What Freedom in Christ Looks Like

Do you want to know What Freedom in Christ Looks Like? Discover a greater freedom in Christ with the Blogger Voices Network’s online event! We have an incredible line up of writers and free gifts for you! #FruitOfFreedom

What Freedom in Christ Looks Like.

When I was a very young adult, unmarried, I worked for a job that took me almost an hour to get there each day. About five minutes after I left work, I waited at a red light. Even in the dark, I felt eyes on me. 

When I glanced to my right, a middle aged, plain looking man met my gaze. I didn’t think much about it and drove on as soon as the light turned green. Immediately after, he changed to the lane behind me, and I noticed his uncommon boxed shaped headlights.

Thoughts from my day swirled in my brain, and I sang along with the radio. Then almost at the halfway point home, I guided my car into the double left turn lane. Square headlights followed, and I remembered the middle aged man. For a second I wondered if he…? But no, I immediately dismissed the silly idea since hundreds of cars took that same route between towns.

 When I:

  • Sped up, he trailed
  • Slowed down, he tailed
  • Changed lanes, he tracked

After 10 minutes of that, my body shook; I had a first class stalker!

My mind froze, my tires drove. I couldn’t formulate a plan and yet the minutes kept passing. 

I argued with myself as my neighborhood neared, and against all reason, I continued my course straight for home. 

Help Me, God! I’m Scared!

With panicked fingers, I clutched my phone, and remembered he couldn’t see what I was dialing in the dark. Beyond thankful that my parents were home, I nearly shouted when they answered. Finally, my words spilled into coherence, and I shared a condensed version of the situation. My dad was on his way to help me! 

I was almost to my street, but determined that he wouldn’t learn where I lived. I quickly turned into a street that housed a quiet row of townhouses. That was a mistake; I didn’t know the area well. When he tried to block me in a corner, I screamed and my eyes darted back and forth for an escape route. 

He realizes I know! There! There’s an outlet!

I sped back onto the main road; the chase continued. 

As I passed my house, I saw my dad running to his car. I prayed he saw me heading toward the cul-de-sac. When I reached it and turned my car around, I stopped face-to-face with haunting box shaped headlights. A moment later, my dad arrived in his car and cut the guy off from following me.

My dad was my hero that day. He stopped the guy under the guise of neighborhood watch and demanded to know what he was doing. The man who stalked me for 30 miles protested:

“I was just going to talk to her! I just wanted to have some fun!”

My mom called 911. The police advised me to head to the nearest shopping center and they would meet me inside the grocery store. But I didn’t feel safe until I was home again with my vehicle hidden in the garage. 

God Is for Us

Ever since that day, I keep my eyes peeled whenever I’m out in public. 

The truth is, I don’t want my spiritual self to be in danger anymore than my physical body. That’s why I need to have the right heart attitudes and be vigilant like 1 Peter 5:8 says. The enemy of my soul is perpetually stalking and trying to enslave me.

But God is for us!

When His people are in bondage to sin or addiction, He grieves. And trust me, He’s much more grieved than He is angry. The Word says repeatedly that God is slow to anger.

The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” Exodus 34:6 ESV 

Our God is kind! And it’s His kindness that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4).

The Lord is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His deeds. Psalm 145:17 (NAS)

Remember in my story above when I took a turn that almost got me stuck? The Father’s got you. Even if you do the wrong thing while trying to be free

When you call on God, He will run to your rescue. He will cut off the danger and bring you to safety. That’s what freedom in Christ looks like.

When you call on God, He will run to your rescue. He will cut off the danger and bring you to safety. That’s what freedom in Christ looks like. #FruitOfFreedom #BloggerVoicesNetwork Click to Tweet

Blogger Voices Network’s What Freedom in Christ Looks Like Online Event

And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. John 8:32 NASB

Would you like to know what freedom in Christ looks like in your life? Every breakthrough and victory is found in God alone!

29 Christian Resources for Finding Freedom from Addiction.


This online event is over, but you can check all the posts below! And if you sign up, you will receive a download of 29+ Christian Resources for Finding Freedom from Addiction!

What to Expect

  • 15 inspiring articles on what Freedom in Christ looks like
  • Free gifts from the post authors (specifically members of the Blogger Voices Network)
  • A download of 29+ Christian Resources for Finding Freedom from Addiction for those who RSVP

How Do I RSVP?

Simply sign up below! 

I can’t wait to share these testimonies with you! We’re talking about freedom in so many areas!

Check out the Incredible Line up on What Freedom in Christ Looks Like!

Week 1

Freedom from Bitterness Can Be Yours Too 

How to Find Freedom from Self-Hatred: 4 Truths to Practice Instead

Why We Need Freedom from People Pleasing

3 Action Steps to Find Freedom from a Wounded Spirit

10 Steps to Freedom from Insecurity

Week 2

Get Free from Seeking Soothsayers and Fortune Tellers

Break Free from Fear of an Uncertain Future

The Freedom in Beauty and Value Defined by God

How to Find Freedom from Fear of Singleness

Feeling “Fenced In”? Get Freedom from Comparison Instead

Week 3

6 Biblical Steps to Freedom from Panic Attacks

You Won’t Get Freedom From Negative Thoughts Until You Do This

Dying to Self: Why All Christians Need Freedom from the Self-Focused Life

How to Find Freedom from Overwhelming Grief

Finding Freedom from Trying to Make It to Heaven

Discover a greater freedom in Christ with the #BloggerVoicesNetwork's latest online event: What Freedom in Christ Looks Like. #FruitOfFreedom Click to Tweet

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  1. Amazing post! God truly hears and rescues us!

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