We Are Made to Brave Rejection with God’s Help

We are made to brave rejection. We’ll have our pits of rejection, but we don’t have to live with the hurt. I’m living proof.

As we go through life, people hurt us. The seed of rejection is planted and grows into a scar.

But if we allow God into the picture, He shows us that with His help we are made to brave rejection.

He can turn our scar into a story for His glory.

Today I’m sharing part of my story that I’ve never shared before now.

If we allow God into the picture, He shows us that with His help we are made to brave rejection. #ThrivingInChrist Click to Tweet

Related: How to Be Healed from Hurt: A Triple-Braided Rope

Almost 20 years ago, when my brother and sister-in-law told me they decided to name their daughter Sarah, I wasn’t happy. Fighting back the tears, my voice cracked as I tried to answer their bewilderment. My heart went into a panic and disrupted the explanation that tried to exit my mouth.

I was far from clear. How could anyone understand that I had been hurt—dreadfully hurt—by girls named Sarah all growing up?

The Seed of Rejection

It started when I was about four years old. I skipped up to the popular girl’s house a few doors down. No wonder it was quiet in the neighborhood; all the kids were over at Sarah’s house. I wanted to join them. Even at that young age, I felt the pull of wanting to be accepted.

I slowly approached the little kids standing in her driveway. They were making fun of the little girl that lived next door to me, Sarah being the ringleader of the gathered. I tried to defend my neighbor, saddened by the way they were treating her.

Next, I was Sarah’s new victim, and she turned her evil glint on my younger, shaking self. Sarah started giving commands. She had two or three friends surround the first girl, and then had a couple of kids come and take my hands, one on each side. I was too young to know that I could have pulled away and run free, and even more naïve to allow what happened next.

Click here to continue. I’m sharing a part of my story I’ve never shared before at Crystal Twaddell’s today for her Made to Brave series. See you there!

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  1. May the Lord help us to pluck out those seeds of rejection and replace them with seeds of acceptance . How often we have allowed those painful whispers that we are rejected , and abandoned. I pray anyone who reads this post will be reminded that they are created to be BRAVE and accepted in Christ Jesus

    Always love visiting you , sweet Friend

  2. Thank you for being brave for sharing your story as well as overcoming the rejection of it. This is such a needed topic for us especially as women. Rejection and bitterness are threatening so many of us today sitting in pews across the country. The enemy is using it widespread yet you are showing us how to fight back. Thank you Kelly!! Know that many relate to your vulnerability 💕

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