15 Ways to Strengthen Your Faith While Walking with God

The Walking with God Online Event will help strengthen your faith. Find encouragement from 15 writers from the Blogger Voices Network right here.

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Imagine finding just what you need to give your faith a boost while walking with God. I know that’s what I want! But I know my heart’s not always where it needs to be. It needs daily strengthening. Maybe yours does, too?

In this life, our heart will perform somersaults with its needs and emotions. Then it needs rescuing. We have choices. We could:

  • run to friends or family
  • go to the internet with masterful Google
  • approach strangers with their options and opinions galore

Or we could run to our faithful God, and then walk with Him.

The Strength in Walking with God

Where else can we find love with unfathomable depths, incredulous from every angle? A love in which the sum of His thoughts for us are greater than the sum of our breaths?

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am still with You. Psalm 139:17-18 NASB

Where else can we find a pure heart, untainted by opinion? His heart is not marred by evil. He is not swayed by prejudices of men nor social status.

There is no safer place of refuge that we can run to find relief. His heart is our haven. He spilled His blood, and we spill our guts.

When we come to God, we experience a washing from our evil thoughts and deeds. We find healing when our heart is tattered and torn. We are given a liberal outpouring of wisdom to deal with our days. And He moves us to an even greater rejoicing when we remain in His presence.

When we continue walking with God, our heart moves from fickle to fixed.

Encouragement for Walking with God

I don’t know about you, but I find that sometimes I have meandered in a different direction. This life can be hard, and I appreciate any encouragement that comes my way. It certainly helps!

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 ESV

No matter if we just started walking with God today, or we have kept in step with Him for decades, we all could use some strengthening in our faith walk. That’s why 15 writers from the Blogger Voices Network together bringing you an online event that will grow your faith as you continue walking with God.

You’re invited to the 15 Days of Walking with God Online Event! Consider this your invitation!

15 Days of Walking with God Online Event.

15 Days of Walking with God Online Event Details


This online event covers a 3-week span. Each week covers a different theme:

  • Week 1: Walking with God in Christian Living
  • Week 2: Walking with God Through My Mistakes of Hurting Others
  • Week 3: Walking with God Through Relationships

What to Expect

  • 15 inspiring articles to strengthen your faith walk
  • Free goodies to bless your socks off
  • Giveaways of over 25 products

The event is over, but I’d love to send you the eBook!

15 Days of Walking with God includes application questions.

Go Here to Get Your Copy!

We’re so excited about this event, that we think it needed a celebration! We are giving away over 25 products to help strengthen your walk with God! Aaaaand we’re holding a special giveaway for bloggers only!

The 15 Days of Walking with God Official Giveaway is hosted by the Blogger Voices Network. We are giving away over 25 products to grow your faith.

Go Here to Visit the Giveaway Page

Sponsors for the 15 Days of Walking with God BVN event

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors!

Meet the Incredible Line up of Guest Writers

Alyson from Write Them on My Heart

Angel Penn from Experience His Freedom

Anita Ojeda from Anita Ojeda

Beth Steffaniak from Messy Marriage

Cathy McIntosh from Cathy McIntosh

Debbie Kitterman from DebbieKitterman.com

Elaine Goddard from Highway2Him

Jaime Wiebel from Seeking God with Jaime Wiebel

Jill Douglas from Jill’s Journeys

Kelly R. Baker from KellyRBaker.com

Meghan Weyerbacher

Nicole Kauffman from Courage.Hope.Love.

Rebecca Hastings from My Ink Dance

Sarah Geringer from Sarah Geringer

Tiffany Montgomery from HopeJoyInChrist (Also, special thanks to Tiffany for all her feedback on this event!)

Need encouragement, inspiration, and reminders of truth while walking with God? Join the 15 Days of Walking with God #BloggerVoicesNetwork Online Event with Sponsors: @thekatlee @hellomornings @ArabahJoy @WendyKWalters @HopeJoyInChrist Click to Tweet

Get Your Copy Now!

Bloggers of Christian faith are welcome to link up their faith based post on Friday’s at the Blogger Voices Network link up. BVN is for Christian women. Our heart is to “with one voice glorify God” (Romans 15:5-7) while we practice contentment and collaborate together. Interested? We’d love for you to join us. #network #linkup #faith #networking #contentment #interviews #collaboration #womeninministry #blogger #networkingideas #thrivinginchrist #women #networktips #community #Christian

About BVN: BVN is for Christian women bloggers. Our heart is to “with one voice glorify God” (Romans 15:5-7) while we practice contentment and collaborate together.

Join BVN: Interested in joining? Click here!<br /> document.write(‘<scr’ + ‘ipt type=”text/javascript” src=”https://www.inlinkz.com/cs.php?id=802072&’ + new Date().getTime() + ‘”></script>’);<br />

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  1. I LOVE the Psalm 139 verse.
    The wording is awesome.
    So glad to be part of this, Kelly–thank you for always encouraging us the right way.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      So glad you are too! You bring such strength to the team.

  2. I’m so excited to be a part of this awesome event with all these amazing bloggers and writers. Thank you for the honor of joining you and also for doing all the work to make this even possible. Blessings and enjoy your weekend 🙂

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      So blessed that you are in this lineup!

  3. What an awesome event. I love so many of the bloggers listed here. My God bless each of you as you continue to encourage others.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Thank you, Brittany! Hope you are able to join us and receive lots of encouragement.

  4. Hi you have a very easy to follow site It was very easy to post I am impressed

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