Wisdom on Following God’s Call

To kick off our first blog post of the Blogger Voices Network, I’ve asked the leaders to share their wisdom on following God’s call.

Wisdom on Following God’s Call from Kelly R. Baker

When we’re fresh out of ideas, we go to the internet for inspiration. But what sometimes follows is doing what someone else is doing because it seems like a great idea. But God doesn’t give us a ministry to copy others. Seeking Him first is the best way. I’ve learned to follow His directions instead of keeping up with the Joneses. That’s where true fruit is produced.

Meghan Weyerbacher Talks About Following God’s Call

Following God’s call on our lives is a lot like standing on a dock facing a gorgeous landscape surrounded by sea. We want to dive off the dock and swim as fast as we can to reach shore’s edge. The Nike slogan, “Just Do It,” is not only branded on our shoes, our culture has branded it into our hearts. We begin to beat to the rhythm of drills, drive-throughs, and done.

We forget the joy of letting bare feet sway on the single wooden plank, soaking up the sunlit breeze, allowing the morning mist to wrap its greeting around our ankles. At times we brush aside the tender truth that God is with us today; for we crave the riches of completion.

Why the rush? We’re like a silk garment trapped in a wash cycle meant only for Brillo® pads. As God’s children, burn out often breeds confusion when we’ve assumed the call on our lives is a race against the clock.

What determines the gap between yes and go? Are we allowed to pause and wade in the moment? Is it so wrong to bask in the beautiful tension of knowing and not knowing? I think we should more often.

Following God’s Call by Christin Baker

When God calls you to something, he puts a passion in your soul that just won’t go away. It’s like fire shut up in your bones, a burning fervor that flows through your veins. It’s what you think about throughout the day, and what rests with you at night. Like a swelling dam or an overflowing river, you can’t keep the call to yourself. The passion and God-ordained call spills over and touches the hearts and lives of others. God’s call is also manifested through the gifts, skills, and talents he has entrusted us with. It may be the gift of writing, speaking, art, or administration. We must be faithful stewards of these gifts by cultivating our skills and honing our craft. Many times I have felt like the prophet Isaiah. When I behold the power and glory of God and experience His sweet presence, I can’t help but respond to His call by saying, “Here I am. Send me!”

Sarah Geringer Shares on Following God’s Calling

I felt God’s call to write at the age of 13, when I received positive feedback from my teachers. I decided to pursue an English degree in college.

After graduation, I wrote only in journals. I didn’t know how God wanted me to use my writing until I began blogging in 2010.

When I got vulnerable on my blog, my views went up. People said my words were encouraging. Then I knew what God was calling me to do—write as a ministry.

Dave Ramsey famously says to pay yourself first, and I think this applies to writers. If we take our callings to write seriously, we must put a high priority on our writing time.

I’m writing a book this summer while my three children are home with me. Because I’m following God’s call to write, I’m getting up at 4:00 a.m. to write for a few hours before my children wake up.

God places callings in our hearts for the benefit of others. My greatest hope is that my words lead people to Christ. If I honor the call to write, God will use my words as a ministry.

Following God’s call into ministry is exciting and challenging. The leaders of the Blogger Voices Network share their wisdom on following God’s call.

Following God’s Call by Emily Vega

Being a blogger gives you an advantage that missionaries only dream about. You have a voice, you have extended reach beyond your geography and you have a captive audience wherever you go.

Most of us didn’t have the thought to start a blog for Jesus and ministry. I’m guessing. We read about the benefits, potential income and we also love writing and the subject of [gardening]. So we started a blog and started writing about [gardening]. Insert your blog niche in those parentheses.

You’re here because something happened to you after that. God is nudging you – or elbow jabbing you – to use your blog for His purpose. That gentle nudge (or charlie horse) that God is giving you is what Christians in the “industry” have dubbed a calling.

God’s given you a purpose from the start: to encourage, exhort and comfort! If you are a blogger, you are a missionary. Even gardening bloggers can use their content to glorify God.

I’m glad that you’re here with me! It’s good to know there are others bloggers out to change the world.

Kela Nellums Shares About Following God’s Call

I’ve learned several hard lessons about how to embrace my calling.

I first had to identify what that looked like for me. As I’m learning, its being defined through my gifting and personality, and becoming refined through partnering with others on the same path.

I’m learning (and correcting) that I can be my worst enemy when it comes to recognizing that God thinks  I’m valuable and influential enough to have an impact on someone’s life personally.

When I slow down to see those closest to me that needs a timely word of encouragement, I learn the lesson of true community.

I’m learning that I don’t have to be on a public platform to be an effective communicator. It’s the time spent alone with God and in His Word that does the equipping and preparing.

I’m learning that although I’d like “formal” training, I can be emboldened and encouraged by Peter and John in Acts 4:13; no formal training, but they had been with Jesus and were empowered to preach the Gospel.

What I’m learning, even when it is hard, is valuable and vital to growth in my calling.

Insight on Following God’s Call by Nicole Kauffman

My journey to following God’s call for me as a blogger has been a whirlwind! From the moment I graduated college, I was searching for the “right thing” the “what I was going to do with my life” plan. I spent years diving into different career paths and trying to make them fit into the box I’d created for God.

But I always came back to that same worn-out place where God was whispering something greater. He was calling me to be still, to surrender and to take a leap of faith.

It’s not easy leaving the stable, planned-out path you have your eyes on. Especially when you’re already invested. I turned from an almost-completed Master’s program and decided to follow God’s call to the blogging ministry.

And God has blessed every single step of this journey. As I’ve continually surrendered and prayerfully aligned my heart with His, I found greater joy, greater peace and greater purpose. There is power in stepping out to follow God’s call in growing His Kingdom.

If you’re struggling with the call of blogging, I want to encourage you to keep fighting to surrender your heart to the Lord. He will guide you and sustain you.

Bloggers of Christian faith are welcome to link up their faith based post on Friday’s at the Blogger Voices Network link up. BVN is for Christian women. Our heart is to “with one voice glorify God” (Romans 15:5-7) while we practice contentment and collaborate together. Interested? We’d love for you to join us. #network #linkup #faith #networking #contentment #interviews #collaboration #womeninministry #blogger #networkingideas #thrivinginchrist #women #networktips #community #Christian

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  1. kellyrbaker says:

    Ladies, thanks so much for sharing your wisdom!

  2. Loved reading your wisdom, friends. I am so encouraged by your journey and the lessons you have learned so far. Kelly, thanks for all you do. xoxo

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      It is encouraging to not feel alone in the challenges of walking in our calling. I appreciate you, too, friend!

  3. It’s so amazing hearing the stories of how God calls us in so many different and yet beautiful ways to follow Him and to make a difference for His kingdom! Thanks for sharing your stories, ladies!!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      It makes a beautiful picture! So blessed by you, Nicole!

  4. Such great words of wisdom and encouragement

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Shelley!

  5. Rebecca Jones says:

    I started with no idea in mind, I didn’t even realize God had picked the name of the blog. It has been so much of a blessing to me.

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