The Holy Spirit Helps Us Walk in Balance

The Holy Spirit helps us walk in balance if we tune into Him. Getting out of balance with our Daily Time with God can lead to an imbalance in other areas.

The Holy Spirit will teach us lessons about walking in balance in any season of life. My story takes us to the days when my baby was a young infant. Her soft cries nudged me from a deep slumber. I checked the time, then started my own whining:

5:30 AM?? How could this time of day be considered morning? It’s pitch dark outside; maybe she’ll fall back to sleep.

Getting out of balance with our Daily Time with God can lead to an imbalance in other areas. The Holy Spirit helps us walk in balance if we tune into Him.Her continued fussiness poked holes in the hope that I could get more shut-eye. I was so exhausted that it took about 15 minutes to drag my weary form from the paradise of my comfortable, warm bed. I got her back to sleep about 6 o’clock and stumbled back into bed.

When my alarms were calling, and my “three-foot tall alarm” was up for the day, I was still snuggled under the covers. I mumbled a request for my husband to take the kid to the potty for me. Next thing I knew, it was two-and-a-half hours later; he had given me the rare gift of letting me sleep in late. It was an answer to prayer for my fatigued body.

The usual business of the morning tasks took on a higher speed as I tried to play catch up. I was rushing through my Daily Time with God, trying to block out the ticking of the clock and looming deadlines. After reading a few verses, I wondered if I could just move on to my “to do list.”

I decided to finish the chapter. Ironically, the last few verses of the chapter held the story of Mary and Martha. Conviction pierced my spirit when I read in Luke 10:40, “But Martha was distracted with much serving….” The “distracted with much serving” was me that day.

Honesty Shows Our Heart in the Balance

I asked God, “What do I do with times like this? When I want to serve You well fulfilling my responsibilities but life has gotten in the way of having ‘decent’ time with You?” His answer was clear in my heart to take decent time with Him, regardless.

I read further down, “Mary has chosen the good portion.” That’s what He wanted from me—to choose Him.

If I had a job to arrive at by a certain time, I would have taken at least part of that commute to get my mind on Him for the day. I would intentionally surrender my heart through prayer and worship. But being at home, I wanted to rush Him?

God revealed my heart that morning—my ulterior motives came to light. Honesty said an adjustment to the “to do” list is an easy solution. Right then, the Holy Spirit reminded me there is a balance between serving in God’s Kingdom and sitting at His feet.

God is not worried about quantity time, but quality time. Quality time means that I’m surrendering my heart to whatever He is leading me to do for today. I thought He might “understand” and say, yeah, just read a few verses and you’re good.

But that’s not what it was about that day. He wanted my heart more than my time. I decided to yield my heart and agree with His leading.

Balance Road

Figuratively speaking, the name of the road is Balance. On each side of this road is a ditch. The ditch on the left represents one extreme of an issue, and the ditch on the right is the opposite extreme of the same issue. The two extremes are where we get into trouble. Balance Road is where we need to be, but it takes God’s wisdom to walk on it.

When we start to slip into an extreme, the Holy Spirit will reveal we are in an imbalance—if we tune into Him. This thought process can keep us grounded on issues in our lives. When we walk in balance, we will keep moving forward in spiritual growth.

Walking in Balance

Getting out of balance with our Daily Time with God can lead to an imbalance in other areas:

  • Instead of telling the whole truth, we fall into the ditches of either lying or stretching the truth
  • We lose sight of walking in the balance of repentance when we fall into “hyper-grace” or the opposite extreme of legalism
  • Our heart gets out of balance when we desire all work or all play versus regular times of work coupled with rest
  • Instead of obeying God’s plans according to His timing, we slip into imbalance by either getting ahead of Him or neglecting to do them at all

The Holy Spirit will lead and guide us into all truth (John 16:13). He helps us find balance in our lives if we are willing to ask, receive His wisdom, and yield to His leading.

Is there an area you sense the Holy Spirit leading you to come into balance?


The Holy Spirit will keep me in balance when I tune into Him daily. #ThrivingInChrist Click to Tweet

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  1. Thank you, Kelly, for this call away from ditch living. It’s so easy to topple off or to fill our lives so full that we never hear the voice of the Spirit!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      So true, Michele. I just came off a week break from blogging and social media because I needed margin. One very important thing I noticed was that I heard the voice of God so clearly.

  2. Kelly, I am so grateful He keeps me balanced and out of the ditch when I spend time with Him and hear from Him. He truly makes all the difference in keeping my balance. Without Him, I have none! Blessings!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Yes, He is the difference! I’m grateful for Him, too, Joanne!

  3. Hi Kelly, I am guilty of “rushing” through my prayer time in the mornings because the day got busy quickly. It is so easy to think that our time with God is the place we can steal a little time from, but most often it should be the exact opposite. The more hectic our days and to do list gets, the more we need to make sure our time with God is not suffering. Thank you for the reminder to honestly check in on this.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Hi, Heidi! Having hectic mornings seem to be more of the norm rather than an occasional instance around here. It is easy to pull time from my Daily Time with God. Later, I am left asking what else to pull the plug on so I can carve time out with God again. I can always find a time if I take away from the things I plan that feed my flesh rather than my spirit! Thanks for your comment today!

  4. Oh friend this as you know, my struggle as of late – no baby included. I can’t be reminded enough of my need for Him. I feel like the Israelites too often where I forget how much better my time is with Him when I go with expectancy rather than a rush. He always shows up and I do a face palm and thank Him, then repeat my silly cycle! Thankfully He is patient with me but I do get frustrated at myself for this. I want to have self control and wisdom, it takes a slowing down before making decisions. I have to ask myself, is this really urgent or can it wait…and when in the pausing I hear Him say “meet me for a bit” and go outside and sort of hit the refresh button mentally. And it always in the mornings this happens…sometimes it is in the middle of the day He is like, “Meghan, I love you. Take a break with me.” Has this happened to you at different times of the day? I think it is neat, neater if we slow down and listen LOL!! Love this post today. I saw the title and headed over. Blessings friend!!

      1. kellyrbaker says:

        I hear ya. And not always in the morning for me either. I have to be flexible with kids. 🙂 But God always woos and calls throughout the day. It’s up to us to respond to that as we grow through our struggles. Answering that invitation never leaves me disappointed. Thanks for hopping over today, friend! xo

  5. Robinality says:

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful reminder of walking in the Spirit of God. You are so right, God desires quality time with us while we surrender to His leading. He yearns to be involved in our lives every day. I pray daily to surrender!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Isn’t wonderful how He desires a close relationship with us? Thanks for stopping by today!

  6. We all struggle with feeling like we’re pulled in many different directions at times. But when we make God our priority we will see His blessings in our lives. Thank you for the reminder to put God first today and always.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      It’s a daily struggle it seems. Maybe that’s why Jesus said to take up our cross daily and follow Him. Thanks for your comment, Connie! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Thanks Kelly-it’s so true, it’s often when I seek Him even when it’s seems most difficult when I receive the absolute revelation that I need. Always a pleasure to stop by!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      It’s always a pleasure to see you here, Jill! 🙂

  8. Thank you Kelly… Really puts it into perspective for me today:)

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Nice to meet you, Zindzy! Praying you are renewed in His love today!

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