Difficult Circumstances? God is Painting You into Awesome

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Do you sometimes wonder what God is doing about your difficult circumstances? You know those seasons of life when things just keep going wrong? Despite that, God is working behind the scenes creating beauty.

I remember going through a season like that about 10 years ago. My kids and I stayed with my mom to help her recover after surgery. During the two weeks I was there:

  • My kids came down with sickness
  • My glasses broke, new ones were costly
  • The car had a flat tire
  • My husband hurt his back and was laid up
  • I hurt my knee and couldn’t walk without being in pain
  • Someone sent me a not-so-pleasant email

It seemed like every time I turned around it was bad news!

God’s Comfort in Difficult Circumstances

I sat in my car alone; my tears matched the rain falling on the windshield. A blanket of depression weighed me down.

God, why are you letting all this happen to me?

A pathetic sigh escaped my lips. I asked Him how I needed to respond so I could get out of the dreadful feeling of not looking forward to tomorrow. He led me to verses on affliction.

This is my comfort in my affliction, That Your word has revived me. Psalm 119:50 NASB

I don’t put my trust in my circumstances. I believe what His word says and will gain comfort by it. So I prayed:

  • Matthew 8:17 – Jesus bore my sickness, so I am healed
  • Isaiah 54:17 – No weapon formed against me shall prosper
  • Luke 10:19 – I have power over all the power of the enemy
  • John 15:7 – If Your words abide in me, I can ask what I will and it will be done
  • Psalm 55:18 – He has delivered my soul in peace from the battle against me
  • Isaiah 41:10 – You will strengthen me and help me
  • Psalm 46:1 – God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble
  • Psalm 34:17 – The Lord hears and delivers the righteous from all their troubles

I gained victory and comfort in the Spirit, but my circumstances didn’t change.

Here We Go…Again?

The doctor said my knee was a flare-up from a previous case of tendonitis and to stay off my feet for a week or two.

I’m supposed to be helping my Mom! Maybe some friends can come help?

In that same week, my son had croup and my husband and other son had flu symptoms. Yeah…come on over, friends! 😉

My husband’s family members from out of state were supposed to arrive for a visit a few days later. We tried to postpone that, but they had already driven half way. Somehow I needed to prepare for company and get the house cleaned in the middle of all this?

It felt like it was another week that got flushed down Hell’s toilet tubes. By the end of those three weeks, I was depressed again. But He reminded me…

“This is my comfort in my affliction, That Your word has revived me,” the verse flashed through my head. I knew the devil was robbing from me, but I refused to be passive any longer. I started praying His promises again.

The Best Part About God Using Difficult Circumstances

Even though I knew how to respond, I had forgotten, and oh, so quickly.  

Even today, it seems my journal is filled with frustrations. But then I look through the pages and see how I went to the Father with it all.

God doesn’t supernaturally make everything easy for us. If life was easy all the time, would I go to God as much? Probably not.

He will use the undesirable, difficult circumstances to shape us into His image, and to cause us to grow. He is glorified in that!

The trials we endure aren’t easy, but looking to Him gets easier. And I’m reminded of what He is doing. He answers our prayers, but He also transforms the human heart. It’s His power on display.

Do you sometimes wonder what God is doing about your difficult circumstances? Click here to find out how God is working behind the scenes. Click to Tweet

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The Truth Is, God Is Painting You into Awesome

A look at God’s marvelous creation reveals that He is a painter. Glorious sunrises. Majestic mountains. Vast seas. Matchless artistry.

He’s still painting; God is painting you.

You are the canvas, white, and fresh, ready now to become into what only the Painter can truly see in His mind’s eye. No one has a more accurate picture of you than He does. He sees you as a certain finished product that will be completed at some point in the future.

The canvas doesn’t get to choose the colors. The painter will chose a color and begin painting, and then a different color and paint some more. At that point, an onlooker will turn up his nose with one glance.

It’s undesirable.

But to the painter, it’s necessary to work toward the vision He has of the finished piece of work.

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The Color of Your Experiences

God erases your sins, but not the color of your experiences and memories.

Blue. It’s losing a loved one, and leaning into the arms of the Comforter.

Yellow. It’s learning to worship with a pure heart to a Holy God.

Orange. It’s crucifying the passions and lusts.

Green. It’s finding the habit of seeking His green pastures.

Red. It’s choosing to love.

Numerous shades come from His purposes. After awhile, the onlooker can see where the painter is going with His design, and then his attitude turns to eager expectation.

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6 NLT

That work that He’s started in you? He’s working toward the vision He has of you. What you’re going through? He’s using it for good. He’s using those vibrant “colors” to make you into a mouth-dropping awesome masterpiece.

God is the Master Artist of your life, changing you. This is what God is doing through those difficult circumstances, and He is painting you into awesome.

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*edited and expanded on from the archives

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  1. I love this post for so many reasons! I’ll be sharing it soon on My Messy Desk’s Facebook page! Thank you for the gift of your words this morning! Feeling blessed to visit your from #RaRaLinkUp this morning!

  2. Wow! What a beautiful description of our Savior’s love for us. I love art so this is especially intoxicating to me Kelly! I just need to learn to “be still: and trust the Master Artist of my life! So nice to visit here today via the RaRa linkup. i was definitely blessed and inspired! Have a wonderful week and may God bless you and yours!

    1. Thanks for visiting and for your comment, Horace. God bless you, too!

  3. Timothy Polis says:

    Great word!

  4. Just beautiful!

  5. Kelly, what a beautiful image. Green is my fave color and now I love it even more. Blessed to be your neighbor at Testimony Tuesday this week.

    1. He’s making you into something beautiful, Tara. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Pst Norman says:

    You are a blessing to the body of christ

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Thank you for your kind words! God bless you!

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