How to Memorize Verses without Sweating It

Here’s how to memorize verses without sweating it including five easy ways, five creative ways, and bonus tips for memorizing Scripture.

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My preschooler blurted out during our car ride, “This is the way home!” He was right. I noticed over the next few weeks how he would ask what the names of the streets were to get from church to home. And then little by little, he was able to tell us the next street and where we would need to turn before we got there. Then he added on the way to church too. He memorized the way there and back. 

I beamed at his smartness, but it’s true isn’t it? We easily memorize driving to a new destination over time because we continue to go there. It naturally becomes familiar as we see the same landmarks each time. 

My Bible Is Messed Up!

I remember after finding true relationship with God as a young adult, I dived into the wonders of the Bible like never before. My Bible is messed up—but in a good way! I marked all over it with different colored highlights and underlining. Then the next time I was on a page with an illuminated verse or passage, my eyes were naturally drawn to it.

I would write those special verses in my journal and apply them to my life. The way I applied them, I memorized verses without sweating it. They became a part of me. I loved doing that, and I still do! (Even if it is in my Bible app most of the time now.)

What about you? I encourage you today to allow the Word to become a part of you, the very fabric of your being. 

Practical step: get a Bible that you can dedicate to the purpose of “messing it up,” so you can memorize verses and treasure them in your heart.

My Messed Up Bible.

Why Should We Memorize Verses?

Verses About Memorizing the Word of God 

I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11 NLT

Your testimonies are wonderful; therefore my soul keeps them. Psalm 119:129 ESV

But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Luke 11:28 ESV

The word keep from the Strong’s Greek Lexicon there means, “to guard, i. e. to care for, take care not to violate; to observe.”

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5 Easy Ways to Memorize Verses

I say these are easy ways to memorize verses because I have naturally memorized them without trying as I did these while spending time with God.

Write It

There’s good evidence that writing something down helps you remember it. The same goes with verses you’re trying to memorize. When you have your Daily Time with God, pick one or two key verses that spoke to you that day and write them in your journal. It will help you remember them.

Say It

Saying verses out loud not only helps you memorize verses, but it helps to build your faith. Romans 10:17 (NKJV) says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Study It

Studying a verse or passage of Scripture in detail will help you memorize that verse. When you have a greater understanding of what promise or command God gave you, you will more readily take it to heart as wonderful words to keep. God may also give you a deeper revelation of what that verse could mean when applying it to your life.

Pray It

I love to pray the Word! Isa 55:11 (NKJV) says, “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isn’t that amazing? When you pray God’s promises, you know they will come to fruition! When you pray verses, not only are you hearing it, but you are exercising your faith. As a matter of fact, when I’ve prayed a verse enough, I don’t have to look at it anymore. I’ve naturally memorized it. 

Meditate on It

Meditating on verses is such an important spiritual discipline that many of us probably don’t do very often. But when you meditate on the Word, not only are you retraining your mind to think like the new creation that you are, you will naturally begin memorizing the verse.

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5 Creative Ways to Memorize Verses

This list is for the creative types or people who work with kids! If you aren’t in either of those categories, don’t worry! Using these creative ways to memorize verses are fun no matter who you are. Give them a try!

  • Sing it in song form
  • Act it out 
  • Choreograph it
  • Draw it
  • Print, post, and read it every time you use the fridge 

Here’s a video of my family reciting Psalm 23 with hand motions:

Bonus Tips for Memorizing Verses

Bonus tip #1:

Set “text messages from God” on your phone by setting recurring reminders or alarms. I loved doing this. In the middle of my day, the same verse would pop up on my phone at the same time every day. I specifically used verses that seemed just like a text message from God because of the wording. 

For example, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 NKJV

Bonus tip #2:

Get your family or friends involved. Make it a challenge! 

Bonus tip #3:

Use It’s a free online (no software to download) memory verse tracker and tool to help you memorize verses. 

Here's how to memorize verses without sweating it including 5 easy ways, 5 creative ways, and 3 bonus tips for memorizing Scripture. #ThrivingInChrist #LiveYielded Share on X

Maybe My Opinion Is Different Than Yours on Memorizing Verses?

I’ve heard of Christians memorizing whole books of the Bible. Sometimes it’s because they’re trying to get into some sort of spiritual program or school. Other times it’s to say they can. I’m not sure what the point is. 

Maybe your opinion on this is different, but I would rather spend my time memorizing specific verses or portions of Scripture that I know will help me be an overcomer in my walk with God. 

Whatever your opinion is, I hope we can both agree that we need to memorize verses and we have many ways to try!

What is your favorite way to memorize verses? Which of the ways listed in this post will you try next? Share in the comments below!

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  1. This was very helpful to me. I had never thought about using the reminder on my phone, how creative! You have inspired me!

    1. Yay! I’m so excited to hear that! Thanks for letting me know, Tammy!


    1. So glad you liked the post, Celukuthula. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. God bless you.

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