How to Transform Weaknesses Into Victory
Learn the four fold strategy for overcoming weaknesses with the Bible. Turn those sins and weaknesses into victory with this method.
We all have weaknesses. I don’t know about you, but I want to live in victory over my weaknesses through the power of God. Today, I am sharing with you a method of transformation to use to be an overcomer.
The spirit of fear whipped me for years until I got fed up with its torment. I put verses of scripture on index cards all over my house, in my car, everywhere, to the point that anyone who came around me knew I was at war with the spirit of Fear.
It was a stronghold in my life.
For months it was like a game of tug of war. If I slacked a little bit, then it would get stronger. If I fought hard with the Word, it would get weaker. Finally, the chains broke.
The Spiritual War before Victory
We are in a spiritual war with our flesh and with the devil and we need to know the simple strategy to win.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 KJV
We all contend with carnal inclinations, but our weapons are not temporal like our bodies are. These weapons of truth bring eternal significance because of the Word’s power to not return void (Isaiah 55:11).
4-Fold Strategy for Overcoming Weaknesses with the Word
The scripture passage from second Corinthians above says to “pull down, cast down & take into captivity.” Those are fighting words right there! That’s why its called a war.
1. Pull Down
When we are dealing with a sin area it is often a stronghold. What is a stronghold? A simple way to remember it is, a stronghold is something that has a strong hold on me. (Or that I have a strong hold on.)
To pull down strongholds means to completely abolish the argument going on in our head, whether it is with ourselves or the devil. We could say that this part is the choice to get victory.
2. Cast Down
To cast down imaginations means to demolish thoughts, imaginations, motives, reasoning and anything that we may have made into an idol. How do we demolish a thought? That sounds like a pretty impressive power. We pray out loud every time a wrong thought enters our mind. For example:
I cast down the belief that I am not loved. According to John 3:16 I know God loves me. It is written in Ephesians 1:6 that I am accepted in the [company] of the beloved [Saints].
We are, then, making a practice of demolishing thoughts that do not line up with what God says in His Word.
3. Take into Captivity
To take into captivity means to make it your prisoner of war. Why are we to cast down imaginations and take the thoughts captive? The little word “and” in 2 Corinthians 10:5 reveals important instructions.
We could cast down those idol-like thoughts all day long, but it would still remain a stronghold in our life if we don’t take it into captivity.
How? Use the Word so that sin doesn’t own you! Replace the sinful thought with an applicable thought from the Bible (as in the second half of the example in #2).
4. Revenge Disobedience
The “readiness” or “being ready” in 2 Corinthians 10:6 is being prepared to do something. We are to do this continually in obedience to Christ.
To revenge our disobedience implies some sort of action, like asking for someone’s forgiveness if you argued with him or throwing away the cigarettes if you started smoking again. By all means do things in the natural to help you get victory in the Spirit.
Transformation Method to Turn Weaknesses to Victory
The following chart is the above explanation in a box using the specific example of worry:
Sin/Stronghold | Thoughts to cast down | Take captive with Word | Revenge Disobedience |
worry | Stuff won’t get done | Galatians 6:9; Proverbs 16:3; Psalms 37:5 | Commit all to God |
worry | Won’t be able to receive needs | Matthew 6:31-32; Philippians 4:19 | Trust God; Be wise with money |
worry | Didn’t hear God correctly | John 10:4-5; John 16:13 | Check that the voice is not contrary to Word |
You can use the above chart for lust, pride or any issue that’s got you in it’s clutches. Make it as detailed as you like. Do not get discouraged when your feelings get the better of you.
Forming new habits takes time, but don’t give up! The Word works!
We are in a spiritual war with our flesh and with the devil and we need to know the simple strategy to win. Here's the practical way to transform weaknesses to victory! #LiveYielded #ThrivingInChrist Share on XInsider Resource
Related post: A Process for Overcoming Weaknesses
I created a worksheet for overcoming weaknesses with the Bible’s powerful truths and some sample charts to print or download from the Insider Resources page. For KRB Insiders only.
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Love this Kelly! We are definitely big parts of spiritual warfare simply for our obedience to God. Staying rooted in the Word does weaken the chains of fear that tend to keep us from moving forward to be who God needs us to be.
I love the helpful way you gave the process clarity. Giving up old habits requires replacing them with new and better habits. With God’s help, we can do this … the battle has already been won!