What Jesus Can Teach Us about Interruptions

My whole life felt like one lousy disruption after another. In His goodness, God let me see that Jesus had interruptions, too.

Have you ever tried to finish an important activity, but were inundated with continual interruptions?

This has happened to me before, but the other day took the cake. Trying to catch a webinar with four kids to watch and while your husband is out of town is no easy task.

My plan was to extend snack time, keeping the littles strapped in their seats while I watched. Of all days they were disinterested in eating a snack. I kept getting pulled away from my computer and forgetful before it even started. Short-term memory loss is “Mom of Four Kids” syndrome; I think I have it. I can’t remember.

What Jesus Can Teach Us about Interruptions.

My two youngest were having an unofficial “Who Can Take out the Most Toys” competition. It was chaos. My toddler kept going for the untouchables. I called my older kids for reinforcements, but how could I forget that chaos doesn’t decrease when you add more kids but double it?

Fortunately, my grandma had been staying with us, and she watched the Littles while the big kids and I made soup for dinner. It was somewhere between chopping an onion and prepping the house for company when I realized the live webinar had ended a long time ago. Give me another onion, because I was crying.

A Second Chance

The next morning I was delighted to discover there was a replay. I almost couldn’t contain my excitement while preparing my computer.

That’s when it happened.

“Mom, Grandma fell! She hit her head!” my oldest yelled from the family room. “Mom, come in here!”

I spent the next hour and a half applying a rag to Grandma’s head, making her a late breakfast, and helping her get ready to go to urgent care. My mom arrived to take her.

Now I can watch that webinar.

But, the fussy toddler hanging on my leg reminded me that I was four minutes late for her lunch. I rushed around exasperated; it seemed I couldn’t finish a task without something else demanding my attention. It seemed like a real-life Dominos game was in motion:

A laundry fiasco.

A spill on the floor.

A diaper change.

A phone call.

My whole life felt like one lousy disruption after another.

After making my sandwich, I finally sat down to watch the replay. I opened my laptop, and—it was completely over. Snapping the lid shut, I pushed it away in my dejected state.

At that moment, I laid out my raw emotions before God. His response? Reminding me that Jesus dealt with interruptions, too.

When Jesus walked the earth, He dealt with interruptions, too. #ThrivingInChrist #LiveYielded Share on X

To read the rest of this post, follow me to my friend Ifeoma’s at Purposeful & Meaningful where we are discussing How to Handle Life Interruptions. I highlight some instances people barged in on Jesus’ agenda and how we can glean from that. Join us!

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