The Habit that Brings Sustainment to Your Spirit

Imagine if you could see what your spirit looks like. In what condition do you think it is? We need to care about the sustainment of our spirit. Read on to find out how and why. #habit #sustainment #spiritman #thrive #thriving #spiritualgrowth #manna #childrenofIsrael #dailytime

Imagine if you could see what your spirit looks like. In what condition do you think it is?

What is the first image that strikes you? Do you think it’s being sustained?

I wonder if our first impressions of our “spirit man” are accurate.

We probably have a pretty good handle on preparing for our natural body to be taken care of, but do we put the same amount of effort into ensuring our inner man is thriving?

We are diligent to plan meals, grocery shop, cook, bake, and most of all…eat! But what about feeding our spirit man?

The thing is, we need to care about the sustainment of our spirit. I know that I haven’t always cared, but I’ve learned when I’m intentional about keeping the condition of my spirit healthy, it makes a huge difference in my walk with God.

We all sense the battle between our fleshly desires and our spirit. The key is this: a strong spirit man it will help us overcome our soul and emotions.

Miraculous Food Service from the Sky

The other day I studied Exodus sixteen when the children of Israel were wandering around in the wilderness and God gave them manna to eat. The chapter detailing this miraculous food service from the sky is pretty intriguing. I found the analogies we can apply to our walk with God fascinating.

This direction came from God to the leadership:

Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no. Exodus 16:4 KJV

Here’s what I pulled from the chapter:

  • Source – the bread rained from heaven. It was a supernaturally provided gift from God. He was their Source.
  • Instructions – the people were to go out and gather. God provided the manna every morning, but it was the people’s job to go out and gather it.
  • Amount – a day’s portion. We learn from verses 16-18 that the portion gathered was just enough to fill or satisfy the hunger of each person. If they tried to gather more than a daily portion, it would be rank and be crawling with worms (verse 20). Yum.
  • Frequency – every day. Manna was provided six days, and on that sixth day, they were to gather double to have enough to get them through the Sabbath (vv. 5, 22-24). If they didn’t follow those specific instructions they went hungry (vv. 25-29).
  • Purpose – God was testing them to see if they would regularly obey His instructions, and to teach them dependence on Him.
  • Specific Reason – God wanted them to know that “man doesn’t live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from God’s mouth” (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4).

Imagine if you could see what your spirit looks like. In what condition do you think it is? We need to care about the sustainment of our spirit. Read on to find out how and why.

The Impact of God’s Words

Spending time with God is enjoyable when we realize how much He loves us. He’s not standing over us with a whip. He desires to commune with us every day. Our Creator can’t wait for us to wake up each day just so He can talk to us! He loves us! I mean, have you read Psalm 139 lately?

God’s words have the power to strengthen, refresh, revive, hearten, feed, nourish, support, comfort, encourage, and cause us to live. They are our sustainment!

Jeremiah discovered this. As he “put” God’s words into his spirit man, they became “a joy and the delight of [his] heart.” He said he was called by God’s name because he belonged to God.

And so do you.

Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts. Jeremiah 15:16 ESV

In 1 Corinthians 10:3, the manna is referred to as “spiritual meat.” God has provided a spiritual portion for us every morning. It’s our job to go out and gather it! When we do, we will also know that we do not live by natural food alone, but by the sustainment of His Word.

The LORD is my portion; I promise to keep your words. Psalm 119:57 ESV

How are you building the habit of nourishing your spirit? 

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Here are six analogies about manna that we can glean from Exodus chapter sixteen. #ThrivingInChrist #DailyTime #Manna #spiritfood #strongChristian #biblicaltruths #spiritualgrowth #quiettime

Exodus 16 reveals some helpful insight on manna. Here's why that's important to you. #ThrivingInChrist #DailyTime #Manna #ChildrenofIsrael #GodTime #QuietTime #spiritfood/div>

[clickToTweet tweet=”God has provided a spiritual portion for us every morning. It’s our job to gather it! #thrive” quote=”God has provided a spiritual portion for us every morning. It’s our job to go out and gather it!”]

Does building the habit of spending time with God every day seem unmanageable? Take the Daily Time Challenge! #habit #GodTime #DailyTime #devotions #spiritualgrowth #relationshipwithgodDo you need help to build a consistent Daily Time with God? I created the Daily Time Challenge with you in mind! Click for details.

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  1. Awesome post Kelly! I have fallen out of habit the last couple days, but the sun is shining and your post was convicting…I’ll be outside with my bible and journal!

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