How to Know God Better This Year

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How does getting to know God better this year sound? Imagine being closer to the Creator of the universe—the one that created you! I have an idea you may not have thought of that I’d like to share with you.

Some of the most wonderful times of walking with God is when He reveals more of His character to me. The most profound is a time when I felt very alone in life from past hurts.

I’d hide in my room with secret hot tears while the enemy’s lies crowded every sane thought. Then I’d roughly wipe my eyes, muster a brave heart, and go on with my day.

But it wasn’t too many episodes of this that I started to sense the God of all Comfort come near. He didn’t say anything, just listened. Sometimes the only sound were my tears, my heart too tattered and exhausted to talk about it.

Later, in my room, more tears. The pain of hurt surpassed words. And He was there, listening to the sobs.

Next day, more tears. Deep sadness. He was there, understanding.

Each time, He was present. I wasn’t alone.

God walked with me every step of the way through healing, showing me how He is faithful. Dependable. Constant. Reliable.

I’d heard about His faithfulness from others, but this was a season in which He allowed me to experience it for myself. I recognize this facet of His character now.

He took that time of unwanted loneliness and turned it into the sweetest experience of His loyal character that never forsakes.

Why We Need to Know God Better

You can know God better by spending time with Him every day through Bible study and prayer and by inviting Him into your daily living. You, like me, may have tasted of His goodness before…

We remember the times we sought Him above all else, our knees padded by the carpet and our luxurious soft pajamas while we pray fervently. Our heart swells with joy while running lotion-soft fingers over the crinkled pages of our journal. Our mind swiftly finds refuge between the pages of our favorite Bible, words popping in black-and-white or marked with any color of the rainbow.

But then other days come when it seems a chore to check off and procrastination wins. I get the struggle…

You want to…but you’re busy.

You plan to…but stuff came up.

You meant to…but you forgot.

Then in frustration you wonder, “Is having a Daily Time with God really necessary?”

Our mind swiftly finds refuge between the pages of our favorite Bible, words popping in black-and-white or marked with any color of the rainbow. Click to Tweet

I think if that’s what you’re wondering, you’re asking the wrong question.

Of course we need to keep nourished because our heart will become indifferent towards God when we’re spiritually starving. But a strong spirit is one that will walk in victory.

What question do we need to be asking then?

The real question is not, “Is having a Daily Time with God really necessary?” but “Why don’t I long to have a Daily Time with God?” Some possible reasons for that could be:

  • Maybe it’s because I’m convicted because my life isn’t so pure? In that case, God gives grace in abundance. He’s extended His beautiful gift of grace to us numerous times throughout the pages of Scripture.
  • Perhaps the reason is because I am apprehensive; God might ask me to give up something. But that’s when we can walk away from captivity into freedom.
  • Or the reason could come from a sliver of complacency that slowly encroached the desire to seek until indifference remained. When I notice the danger zone, I can count on accountability and more grace to see spiritual disciplines renewed.

The truth is, if you don’t desire to know God better this year, you’ll miss out on a greater experience of His love and character. To me, that’s not worth missing!

The real question is not, “Is having a Daily Time with God really necessary?” but “Why don’t I long to have a Daily Time with God?” Click to Tweet
How to Know God Better plus workbook

Try Studying Attributes to Get to Know God Better

All honor and glory to God forever and ever! He is the eternal King, the unseen one who never dies; he alone is God. Amen. 1 Timothy 1:17 NLT

When I read verses like the one above, it makes me think that the writer had intimate encounters with God and probably got a glimpse of His glory.

That makes me want that as well! So I thought, why not be intentional in studying God’s attributes? The facets of His character? Begin to really understand His qualities? And this can include a study of His names!

Want to join me? What if you did the following?

What are the steps to know God better?

  1. Ask God to reveal more of His character to you. Requesting this reveals your longing to know Him more. This is delighting yourself in the Lord, and you can be certain He will answer that desire.
  2. Grab the workbook from Insider Resources. One list of characteristics also has a few verse locations to get you started. The other cheatsheet provides a list of His names, their meaning, and verses.
  3. Pick one attribute or name at a time to work through. Do a word search in a Bible app or a resource such as the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance {affiliate link}. If you don’t already have one of these in your library, I encourage you to get one.
  4. Look up the locations from your word search and write the verses in your journal.
  5. Observe God in action in your life. Look for Him to reveal Himself through the characteristic you are studying. Be sensitive to the Spirit because this can happen through the tiniest detail. Watch how He shows His true nature to you.

It’s been a long time since I’ve deliberately gone through a list like this, but I’m looking forward to it this year!

O LORD, what is man, that You take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that You think of him? Psalm 144:3 NASB

Are you ready to know God better this year? He’s already thinking of you. What are you waiting for?

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  1. ‘The real question is not, “Is having a Daily Time with God really necessary?” but “Why don’t I long to have a Daily Time with God?”’ This is absolutely true, Kelly. We should crave spending time with God.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      The craving will come the more we spend time with Him! Have a great week, Ami!

  2. Thank you so much for practical suggestions to get to know the Lord better! This quote hit me: “The truth is, if you don’t desire to know God better this year, you’ll miss out on a greater experience of His love and character. To me, that’s not worth missing!” It’s not worth missing to me, either!
    You’re inspiration is always refreshing and invigorating–I’m ready to put a plan together!

  3. I’m also in a season of healing, Kelly. Studying God’s attributes always gives me extra peace. Thanks for reminding me to do this!

  4. Jessica Gallant says:

    This was great! I pray for a greater desire that will never wane

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