How to Remember to Have a Daily Time with God
Would you like to know how to remember to have a Daily Time with God? Part of keeping a consistent God Time habit is remembering, right? Today I’m sharing three things that can remind you to spend time with God daily.

I watched an old fashioned movie once where the main character is a lady who has a tremendous memory. An expert comes in and wonders if he could “ask her some questions,” when really, he’s testing her memory. He’s beyond impressed and at one point asks her how she remembers facts so well. She says it’s because she “associates many things with many things.” I was impressed too and it stuck with me.
Now I know that that’s just a movie, but it’s true that one way to improve your memory is by associated memory. This is why I use an acronym for my D.A.I.L.Y.T.I.M.E. It’s because I want to remember the meaning behind it (what it means to me) “Determining again I live yielded. Today I’m maintaining evidence.” I’m passionate about that and that’s why I’m sharing it with you.
So there are three easy things that help me remember to have a Daily Time with God, and you may want to use them as reminders, too.
3 Verses that Help Me Remember to Have a Daily Time with God
The following three verses are among my favorites! I don’t look at them as a drudgery, because that is not what I find in God’s presence! I find immense satisfaction when I’m spending time with the One that I know loves me the most. So when I see these verses, they warm my heart.
Verse 1
“Give us this day our daily bread.” Matthew 6:11 NASB
This verse reminds me that God has some “fresh manna” for me if I just come and “collect” it.
>> Related: How to Receive Your Daily Portion from God
Verse 2
“And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.” Luke 9:23 NASB
This verse reminds me that I have to “deny myself” of doing what caters to my old man so my new man stays refreshed. Desire will fade and that’s where I need to apply spiritual disciplines.
Verse 3
“Every day I will bless You, And I will praise Your name forever and ever.” Psalm 145:2 NASB
This verse reminds me that His presence is accessible. When I take time to thank Him, praise Him, and worship Him as my Lord, He “gets bigger” in my estimation.
>> Related: Experiencing Remarkable Worship
A Morning Is Always New
A morning is a reminder that it’s a fresh new start. If yesterday was rough, today’s morning is always new. That encourages me when I need a reset on my Daily Time.
Other favorite verses are ones that talk about spending time with God in the morning. Now there’s no command in the Bible that says it has to be in the morning, however, it’s best to begin our day with God. Check out the set of printable cards I made with these verses (see Insider Resources to get your set for free).
If we don’t begin our day by “looking up,” our natural tendency is to start by looking down.
—Rick Renner
That’s so true, isn’t it? We can easily become bombarded by social media, texts, grumpy family members, irate drivers, inclimate weather, and a host of other challenges. But if we start our day with God, we have gone to our source of strength and “gotten a refill.” Then dealing with life’s challenges are more effortless as His strength fills the gap!
So use the morning itself to remember to have a Daily Time with God. (Note: if your schedule doesn’t allow for the morning, then use what works for you. No condemnation at all!)

Physical Items
But it’s not just verses or the morning that reminds me to have a Daily Time with God. I associate certain physical items to my Daily Time with God.
I use a variety of Bibles. But I keep a regular journal that I use consistently in my Daily Time with God. If I leave it laying on my desk instead of putting it away, and the next day I see it there, my mind automatically remembers my Daily Time.
>> Related: Why You Should Keep a Spiritual Journal
Another physical item is the print out of morning prayers I keep in my nightstand table. If I even glance at them, I remember.
You can get your copy in Insider Resources for that too.
It’s pretty neat how it works that way. I’ve connected these items with my God time for so long that now they act as a mental trigger to maintain the habit.
There are even more. [grin] Check out the list of my top 10 favorite items to have in my Daily Time with God.
God’s Desire Can Trigger Your Desire
What if you remember to have a Daily Time with God but then lack the desire?
God created you, and He desires to spend time with you. He couldn’t wait for you to wake up this morning just so you would talk to Him.
Isn’t that a sweet thought? It makes my heart squeeze a little, and I want to love my God even more!
That’s the first mindset we need, knowing that God is crazy about us!
What if you remember to have a #DailyTime with God but then lack the desire? Click to learn the solution. #ThrivingInChrist Share on XMy problem is that sometimes I forget about His endless love for me. And I forget to talk to Him, seek His face, and gather the daily portion that He’s prepared for me each day.
I’m guessing you can relate….
But when I sense His nudge to draw near, it helps to know just how much we are loved!
“We love him, because he first loved us.” 1John 4:19 KJV
I hope you can use these three reminders as a trigger to remember having a consistent Daily Time and continue building your habit with it.
What do you use to remember to have a Daily Time with God?
If you need a little help, I created a worksheet that goes along with this post. It’s in Insider Resources. Get access here.

Would you like to know how to remember to have a #DailyTime with God to keep it consistent? Here are three things to use as reminders. #ThrivingInChrist Share on X