How to Break Free from Fear of an Uncertain Future

Does the thought of not knowing your future leave you paralyzed? Here’s how to find freedom from fear of an uncertain future by Stacey Pardoe. Read on for Day 7 in the What Freedom in Christ Looks Like Online Event by the Blogger Voices Network, hosted right here at

Stacey Pardoe is a lover of the woods, a passionate and imperfect follower of Christ, the mother of three blue-eyed children, the wife of Darrell, and much more. She writes words about her walk of faith in the in-between moments, and she mentors and teaches the Bible to younger women.  

Autumn’s early dusk shrouded me in darkness the night I realized I was stuck.

Alone in the room with the children’s photos on the walls and the moon leaking milky white through the curtain, I stared down the enemy, and I named it in a whisper:  The fear of an uncertain future had me utterly paralyzed.

It wasn’t the first time I’d tasted this fear.  I tasted it the year I entered into a career as a high school special education teacher and felt every sense of control over my environment slip out the narrow gap of the classroom window.  I tasted it when the doctor looked at me and uttered a diagnosis I was entirely unprepared to receive. I tasted it when I was utterly terrified to step into a calling that felt way too big for my little life.

We each have our own battles with fear, and our fears threaten to paralyze us from fulfilling God’s plans for our lives.

Wrestling with Fear

That night with the moon shining white on the wall had me wrestling with the fear that the child growing within me might not make it.

We were in the early stages of the first trimester, and I knew the statistics.  I’d seen it lived out with countless loved ones, and I’d tasted the bitter reality of grieving over little lives that seemed to end far too soon.  Simply put, I was afraid to let myself love the little one growing inside of me, because loving fully felt entirely too dangerous.

Sometimes believing God’s best about the future – sometimes holding onto hope – feels nothing short of dangerous.  If I let myself hope, it might hurt way too much if my dream is crushed, and so, I tell myself it’s safer not to hold onto hope.

Sadly, when I live with this kind of limited hope, I let fear guide my life.

When I live with a guarded, protected heart, I forfeit the abundant kind of life into which Jesus invited me to live. @StaceyPardoe #FruitOfFreedom #BloggerVoicesNetwork Click to Tweet

3 Truths to Find Freedom from Fear of an Uncertain Future

As I worked through my fear of the future of our unborn child, I gleaned several truths that eventually led me to freedom from fear in Christ.  If you are wrestling with fear of an uncertain future, hold onto these truths for yourself today:

Freedom from Fear Comes when I Cling to Living Hope

I am a woman who embraces opportunities to “fix” the circumstances surrounding me.  I carry bandages in my purse, keep a sewing kit in the car, and feel accomplished when I make wrong things right.  Unfortunately, my ability to fix my circumstances can easily become my primary source of hope.

What does a woman do when she realizes she can’t fix or manipulate the uncertainty of her future? @StaceyPardoe #FruitOfFreedom #BloggerVoicesNetwork Click to Tweet

She clings to the Living Hope.  1 Peter 1:3 reminds us that God has called us to a Living Hope.  Jesus is the Living Hope in the thick of your uncertainty.  

Freedom comes when you resist the urge to fix your circumstances or manipulate your future.  These false sources of hope fall short. Christ is your hope in the midst of your fear. When you encounter him in the storm of uncertainty, the weapon the enemy intended to use for your destruction (fear) is turned against him as you use that fear to lead you closer to your loving Father.

Freedom from Fear Comes when I Trust a Plan That Is Already Written

As I processed my fears about the future of our precious baby, I was reassured by the truth that all the days ordained for the child’s life were already written (see Psalm 139:16 NASB).  

We do not need to fear the future, because God is sovereign over what is to come.

Our role is to honor him and aim to follow him as well as we know how.  When we live with pure intentions to whole-heartedly obey, God holds the outcome in his hands.  

Freedom from Fear Comes when I am Willing to Risk for the Sake of Love

Perhaps you are afraid to let yourself hope for the best as you look to the future.  Maybe your dream was crushed in the past. Maybe holding onto hope hurt, and you’re set on guarding your heart to avoid the pain that comes when excitement is extinguished by disappointment.

If this is you, hold onto this truth: Jesus risked everything for the sake of love.

You will find freedom when you let yourself go “all in” after your dream, when you let yourself fall wildly in love with your unborn child, when you fight with all your heart to save your marriage, when you lay it all on the line without walls of protection.

