Trusting God Will Make You Happy
Learn the specific benefits of trusting God and how they can help you instead of staying in a place of anxiety, fear, and worry.
Do You Know the Benefits of Trusting God?
Recently I wondered, “Where are You, God?” I sat on the little stool in my room by my bed. For some reason, it’s one of those places I plop down when my heart has spiraled into a downcast mode.
The problems, prayer requests, and places in my heart I knew still needed to change loomed large. Isn’t God supposed to be bigger than life itself? I mean, He’s the One who created all things and holds the universe in the span of His hand.
Someone that big shouldn’t seem…missing?
But I didn’t need to put up colorful posters like one puts out the word for his lost dog. Instead, I asked God a simple question:
What do I need?
His answer came in the form of a devotional on trusting God that I came across right after I prayed that. He wasn’t missing after all or even hiding. He’s always there for me providing strength and joy through His Word.
I took a couple of weeks and submersed my inner man in devotionals and verses on trusting God. And you know what happend? Everything seemed right again. Circumstances didn’t really change. If anything, they got worse (can anyone say Coronavirus?).
But I had a happy heart—because I was trusting in God again! Check out this verse:
And whoever trusts in the LORD, happy is he. Proverbs 16:20 NKJV
What a gem of a verse! Some other translations use the word blessed instead of happy, but a quick look at the Greek shows us it means happy.
The overall advantage of trusting God is happiness. Sounds good to me! But today I’d like to share with you some more specific benefits of trusting God.

Start the Day with the Benefits of Trusting God
Beginning your day to consciously trust in God will help you through the rest of your day. Why? Because:
- It sets your heart and mind in the right direction.
- Later, when you hear scary news or a worry comes to mind, it’s easier to remember the soul food from earlier.
- When you make a conscious effort, you’re not just floating through life letting it dictate your days. Instead, you’re training your brain to depend on God.
Seeking God Helps You Trust in God
Seeking God and trusting God. Are they related? Look at this verse:
And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You. Psalm 9:10 NKJV
I think they are intertwined because when I do, I:
- acknowledge that He is my source
- believe and act on the truth that “greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4)
- come to the Prince of Peace and therefore I receive His peace
Trusting God Helps Your Heart Stay at Peace
I remember it like yesterday when I was directing the kids, shoveling the last bites of breakfast, and trying to grab last-minute items. We were trying to get out the door on time. (Obviously this was pre-coronavirus-lockdown.)
My heart rate increased; I hoped my deodorant would last. The unpleasantries of stress!
As a SAHM, I don’t leave my house very much. If I have to be somewhere at a certain time, I can feel the mounting pressure. I don’t like it.
Yet even in the midst of rushing to get out the door in time, I can trust God. When I do, it helps my heart stay at peace because I’m:
- trusting instead of worrying
- thinking of His promises instead of dwelling on “what if’s”
- casting my concerns into His capable hands instead of trying to carry the burden on my own
Trusting God in Good Times Versus Bad Times
It’s “easier” to trust God on the good days, right? So next time you’re in a season of smooth sailing, make a conscious effort to trust Him. Just simply praying, “I trust You, God, with [insert something easy]” will direct your heart in this.
If I trust the God that I know in good times—whose names match His character—it becomes a habit no matter what’s going on in life. That habit becomes a string of experiences. I’ve experienced His faithfulness in good times so I know He won’t let me down in hard times.

To the Level of Confident
How can you gain a confident trust in God? I think this is done by remembering :
- His promises—and choosing to believe them
- how He’s helped those in the Bible
- how He’s helped me in the past
Make it active by firmly casting your cares on Him with every inkling of worry or doubt.
Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 ESV
A Place of Happy Trust
Do you see how trusting God brings you to a place of happy trust? The next time your heart is flipped on its side from anxiety, fear, or worry, remember to actively trust God. It can be your happy place.
Let the benefits of trusting God be evident in your life. It will cause your light for Him to shine brighter to all around you.
Thank you for this uplifting post! I like how you highlight this simple, yet powerful truth that trusting God is directly linked to our happiness and well-being!
The other day when I was going through the devotionals I mentioned in the post, I thought, “How simple! All I need to do is trust God? Yep!” Then I smiled. 😉 Have a great weekend, Hadassah!
Thank you for this honest and encouraging post especially for such a time as this when it seems like God is nowhere to be found. I really appreciate the last point that we can trust God because of His promises and how He has helped us and others in the Bible.What a faithful God we serve. He really is in control.🌺
His faithfulness makes it easier to trust Him! So glad you dropped by today, Tinashe!
Your post touch a spot in my world right now. We are moving the end of this month, moving to another state unless they shut down between state traveling. I just ask my husband this morning, you think people will think we are crazy to move right now? The move has to happen as we lose our place to live the end of the month. So my emotions have been like a rolling coaster, and my poor husband who is stable as a rock has let me just roll cause He knows the rock he stands on is the same I stand on. Thank God for a firm foundation to stand on and never moves as we roll all over the place till we get back to our foundation. Trying times but no better time to grow in our trust in Him , no matter where our emotions goes at times. Thanks for the wisdom in this post.
Betty, I’m saying a prayer for you and your husband right now regarding this move. And I pray that you walk in happy peace as you continue to trust in God through this whole process. Many blessings to you!