Prudent Lips: Protect Your Precious Pearls
Have you ever said too much without thinking while in conversation? I have. But I learned having prudent lips will protect what’s precious to me.

Are you a prudent person? That isn’t a word you might hear very often unless you’re reading it in the Bible. The word prudent means, “acting with or showing care and thought for the future.” [Source: dictionary app]
I wasn’t always a prudent one, especially with my mouth. And wow, do I ever have stories I could tell…
Have you ever said too much without thinking while in a conversation with someone? I have. It can get pretty awkward, huh?
Actually, I had a reputation for being one who couldn’t keep a secret so my family wouldn’t tell me family news until they just had to! When I learned I was the last one to find out it used to make the steam come out of my ears until I finally learned (and applied) some practical wisdom.
Prudent Lips
Today I’m sharing a short devotional over at my friend Kelly Basham’s. I’ve included an excerpt to the post, and after you read it, I hope you’ll click over and join us there!
When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent. Proverbs 10:19 ESV
I quickly looked down at the floor, trying to seem innocent. I could feel the redness beginning to creep up my neck and into my cheeks in a telling blush. Uncomfortable is an understatement. I felt naked.
It felt like my “pearls” had been stolen, yet I had just given them away.
My pearls are what is precious to me: my dreams, desires, feelings. Those private spaces of my heart shouldn’t be shared with just everyone. They should only be shared with my core group. The people I know I can trust. The ones that I know won’t betray me.
I had just given my prized pearls away to an unappreciative acquaintance. She wasn’t one that should have been privy to my innermost thoughts….
Prudent Lips to Protect Your Precious Pearls
Join me over at Kelly Basham’s to read the rest of this quick devotional and find out answers to questions like:
- How do you respond when someone is firing intrusive questions at you, but you don’t want to answer them?
- What is one practical action I can take to be regarded as one who is wise?
Click here to read Prudent Lips to Protect Precious Pearls, and check out Kelly’s blog while you’re there!