Jesus Changed Us: 9 Bloggers Share Their Story
We all have a story of how we came to know relationship with Jesus, the Savior of the world. Why should we share our testimony? Here are eight reasons:
- It brings glory to God.
- People see that using the Word works.
- Others see that God is real.
- It’s wonderful to see His forgiveness and life-changing power in action.
- Others benefit from knowing they aren’t alone in a struggle and can be strengthened by something you say.
- Satan is defeated by your testimony. (Revelation 12:11)
- Others are encouraged with hope that they can see victory, too.
- You are obeying God. “…tell of all His wondrous works!” Psalm 105:2 ESV
Sometimes a single phrase of testimony can set events in motion that affect someone’s life for eternity. – Dieter F. Uchtdorf
I collected this roundup of testimonies from some members of the Blogger Voices Network. Read and be encouraged.
Why I Moved from Christian to Disciple
The part of my identity that speaks the loudest in my life could be understood as Christian… but I don’t really like that word. Do you? It sort of leaves a sour taste in my mouth when I think of what it means to other people.
I’d prefer Disciple of Christ Jesus instead of Christian.
Honestly, moving from “Christian” to Disciple changed this miserable, fear filled mess of a girl into a woman who knows hope and joy even in the midst of chaos and trials…
Visit story by Tiffany Montgomery
Jesus is the Author of My Story. Is He Yours?
Five years old and tired after helping my mother plant some flowers at the road. We laughed and had fun. Mom took the fun away when she told me to take the trash can back up to the house.
Hot and bothered, I lugged it to the carport.
Angrily, I started to kick it. She could have done this my five-year-old self must have felt.
I went into the house and my mom greeted me at the door…
God Sees Jesus Blood When He Looks at Me: Jehovah Tsidkenu
The words no good in me came to mind. I looked them up to see if they were in the Bible. Sure enough, there they were, “I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out” (Rom. 7:18).
I realized I’d been trying to feel worthy on my own, when Jesus had already made me worthy, or justified…
How to Know You’re Going to Heaven
The summer my grandpa died, I was forced to make a decision. Fourteen years old, I didn’t know what to make of the possibility I’d never sit with him again to talk about beagles and eat Grandma’s molasses cookies. I didn’t know what to make of the talk about heaven and hell and the way Psalm 23 is read at every funeral.
In an effort to figure it all out, I slipped my mom’s Old King James Version Bible to the hayfields…
Visit story by Stacey Pardoe
The Day I Discovered Christ in Me
Only after the death of my dearest friend, did I come to the realization that I had always lived my life externally (from the outside in) and that to truly live I had to understand who I am in the core of my being. Then, with that knowledge, I had to begin living from the inside out.
David had been dead just over a year. No longer did I spend time (much) curled up in a ball in my bed. In my practical, no-nonsense world staying in bed wouldn’t do…
Prayer: Leaving a Legacy of Faith
My family was very active in church during my formative years. My mother told me that I raised my hand in church to receive Christ when I was six years old, but I had no remembrance of it.
I would lie in bed at night wondering if I was a Christian. I remember “asking Jesus into my heart” many times.
I did not understand that being a Christian meant a relationship with Jesus Christ.
One night at a gathering at our Youth Director’s house…
Visit story by Gayl Wright
Mud and Mire: How God Pulled Me Out of My Mess
I was like a ship tossed back and forth on the sea. One day I was out looking for worldly gratification and the next I was repentant and crying out to God because married life was a disaster. It was a cocktail of chaos. Every day I was slipping deeper and deeper into a pit of despair. I literally found myself so deep in misery that I started to resent God. I started blaming Him for all that was going wrong in my life and my heart began to grow hard. I can remember the actual feeling of hopelessness. It was awful and I was actually getting scared…
Visit story by Natalie Venegas
My Story
How could I admit that I wasn’t coping? That I was petrified every minute of every day?…
So I put on a brave face.
Tried to smile when I went out in public. But behind closed doors I was a wreck. My poor husband looked so worried. He did his best to help out and to encourage me. But we both assumed that this was just a phase, that things would improve in the next two weeks? Or month? Or six weeks?
But they didn’t…
Visit story by Claire Engelbrecht
My Story of Finding Relationship with God
I tried to find love and fulfillment through relationships with guys, but as soon as I knew a heart was hooked I moved on as if in a feeding frenzy.
I knew God was real since I felt Him draw my heart to His at a service at the tender age of five. All I knew to do was to tell God I was sorry, and ask Jesus into my heart all over again so I wouldn’t go to hell. Yet, the 10,000 times I had done that my whole life hadn’t gotten me off the hamster wheel…
The #BVNetworkParty is open to all faith bloggers. Come join the party!
The #BVNetworkParty is open to all Christian faith bloggers as well as the members of the Blogger Voices Network. If you’re not yet a member, we’d love for you to join for additional opportunities!
We’d love for you to link back to Blogger Voices Network in your post or site. Or grab a badge! White (top) or transparent (bottom).
Let’s do something different today. In addition to linking your normal post, linkup a post sharing YOUR STORY! If you don’t have a testimony post, please share in the comments. Remember, there are 8 reasons to share. 😉
I see several familiar faces & will come back to read these shortly. It is always wonderfully encouraging to read the stories of faith at work in the lives of God’s people.
Glad you have you join us, Joanne!
I love these stories of faith! What an inspiring Group and such an honor to be part of it Kelly!
So glad you are in this group! Thanks for sharing your powerful story with us!
God is greatly exalted when we share our story and make Him the main character! Thanks for all the many ways in which you do that, Kelly!
It’s all about His glory, but I have to remind myself of that regularly! Blessed by you, Michele!
Thanks for sharing these beautiful ladies with us! I read several of them regularly. And am always inspired.
Thanks for opening up your space for these lovely writers, Kelly! I see several familiar faces. And congratulations on starting your new linkup!
Thank you! Glad to have you any time!
I love the idea of several bloggers featured in one place. Thanks for sharing on Grace & Truth, Kelly!
My pleasure, Aimee! Great to see you here and have a blessed week. 🙂