15 Anchor Verses for Sanity in Motherhood
These Bible verses for motherhood are the only lasting solution when it seems like I’m losing my sanity as a mom. 15 Christian bloggers chime in with advice and encouragement.
Any other moms out there feel like they’re losing it some days? Sometimes the thought—or the hormones—hit, and it seems like I just can’t do this mothering jig one more day. Couldn’t I call in sick? Or at least have a two hour delay?
When it seems as if I’m losing my sanity as a mom, the only lasting solution is to anchor my soul with verses from God’s Word. THAT’S when I’m going to have sanity in motherhood. And these verses apply whether you’re a mom to be or you’ve been a mother for decades.
How to Have Sanity in Motherhood
I know this because I have one child that seems to respond differently to the training I did with my other children. Each child has his own personality, sure. I get that. So for his training I have to think outside the box to get across the same concepts.
But one truth I can remember is the promise of wisdom found in Proverbs 22:6…
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
This verse acts as an anchor when it seems like my training efforts aren’t going anywhere. And God gives me the wisdom to tailor the message to his personality. I apply it and see the fruit of it. Voila. Sanity in motherhood. 🙂
u003cemu003eThese Bible verses for motherhood are the only lasting solution when it seems like I’m losing my sanity as a mom. 15 Christian bloggers chime inu003c/emu003e. #ThrivingInChrist #EncouragementForMotherhood Share on X
7 Bible Verses for Sanity in Motherhood
So for this Mother’s Day, I asked the question, “What is one verse that helps you in motherhood and why?” to some other Christian bloggers and this is how they responded:
Isaiah 54:10
No matter how easy or hard the day is, no matter whether I rock it or utterly fail that day, God’s love is unshakeable. That gives me such peace. —Lisa Yvonne, Graceful Abandon
Genesis 1:27
This keeps me anchored because it reminds me God created us. He created my boys and girls. He created this different for a reason. He molded each of them His way – they are a gift from Him… even when I want to scream about how different they are —Tiffany Montgomery, Hope Joy in Christ
Hebrews 12:1-2
Being a mom isn’t easy, yet I can respond to my son in love, mercy, and patience by following the examples of Christ. These verses encourage me to lay aside anything that takes my eyes off of Christ and look to Him for the strength to persevere during the hard times. I find myself filled with joy and purpose when I keep my rapt attention on my beautiful Savior. —Allyson Reid, Rapt Motherhood
1 Peter 4:8
This keeps me anchored because it reminds me that:
-my love covers over my kids’ sins
-their love covers my sins
We have a lot of love for each other and that’s so much more important than my perceived fails or the way we sometimes hurt each other. Thank God for love and grace! —Laura Emerson, Fantastically Four
Philippians 4:13
I need strength everyday… my kids eat me alive. I could not do any of this without God’s help and His strength! —Julie Loos, Unmasking the Mess
Galatians 6:9
Motherhood is difficult, tiring work. This verse reminds me to not give up, to keep training, keep planting seeds. One day we will reap our reward. —Sarah Gates, Servant Mama
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Because motherhood often makes my weakness ever more clear but His grace is sufficient. —Sarah Lango, Grace Filled Growth

Related: Strength for the Tired Mom
7 More Bible Verses for Motherhood
2 Peter 1:3
God has given me everything I need for a life of godliness. I have everything I need to have to raise my children through the power of the Cross. —Sarah Liberty Hardee, Christ Centered Mama
Romans 2:4
[This] is one I try to focus on when disciplining and training my kiddos. God’s *kindness* leads to our repentance. The same principle is a good reminder that can be applied to our parenting and the correction of our kids. —Rebekah Hargraves, Hargraves Home and Health
Proverbs 4:23
God desires my parenting to operate out of His overflow in my life. If I am going to be the Mom He wants me to be I must keep my heart focused on Him and connected to Him. He will then guide me and give me wisdom. This will also give me the strength I need for the days when “Mom can’t go on another minute like this!” 😉 I also love this reminder in relation to my children. I am not just correcting them and disciplining them I am parenting their hearts. The whole child, the why behind the behavior and always, always pointing their hearts to Jesus. God desires and cares for our hearts and the hearts of our children. —Lee Felix, Like Minded Musings
Colossians 3:23-24
In serving my family I am worshipping the Lord, serving Him. Remembering the why is important… —Robbi Bittle, Timeless Mama
Romans 12:12
I call it my “mommy motto.” —Kishona Lape, Life in Lape Heaven
Philippians 4:12-13
Whether you’re talking sleep, introvert alone time, etc, God gives the strength! —Aryn, Aryn the Libraryn
Jeremiah 29:11
So many, but one of the most dear to my heart is Jeremiah 29:11. Soon after giving birth to my daughter I was rushed to the operating room because of severe hemorrhaging. As they were wheeling me away from my husband and brand new baby I started quoting it out loud and one of the nurses held my hand and said it with me. Now, 18 months later, whenever I feel like everything is just too much for me or my daughter is trying my patience, I can quote the verse and not only remember God’s goodness in bringing me through such a traumatic time. No matter how many times I feel like I fail as a mother, I can rest in the hope that He has a beautiful amazing plan for both my daughter and myself. —Joanna Hennigan
This is such an amazing list that I had to create a printable with the motherhood Bible verses for you! Click the image to view, print, or download! Happy Mother’s Day!
Great verses!! I definitely need this printable as a go-to list for when I am worn out and feeling less than. Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful insight from wonderful women of God.
I printed it out, too, Brittany. There are *some days* as a mom, right? Thanks for stopping by!
Love all these verses! The printable looks great too!
Thank you so much! I spent way to much time on it playing around with design. That’s what happens when you’re a creative. 😉
I am blessed by the verses
Great verses! I cover the family in prayer but often am not as intentional for myself. This has definitely been a boost in that direction!!
Glad to hear that, Kathleen!
I was not expecting to get tearful… and yet here I am, very teary. Thank you for the verses. I’m currently a graduate student in a clinical counseling program… in my last year (yay!) and my aspiration when I graduate is to be a “MOM..” I’m already a mom, but I want to focus on motherhood, homeschooling (God willing), and having more kids. I resonate with one of the women that mentioned that her kids make her sin visible. The moment were few, but I have had moments when I thought I can’t do this “mother” thing perfectly and maybe I’m not called to be a mom. Motherhood is hard, but the love of a mom (or parent) is so strong… but God’s love for us is even stronger. And I cling to that truth. I also receive comfort in knowing that I can’t screw up my child (as a believer) because God is more powerful than that and his grace is sufficient. I know I’m a good mom, but I’m not perfect and I fall at times. But I know this to be true because of my upbringing…statistically I should not be where I am today, but God’s grace was sufficient and regardless of what my parents did or didn’t do God used my circumstance to make me who I am today.
Aww thanks so much for leaving this comment, Jennifer! I’m so happy to hear that this encouraged you! Those studies in counseling will be useful in motherhood for the rest of your days. God bless you!
I could not find an email address, but TimelessMama has moved to a new space. It’s now found at http://www.timelessmamablog.com . Thanks! Have a great day!