Jesus laid down his life for the sake of love.  He showed the world what love is when he died on the cross to pay the price for our sins.  He poured it all out, and there was a price, but the price was worth the effort.

You will find freedom when you set aside your fear and risk for the sake of love.

No Regrets

Eight months after that dark night of wrestling through my fears, our third child came into the world with clenched fists and outstretched arms.  I had loved him without walls throughout the course of a very long pregnancy, and for our family, the risk concluded with the fulfillment of a dream and the gift of a child.

I know that every story doesn’t end with a fruitful outcome, and I know what it is to see a loved one lost, despite hopeful prayers.  I know what it is to weep behind the locked bathroom door as little fists pound to come in. However, even when the future didn’t work out as I hoped, I have never for a moment regretted risking all for the sake of love.

Free Gift

If you would like to take a journey into a life that is more intentional in the ways you connect with God and with others, my gift to you today is my free 21-day devotional Unrushed: Train Yourself to be Less Hurried, More Disciplined, and More Intentional in Your Relationships with God and Others.  Each day of this journey will focus on one of the following: your thoughts, your relationship with God, or your relationships with others. This is a transformational journey into a life that is more present – more fully lived. Click here, and I’ll send this free resource to your email inbox! 

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  1. I love this post! Struggling with insecurity and fear of the future, as well as fear of the unknown is an everyday challenge for a lot of believers. We long for safety and security and we often search it in predictability and control. Thank you for sharing your personal struggle and offering Biblical perspective and fresh hope!

    1. I completely agree, Hadassah! It feels safer for me to hold onto my sense of control; however, when I let myself “go all in” for the sake of love, God shows up in the most faithful and surprising ways. May we be women who live “all in” as we release our ideas about control to him!

  2. I’ve wrestled with fear of the future as well, and these are such helpful points. In my early Christian life, I thought prayer and faith would result in positive outcomes. But God sometimes lets us experience disappointment and loss. That added a level of fear, but I wrestled with the fact that whatever He allows, He has a reason for, and He will give grace to go through it. I still have to remind myself of these truths often.

  3. This is so true, Barbara. Letting ourselves hold onto hope can lead to disappointment – even heartbreak – but as I look back on my life, these are the times God has most radically shaped me . . . May we step into uncertainty with faith and trust – willing to risk for love! Thanks for reading and sharing your insight today!

  4. Stacey,
    Thankyou for sharing so honestly about your struggle. I praise God for the gift of your son!

    I’m walking through a time of personal fear right now as I await a diagnosis from the doctor and relate so well to being afraid of what the future holds. Oh, that I would honor Him no matter the outcome!

    Peace and grace,

  5. Stacey Pardoe says:

    I’m praying with you and for you, Tammy! I find that nothing “undoes” me like not knowing what will happen with a medical diagnosis. I went through a scare a couple of years ago that really sent me into a place of fear like I’d never known. I pray that the peace of Christ guards your heart through this time of waiting . . . that no matter what the outcome holds, it leads you to the arms of the Father . . . because in the very end of the story, we all win . . .

  6. So glad to find this post, Kelly! Thanks for welcoming Stacey’s wise words.
    And Stacey, whenever I read your thoughts, I have a fleeting remembrance of Anne Shirley’s words of relief: “Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think.”

    1. I love Anne’s words, Michele (Just watched a full VHS series of Anne throughout my 9-month stint on the couch when I was desperate for wholesome and whimsical entertainment!)! It’s been fun connecting with you in a couple of different spaces lately. You are so faithful, my kindred spirit!

  7. Sherry Young-Jones says:

    Hello Stacey, thank you for the Bible verse:
    1 Peter 1:3 reminds us that God has called us to a Living Hope. Jesus is the Living Hope in the thick of your uncertainty.
    The daily thought of releasing my fear of being a career switcher in 2020 is my reality. I’ve been in public and private education for almost thirty years and special education for the last nineteen years. Retrieving my doctoral degree in 2020 is outside the realm of public education. I have no job offers, titles, or locations of where my Act II will reside. Nevertheless, I have a peace that surpasses all understanding of God’s plan. My daily goal is to do what I can to complete this academic journey and trust God for today and tomorrow. A support mechanism I use daily is to habitually recite 1Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
    Psalms 23 1
    The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
    2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
    he leads me beside quiet waters,
    3 he refreshes my soul.
    He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake.
    4 Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,[a]
    I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.
    5 You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.
    You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
    6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
    and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
    Peace and blessings,

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