Do You Celebrate a Spiritual Birthday? Here’s How.
Heard of a spiritual birthday? We don’t always connect the years of being a Christian and spiritual growth in the same way maturing happens in the natural.

I used to look forward to my birthdays when I was a child, as all little kids do. But today’s post isn’t about my birthday. At least not one in the natural. Have you ever heard of having a spiritual birthday?
My five-year-old height couldn’t see the stage when the congregation was standing to worship God during church that day. I wanted to join in the singing. Without moving my head I looked up toward those standing beside me.
No one can really hear me, right?
The warm, inviting feeling in the room was so tangible, my eager heart couldn’t help but respond. I started singing along quietly, keeping more of a focus on whether or not someone was watching me than anything else. I didn’t want them to notice.
Suddenly, my parents saw my shy participation, and nodded their happy approval. Although they encouraged me to continue, I stopped in embarrassment. After they looked away, I ventured to be involved in the singing once more. A moment later, singing bolder. I didn’t realize what was happening, but I felt…something. Although, I knew it was God.
I squirmed through the preaching, more from trying to dodge the conviction I was experiencing than from boredom. It didn’t come from the words of the preacher. It was just there, knocking on the door of my young soul.
Jesus Calling Me
Near the end of the service, people were responding to the altar call. I tugged on my mom’s sleeve, and let her know that I thought I should go up there. I remember her trying to explain that the altar call didn’t apply to me. Maybe it was for healing, or for finances. I don’t know.
Whatever it was for, it didn’t matter. God was tenderly calling me to Himself.
RELATED: Read This If You Feel Meaningless to God
I tugged with more force, “I think I need to go up there!”
She took me up to the front and we knelt down while she talked to me. That day she led me to the Lord. After we prayed my conscience felt clear again. At the end, she asked me if I understood what had just happened. I said no, and ran off to play. I couldn’t explain what had just happened because I didn’t know all the big words. What I could grasp as head knowledge that day was less important than my heart’s answer.
How could a five year old become a Christian? It’s debatable, sure, but I had discovered that He was real, and I knew that I said yes to God.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
I count that day as my spiritual birthday. And I think God looks on that day with a smile.
A Spiritual Birthday Versus Maturing in Christ
I don’t consider a spiritual birthday as a religious “thing” to keep, but as a marker. Not everyone will connect the many years of being a Christian and spiritual growth in the same way maturing happens in the natural.
But I think we need to. And we will if we are living yielded to God.
You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food.
For someone who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn’t know how to do what is right.
Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong. Hebrews 5:12-14 NLT
A 40 year old isn’t going to be drinking milk from a bottle. Similarly, a person that has been a follower of Jesus for 15 years is supposed to look different from a Christian of 30 years.
Ways to Celebrate a Spiritual Birthday
Time needed: 1 day
How can I celebrate a spiritual birthday?
- Take time for a personal retreat with just you and God.
He is continuing to work on you from the beginning of your spiritual birthday until Jesus comes back (Philippians 1:6). This is a time when you can ask God to reveal if you’ve stopped growing spiritually. Grab your spiritual journal, your Bible, and a designated area. I recommend using the God Time Mindsets Mini-Course for a personal retreat with God.
- Consider biblical fasting.
Fasting helps you to eliminate distractions so you can focus on the Lord. There are numerous other benefits as well. Instead of feasting on party food like you would for a natural birthday, feast on the Word of God. Enjoy his presence instead of presents.
- Share about your spiritual birthday on social media.
It could spark some conversations that ultimately lead to you witnessing to someone. You will also encourage other Christians to think about their own spiritual birthday and celebrating it.
Milestones of Maturity
I desire to grow spiritually the longer I belong to Jesus.
Do you? We can look forward to all the milestones of maturity God has planned for us. That’s exciting!
I desire to grow spiritually the longer I belong to Jesus. #LiveYielded Share on XDo you celebrate a spiritual birthday? How many years have you been a follower of Jesus?
I accepted Christ at age five as well. Love your reference to Hebrews at the end.
Cool. Thanks for stopping by, Lydia!
My husband accepted Christ at 5- and you phrase it so well. You didn’t know the big words, but you knew the Lord working and you knew what He did in your heart. Love your description and praising the Lord He reaches us all at different times and brings us up in Him in His own timing too! Thanks for sharing : ) #RaRaLinkup
Yes, He does. Thanks for your comment. 🙂
Well, this year is my 60th year knowing the Lord. Now, does that mean I have used my 60 years as a great leader and praiser and devout? NO…. Praiser, well, yes, even as a little 8-yr old can praise God in her (his) small, young way. I laughed with God as He played a game with me when I was young that I never forgot. That was before I was 8 and before I accepted Jesus as my Savior. But, I always knew how to get back to Him when I strayed, and knew ALWAYS that my mom and Grandfather especially were praying for me. I was blessed to be raised in a Christian home with love and kindnesses that showed me the way to the Father long before I asked Jesus in my heart. It was as if I always knew Him. Always as in… as far back as I can remember as a teeny child.
I haven’t read your “Overcomer” that talks about old dirt on me… but sometimes I would get dirty from the world and then go to the living fountain to get cleansed. Oh, what a Savior.
Praise God for your wonderful heritage and that you had the blessing of praying family members. And going to His living water…that’s what it’s all about.
Today is my 30th Spiritual Birthday 🙂
It’s been the greatest journey and continues to be.
GOD is BIGGER than any problem – health issues, family crisis, death of a loved one – whatever it may be —GOD is there providing His peace, comfort and most of all His Love ❤️
Celebrating 47 years of walking with the Lord today. I feel “glowy” and reminiscent of my spiritual growth over the years and am taking time to reflect on the myriad of ways He’s carried me through the ups, downs, traumas, faith lapses, pinnacles, and everything in between. October 26, 1975 will always hold a super significant place in my heart because I still remember that room flooding with His light and peace as He saved me and filled me with all that He is. He never ceases to amaze me with His provision, power, and peace.
Happy spiritual birthday, Michelle! How wonderful!
Tuesday, 5 December 1989, at about 4:05 pm – this is the date and time I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. It is 33 years today, and I have never missed my birthday. I thank God for His goodness in my life.
That’s wonderful, Andries! Thanks for visiting today!