7 Benefits of Biblical Fasting for Breakthrough

In this post, I’m talking about the benefits of biblical fasting, when to fast, kinds of fasts, and biblical fasting tips. Live yielded to God through spiritual fasting and see the breakthrough God has for you. And at the end, I’m going to show you the tools to help see your fast through to completion.

Benefits of Fasting and Prayer

How to Fast for Breakthrough: 7 Benefits of Biblical Fasting.

Do you want to grow spiritually? Are you longing for a spiritual breakthrough? Give God your undivided attention through biblical fasting and see Him move on your behalf.

I don’t know about you, but fasting is not my favorite subject! My fleshly nature tends to want it easy; I crave comfort. While spiritual fasting is not fun, it’s necessary. It is an intentional positioning of your heart for breakthrough and spiritual growth.

After dodging God on this subject for awhile, I finally announced one day that I felt impressed to fast from my (previous) blog. I pulled out the sackcloth and ashes and mourned this fact to my readers. Woe is me! Although I was trying to be humorous, the truth is, following through with it wasn’t easy! But obedience is key.

The first day of my blog fast I knew that God wanted me to pull back from social media, and what did I do? I opened a Google+ account! But God worked on me during that fast, anyway.

Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Isaiah 58:6 ESV

When Does the Bible Say to Fast?

Fasting is not a question of if but when. Jesus said, “when you fast” not “if you fast” (Matthew 6:16-18). It is biblical; Jesus did it (Matthew 4:2).

Some people fast religiously, almost without direction. If that’s the case, then check your motive. God may be calling you to fast. He certainly has a specific purpose in mind. More often than not, when I decide to fast, God has already laid it on my heart for a definite reason.

When does the Bible say to fast?

  • Regularly. Fasting is a spiritual discipline. The frequency is Spirit led. (See Luke 2:37, 2 Corinthians 11:27)
  • When the leadership calls a fast (i.e. your church or nation). Public national fasts were recorded in the Bible on occasions when the people were repenting of sin. (See 1 Samuel 7:5-6; Nehemiah 9:1-3)
  • When you need direction. Are you desperate to hear Him more clearly? When the noise of everything else is temporarily removed it is easier to receive clarification, especially when seeking direction. (See Acts 13:2)

And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.

But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:16-18 ESV

Fasting is an intentional positioning of your heart for breakthrough and spiritual growth. #LiveYielded Share on X

Want to grow spiritually? Longing for spiritual breakthrough? Give God your undivided attention through biblical fasting and see Him move on your behalf.

Kinds of Fasts

  • Total fast (only drinking water) – Jesus ate nothing when He fasted.
  • Daniel fast – more restrictions than a vegan diet. See link.
  • Juice fast (juicing and drinking water only) – only by the leading of the Lord. Take medical conditions into consideration.
  • Partial fast (food specific) – be Spirit led. Recommended if you have a medical condition. Can also be from sun up to sundown. 
  • Non-food related (e.g. entertainment) fast – my recommendation is to do these fill-in-the-blank types of fasts in addition to (and not in place of) one of the ones listed above.

Biblical Fasting Tips

  • Use wisdom. I’ve been underweight for the last several years so I cannot participate in fasts that involve the loss of vital calories for my body. My doctor even recommended that I not participate in a Daniel fast because he was concerned my body would burn muscle instead of the missing extra fat. Instead, I fast chocolate, sugar, or other specific treats I usually partake in daily. Occasionally, I fast some form of entertainment or something I would rather not give up. 😉 God always makes it clear which precious commodity I am to fast.
  • Take medications into consideration. If you are on medication and the directions say to eat food with it, then follow the instructions of your doctor or pharmacist. It’s not using wisdom to tempt God by throwing your body into a danger zone. Find the principle of not putting God to the test in Matthew 4:5-7.
  • If you give into eating during your fast, don’t get into condemnation. Simply ask God for strength and keep moving forward.
  • Remove or limit normal distractions such as watching television. It will help you to remain sensitive to the Spirit.
  • Resist temptation by running to God immediately. See the foolproof way to abandon temptation.
All You Need to Know About Biblical Fasting.

