Hope for When Seasons Don’t Change

What do you do when seasons don’t change? If we could peel back the curtain and see the long season we are in through God’s eyes, we would understand.

Have you ever been in a season that lasted so long you thought it would never change? I’m there now.

Help. Me.

God is displaying His fresh artwork through the Fall season now, and I have been stuck potty training my three-year-old son. Since January.

The entire year has been one long season that I wish I could flush down the toilet.

I was highly optimistic when we started. Just like I had done before with my first two boys, the plan was intense toilet training for the first couple of days with the rest of the week to get any accidents under control.

I’ve done this before. Third child? Piece of cake.

This boy had the sweetest demeanor, and loved to learn anything new.

He’s going to love it!

I had forgotten that he was extremely adverse to change. He was abruptly weaned from momma’s milk when I was unexpectedly pregnant. After that, he couldn’t understand his momma’s invalid state of severe morning sickness that lasted for months. Then his baby sister arrived.

After a few days of feeling trapped in the same area of the house with potty training saturation, doubts started chipping away at my optimism. It was starting to look like a not-so-quick quest. It seemed I was more tired with each day that passed.

A couple of weeks later, I started feeling like I was in Elmo’s Potty Time prison. The movie had been played so many times that I was hearing the songs in my head all day whether they were playing or not, and even in the middle of the night when the baby woke up for her feedings.

How Long Will This Season Last?

Elmo’s distinctive laugh was coming from the furry red monster on the TV. My son was playing with the potty training Elmo doll. We had taped down a red disposable tablecloth again to protect the floor. I remember looking down at it, and groaning.

I was tired of seeing red.

How long is this going to last?! 

I confess, some days I haven’t responded so lovingly. Instead, I’ve gritted my teeth or rolled my eyes when he wasn’t looking.

All these months I’m wanting him to hurry up and get it, and move out of the training into the “big kid’s underpants.”

At the same time, I’m wanting me to hurry up and grow up and not get angry or impatient.

But what if I could peel back the curtain and see this season through God’s eyes? What would He see? How is He viewing it differently than I am? If I live yielded to God, then I need His view, not mine!

What if I could peel back the curtain, and see this season through God’s eyes? #ThrivingInChrist #LiveYielded Share on X

He reminds me the tarrying has a purpose.

God wants me to grow into maturity and learn His ways not mine. He is patient with me. He doesn’t grit his teeth or roll his eyes in response to my current maturity level.

Instead, He patiently teaches me and corrects me as a loving Father.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 ESV

During this season, I can grow up instead of give up. I can grow wiser instead of weary.

God Sees Your Season of Life More Clearly Than You.

When Seasons Don’t Change, God Sees Your Season More Clearly

I could stare at a plant all day, but I wouldn’t see it grow. Like that plant, I may not see my growth, but He is still causing me to come into a greater spiritual maturity.

He sees what I can’t see. I’m planted by His hands and every work of His hands is only good. He is doing much more than I can conceive.

Priscilla Shirer has this to say about delays:

“There will be relationships that develop here, character that matures here, growth that occurs here. Spiritual fuel.”

When your seasons don’t change and seem to drag on forever, remember this:

God is God, and He is wise. He moves on His time table. He moves on His schedule. Father God has more for me than just surviving; He has planned spiritual growth to keep me thriving. And after all, seasons don’t last forever.

Have you ever been in a lengthy season? What did God teach you from it?

Know someone whose season hasn’t changed? Encourage them by sharing this post!

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  1. Oh Kelly, I “get” you with this one. There were a few eye rolls here in the potty-training phase as well. One of ours was well on his way to 4 before it suddenly “clicked” one day. I wondered if he was ever going to dive into the land of living diaper free. And what a great analogy, to compare the wait with tarrying spiritually. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve finally begun to stand in the “enjoying the wait” corner. It’s taken a few spins around the block, however, to get to that point, but it’s well worth it. Hang in there, mama. The wait will be over someday soon. #raralinkup

    1. Hi, Kristi! I think I’ve said more than once that I think God ordained this season with my son for my sanctification. 😉 I love what you said about enjoying the wait. It’s possible! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, friend!

