so that analogy made perfect sense when it popped in my head. Thanks for your comment, Leslie!
Very powerful post! Illness was like a prison for me. I just shut down. Lived like I was dying because I truly believed I was. A friend of mine told me to not receive it. Reject what was happening in my body. Embrace my life…live like I was living! What a difference a positive mindset can make! A year later, I am not 100% but Jesus has brought me so far! Our God is Jehovah Rapha!
What a wonderful testimony, Jessica! It reminds me of another story of a woman in the hospital dying. A minister told the woman to keep repeating, I am healed. At first, she could barely whisper it. But as time went on she was shouting it. It wasn’t long before she was released from the hospital. 🙂 Praise God for healing you, too!
Great post-Kelly! I’ve had periods over the last few years of sickness and health problems too. God’s teaching me not the “whys,” but to have trust no matter what.
I like the idea of rejecting sickness!
There’s our word again! 😉 He always wants what’s best for us, doesn’t He?
Love that ripple effect analogy! It’s easy to grow skeptical of miracles in this day of shams…thank you for helping me to distinguish between being skeptical of shams and skeptical of my God. Thanks for sharing at the #warriorlinkup
Honestly, I was nervous to post this because there has been a lot of fake hoopla out there. I love how you put it, though. We needn’t be skeptical of our God who wants wholeness for us in every area. Thanks for your comment, Liz. 🙂
Dear Kelly,
Thank you for sharing your analogy of the the skipping rock. God knows what He is doing, and HE will always work things together for good! He is so trustworthy! Blessings to you!
You’re welcome, Bettie! It’s helped me so I wanted to share it here. Blessings to you, too!
Kelly – Praying and standing on God’s promises is definitely all we have especially when we are not healed. I wish there was a formula or an answer to how why some are healed and some are not… I appreciate your transparency and your digging into the original greek and Hebrew to dig out some great revelation for us all.
PS — I am so glad you could join the party last week at #TuneInThursday. I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get around to commenting on your post, I had a retreat I was speaking at this past weekend, and it put me behind a few days.
I like studying the Hebrew and Greek. It’s brought clarity I wouldn’t have had otherwise. Thanks for being here, Debbie!