Beneficial Results of Spiritual Fasting

Let’s look at some Bible verses that reveal some of the benefits of fasting and prayer:

  • Protection: Esther 4:16; Ezra 8:21-23; 2 Chronicles 20:1-25
  • Victory over temptation: Matthew 4:1-11
  • Commission into ministry: Acts 13:2-3; Acts 14:23
  • Reach the heart of God: Jonah 3:4-10
  • Deliverance: Mark 9:28-29; Isaiah 58:6
  • Preparation for new seasons of ministry: Matthew 4:1-17
  • Health: Isaiah 58:8

Fasting not only gives spiritual benefits but physical ones as well:

Fasting cleanses the body from built-up chemicals, metals, and other toxins. When you fast, your cells, tissues, and organs dump out the accumulated waste products of cellular metabolism as well as chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, and solvents. Fasting revitalizes you in every way: mentally, physically, and spiritually. It also allows the overburdened liver to ‘catch up’ on its detoxification work. —Don Colbert, MD

Remember, when you fast spiritually, the time you would usually spend eating is spent with the Lord instead. Write down your questions, any struggles you may be facing during the fast, and what God is showing you in your journal. Go back later in the fast and read what you wrote. Often you will gain more revelation or see the answers to your questions as God completes the work He is doing. I have a product below that can help you with all of this.

Whatever the purpose of your fast, it will strengthen your walk with God. Fasting will cause you to thrive spiritually.

What is your experience with fasting?

The Second Edition of the Biblical Fasting Kit Is Now Available!

Get practical tools to help see your biblical fast to the end. Get the Biblical Fasting Kit today. Instant download.

Let the Biblical Fasting Kit Help You with All Your Fasts 

Learn how to hear from God to discover the specific purpose of your fast and implement a plan of action to follow.

  • You get the mini guide so you can apply fasting tips, create a strategy, and learn fasting purposes through Bible study.
  • You get reusable worksheets that are electronically fillable so you can create your personalized fasting strategy, keep track of everything, and go through a fasting reading and reflection plan.
  • You get the Scripture cards so you can yield to God and see your fast to completion.
  • You get wall art and phone wallpaper so you can stay inspired during your fast.

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    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Susan!

      1. Hi, my name is Naledi, I have been separated with my husband for 6 years now & it seems he want to come back to fix , but he need to heal from all he is struggling with, which he didn’t specified, please be with in prayer I need God more to hear from him more, I want God’s wisdom

        1. Praying for God’s will over your life and his! Keep seeking God. When your heart is after Him, you will certainly find Him more.

  1. Liz Giertz says:

    So glad you are my neighbor at Brenda’s this morning. I wanted to read this when I saw it yesterday, but didn’t have the time. Such great wisdom here. I, too, shied away from fasts for a while, but then I read a great book that changed my perspective. Wish I could remember what it was… Thanks for sharing all this! Blessings!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Aww, thanks for saying that, Liz! If you remember the book let me know. 😉

  2. Such a rich article, Kelly. I haven’t done a fast since earlier this year. I suppose my Summer of Rest was somewhat of a fast, but hmm, I didn’t consider it that way at the time. Great suggestion to use a journal for fasting. I’m going to try that next time. Thank you for sharing, friend. 🙂 xoxo

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      That’s okay, Brenda. Yours was mostly for rest if I remember correctly. I think the Lord leads us to what we are to do. But next time you fast I hope you’ll remember to use your journal. One of those great Chasing Community ones. 😉

  3. I don’t fast. Not because I don’t think it’s necessary, but because I don’t know what, why, when, or how. I have often tried and failed, so I neglect it to avoid failure again. Thanks for this post, Kelly. You’ve reminded me to allow God to lead me through a fast, not fast on my own.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Great to see you here, Kelli! Yes, God led or maybe it becomes more of a religious ritual? It took a lot of work to research all this, but I’m glad it helped you!! Blessings, my friend!

  4. You’ve been so thorough here Kelly. Some things I’ve never really processed around fasting, and your tips are a great balance to taking our personal situation into consideration.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      It ended up being a great study. I had gone further this time around and learned new things as well. I look at fasting with much more pleasure now, as a result. 🙂

  5. This was such a wise and practical post on fasting. This >> “Fasting is an intentional positioning of your heart for spiritual breakthrough and spiritual growth.” Yes! He will meet us as we fast and our lives will not be the same. So encouraging! Blessings!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Thanks for your kind words, Joanne! I have wondered if everyone who reads will “dread” the content bc fasting isn’t fun for me, so I’m happy to hear you were encouraged by it.

  6. Important insight on fasting, Kelly. I think a regular fasting of some sort strengthens us and our walk with Jesus. I take a social media Sabbath on Sundays, which is difficult at times. I also fast food/drink on specific Spirit led days throughout the year. I’m contemplating even doing some additional fasting and this was helpful info. Thank you!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Thanks for sharing what you do, Jill! I think fasting can take us deeper in our walk with the Lord.

  7. YES. I believe in fasting and probably should start again. It helps to eliminate the excess to make more room for God in your life. Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Indeed it does, Mari-Anna! Hope you’re well. Blessings!

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