    2. And just like that they will be grown and out of the house. It happens in a blink. I still have two at home but they too will be grown soon. Enjoy those precious years while they last.

  2. sherrylynnstahl says:

    Oh girl I can relate to a season that didn’t change for 20 years. It was hard to keep believing that it ever would. Thankfully, God IS true to His Word and seasons do change. Sometimes we have to be willing to make changes in our lives before the season can change though. That’s a lesson I learned from my semi-permanent season 🙂
    ~Sherry Stahl

    1. Okay 20 years is a really long season! Yes, thank God that the seasons don’t last forever. Some lessons are harder to learn than others, but it’s worth it in the end. 🙂

    2. You nailed it for me! It took 25 years for me to recognize the changing of the season begins with me. More specifically my attitude, my response. Why should my season change if don’t? The change of season requires a better me, a more mature me …not the same ole me.

  3. Absolutely, yes, Kelly! Praying potty training is successful soon and thankful for your perspective on long seasons. I’m in one too!

    1. Great to see you here, Bethany! 🙂 Thanks for the prayer! I’ll be praying for you, too, that you would be able to quickly learn any lessons, and God would do whatever He wants to do in this season.

  4. My season has absolutely nothing to do with potty training. But I am intimately familiar with seasons. I’m steeped in Fall now as things I’ve held on to for years are dying on the vine. I need to make emotional and spiritual adjustments to prepare for a new Spring. But, with God, I know my Winter lies ahead. Dying is not fun. But I know it’s necessary so God can breathe new life into me next Spring without those things that have kept me floundering around in dead leaves. [no one may get this, but it’s making perfect sense to me as I’m writing today.] Thanks for sharing, Kelly, and giving me space and grace to vent. Catharsis is can be a blessing. God bless.

    1. Yes, it makes perfect sense! I have written about that very thing here years ago. Dying isn’t fun, but when you go into it with the purpose you have set before you it helps. I hope your winter is short-lived. Thanks for sharing your heart, Steve!

  5. As someone who lives in the islands where seasons literally DON’T change, I could relate to this in more ways than one. On the spiritual side of things I can get impatient when things seem to remain the same for too long but I’m so thankful for reminders that all things happen in God’s time – not mine!
    Marva | SunSparkleShine

    1. Glad to have you join the discussion here, Marva. 🙂 Thankfulness would be a good key to not getting impatient while waiting for the (spiritual) season to end. Praying you stay nourished and thriving this week!

  6. So needed to read this tonight. I feel like lately I’m saying, “Ok God, come on. Keep up. What’s next? Let’s go.” And just this morning in my bible time with my kids He quietly reminded me to “Be still and know that I am God…” Then this post and a few other “coincidences”… Maybe it’s time for me to just settle in, be still, and learn/know who He is on a whole new level.

    1. I love how He is speaking to you so clearly—and that you’re listening.

  7. Yep! I’ve been in many long seasons. I love the analogy of staring at a plant all day and not being able to see it’s growth. I teach high school English…I stare at ‘plants’ all day and boy, the growth is infintisimal. Of course, my ‘plants’ surprise me all of a sudden with sudden understanding and comprehension ;).

    1. It can be encouraging to remember that growth is occurring whether it’s obvious or not. Thanks for joining us, Anita!

  8. Hi Kelly,
    I’m not a mom but I loved this post! I thought it was amusing although I’m sure your frustrations are all you can see in the situation at this point! I can only imagine that the seasons of motherhood speed swiftly by and at some point you’ll look back with fondness on these days — you are growing patient and strong! 🙂

    1. I try to look at the humor in a situation. My mom and I would see him do something “bad” and we would just laugh. It helps. 😉

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