God’s Promises Aren’t Broken
God’s promises aren’t broken. Here’s how we know God will provide for our needs, how to receive the answers, and five prayers for provision.

For the last few years, my family and I have dealt with some usual and unwanted circumstances. It made me feel as if God’s promises were broken.
One day I had a conversation with God and gave Him a long list of the reasons why He needed to provide for our family.
But I was going about it all wrong. I was trying to convince Him to provide for my family when He already knows our needs and promised He would provide.
I love the wonderful promises found in the Word of God. But the Enemy, being the deceiver that he is, tried to make me stay in discouragement.
He will take the difficult circumstances we are facing and try to make us doubt—not the existence of God—but rather His promises.
When Needs Seem to Overpower God’s Promises
We all have needs. Our bills are a great reminder that the list is long, aren’t they?
What do we do when outstanding bills are stacked in front of us? When God doesn’t seem to be holding up to His promise of being provider?
God is a good Father; He takes care of His own. We can expect that because He told us so right here:
Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:25,33 ESV
What does He tell us? Not to be anxious.
Instead, we are to have faith (v.30) and seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (v.33).
He’s got this. He just promised us!
Are God’s Promises Broken?
What about when we aren’t making ends meet each month? Or we’re living month-to-month? Or we have to take the bus because we don’t have our own car yet?
Those kinds of circumstances can make living stressful. God knows that, and He tells us to not be anxious.
When life doesn’t look good for us, it’s tempting to compare our lot in life with those around us:
Why are her needs getting met and not mine?
Sometimes we need to take an honest assessment of our lives and spend time with God in prayer to determine if a hindrance is blocking answers. Perhaps there is unrepented sin. If not, then God wants us to trust Him—and seek Him.
Our experiences are not wasted. He will use the circumstances describing our lives right now to cause us to grow spiritually.
How do we know God will provide for our needs? Here’s how to receive the answers, and five prayers for provision to get you started.God’s Promises Aren’t Broken: Using His Promises Correctly
The more I live in life, the more I believe problems are solved by getting God’s wisdom, being disciplined to apply it, and trusting God with the rest.
However, sometimes we lack understanding of His promises or we could use a reminder of what we already understand as an encouragement.
We will receive answers when we:
- Ask for it (James 4:2; Matthew 7:7)
- Ask for needs, not lustful desires (James 4:3)
- Pray His promises (see verses below)
- Stand in faith/trust Him until it’s done (Matthew 6:25-33)
5 Scripture Passages for Provision
His faithfulness won’t fail us! Check these out:
- Psalm 37:25 ESV I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread.
- Isaiah 65:24 ESV Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.
- Matthew 6:25 Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
- Philippians 4:19 ESV But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
- Matthew 21:22 ESV And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

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My circumstances haven’t changed, but I am walking in his peace and growing in grace. I’m getting His promises for provision deep inside my heart.
As I pray them, I’m reminded that His Words have power and life (Proverbs 18:21). What a blessing!
He is a good Father, and He takes care of His people. We can trust in Him, resting in His promises.
No matter what our circumstances look like, we can throw down all thoughts of doubt, and choose to believe what He says in His Word.
He knows our needs and He promises to meet them. No, God’s promises aren’t broken!
Prayer for Provision
God, You are my Provider. You know my needs before I ask them. Before I began this prayer, You were already aware and working to provide. You hear and You see. You haven’t forsaken me. I am Your child and I won’t be begging. You are providing me with food and drink and the clothes I need. It’s coming about according to Your riches and glory.
I don’t have to be anxious because I have Your peace. You generously impart wisdom to those who ask, so I’m asking for wisdom. Show me if there’s anything else I need to do. Reveal how You are working everything to my good.
Thank You for the strength to continue to stand in faith. Whatever You want me to learn during this season, I yield. Not my will, but Yours be done. Thank You for Your faithfulness, Lord! In Jesus’ name amen!
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It’s been a week – actually a long season – of “one thing after another” here, Kelly! I needed these reminders today! Thank you!
Great to see you here, Stacey! So good when God brings those reminders, right? Have a great day. 🙂
I pinned this, Kelly, because I keep having to come back to the foundation of God’s faithfulness–even when there is little evidence in the circumstances. Blessings to you!
Oh me too! It’s like we know it, but in the moment…yeah. Blessings to you as well, friend!
These are great verses to hold on to. It is hard when it seems like God is not acting in a situation, or at least not as we want him to. So important to remember that he knows our needs and promises to provide.
Hello Kelly,
If I don’t know anything else, I know God is faithful. Thanks for the reminder that his promises are never ever broken.
Hey Kelly,
Great post! It is a shift in our mindset from scarcity to abundance. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He cares for us and promises to provide for our needs. If know we how to give our kids good gifts, how much better will our heavenly care for us!
Blessings, Misty
Love this, Kelly. This is a wow-line, “My circumstances haven’t changed, but I am walking in his peace and growing in grace. I’m getting His promises for provision deep inside my heart.” Amen, my friend.
Been there, Kelly and the verses you have written here served as a great encouragement. Praying you feel the love of God’s provision as you continue to walk in faith.
Thank you for the great message.I really need it at this moment,as I am not going to church ,not reading my bible,not praying,I am lost n I wonder if God has forgotten me too.i don’t know where to start n what to do.I read your nesssge that God still there but I need prayers.Thank you Kelly for sharing God’s word…God Bless your Ministry
I’m in a scary place right now. In many ways. Health, worried about my children, feeling lost and apart from God. Spiritual desert feeling forgotten because I cannot feel God’s prescence. Thats the worst. I really was guided to this post today. Thank You for being you.
Praying for you, Margaret! God hears you: https://kellyrbaker.com/feel-meaningless-god/
Praying for you, Elizabeth! God hasn’t forgotten you! https://kellyrbaker.com/feel-meaningless-god/