Keep Moving Forward with What God Said

Keep moving forward with what God said even when you feel like you’ll be in over your head. Here’s some biblical insights to show you the reason why.

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Did God tell you to do something, but it seems like you’ll be in over your head? Here’s some biblical insights to help you keep moving forward. 

I learned recently when you run across someone else giving a similar message God gave you before you have delivered it to your followers, share it anyway. Don’t let the enemy silence you. God obviously wants to talk to His people some more about that message. Such is the case with this post.

Before I share what’s on my heart, keep the answer to the following question in your mind:

What did God say the last time you heard Him speak to you?

Now read on, God’s still talking…

Do What God Instructed

You probably know the story—the miraculous parting of the Red Sea. God is in the midst of delivering the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. God displayed His power in a plethora of miracles while they were still in Egypt. Now they’re being pursued by the enemy (Exodus 14). The Egyptians “came to their senses” and realized they were losing out.

God already knew what He planned to do; He knew the outcome. At the beginning of the chapter, God told them where to go (v.2) and that Pharaoh would pursue them (v.4).

It wasn’t until the people saw the enemy that they cried out to God—and complained to leadership. Moses responded as well as any good leader should and encouraged the people.

It’s the next verse that makes us take a step back and ponder.

The LORD said to Moses, “Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward. Exodus 14:15 ESV

Wait. What? Aren’t we supposed to cry out to God? But remember, God had already told them what was going to happen.

Has God given directions for your life? Your calling? Your next assignment? God reveals His plans to you and me, yet sometimes we freeze in yesterday. I love the point that Crystal Storms makes in her recent post “When It’s Not Good to Stop and Pray”:

Stopping to pray is only an excuse when it keeps us from doing what we know God has called us to do. —Crystal Storms

When the Israelites saw the enemy, they feared.

Fear. Isn’t that the root of the issue when we use the excuse of praying prayers of doubt when we already know God told us to do something? (Oh, how I can relate to that!)

What did God say the last time you heard Him speak to you? Here's why to keep moving forward with God. #ThrivingInChrist #LiveYielded Share on X

Use What’s in Your Hand

After God said to move forward, He reminded Moses to use his staff (v.16). Remember, when God called Moses way back in the desert, God started with having Moses use the staff to get used to God’s miracle-working power.

Like I said in my post, Like Moses We Can Get Used to Using God’s Power,” “God will take what we are used to holding and transform it with His power as an instrument to fulfill His agenda. Moses was familiar with working with a staff, but God was showing him how to get used to the next level.”

So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the Lord parted it. The Israelites walked through the parted sea. You could say they were in over their heads. And when you use what’s in your hand, so to speak, it might seem like you’re in over your head, too.

Did God tell you to do something, but it seems like you’ll be in over your head? Here’s some biblical insights to help you keep moving forward.
Keep Moving Forward with What God Said

Isn’t that how it is? God tells you to do something, directs which steps you’re to take, warns you that there will be trials, and admonishes you to take heed that the devil doesn’t devour you (1 Peter 5:8). He already knows you’re going to be in over your head but tells you to keep moving forward anyway.

The enemy chasing you today might not be a physical army, but you might be pelted with lies from the devil. The problems, the lies, the attacks from the enemy might make you feel like you are in over your head. The attack of lies from the one against your soul needs to be dealt with just as a physical army chasing you.

If you don’t want to drown like the enemy, then keep moving forward.

How do you keep moving forward with what God said? By:

  • taking that next step
  • being obedient to what He has called you to do
  • using the power of God
  • trusting in Him
  • relying on His strength
The attack of lies from the one against your soul needs to be dealt with just as a physical army chasing you. #ThrivingInChrist #LiveYielded Share on X

The Reason Why to Keep Moving Forward with God

Do you want to know the real reason all this happened? From the very beginning, when God told them where to go and that Pharaoh would pursue them, God told them why:

I have planned this in order to display my glory through Pharaoh and his whole army. After this, the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD! Exodus 14:4 NLT

He even repeated what was going to happen and why in verses 17-18. After Moses stretched his hand over the sea and it went back to normal eliminating the enemy, the end result was that God received the glory and the people believed in the Lord.

Israel saw the great power that the LORD used against the Egyptians, so the people feared the LORD, and they believed in the LORD and in his servant Moses. Exodus 14:31 ESV

Do what God told you to do. When it seems like you’ll be in over your head, trust Him and keep moving forward. God will get the glory, and it will be a witness to those around you.

When it seems like you’ll be in over your head, trust Him and keep moving forward. #ThrivingInChrist #LiveYielded Share on X

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  1. 21flavorsofsplendor says:

    Love this!! I talk to my husband about this all the time. He loves to “fact check” and most of the time it ends up keeping him stuck and not moving forward toward what God has already spoken. I will definitely share this with him.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Saying a prayer that it helps! May we all keep moving forward. Many blessings to you!

  2. So often we are afraid to move forward because we want to understand how God is going to get us there. Then He asks us to trust in HIs provision. What a great reminder your post is to listen to and obey what God has already spoken.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      So true, Valerie. And He says, “Lean not to your own understanding.” Trust will enable our feet to take action. Great to see you here!

  3. Horace Williams Jr. says:

    I saw you above me on Crystal’s site and I just had to come read what God put on your heart Kelly! Oh what a blessing indeed! I love what you share here today.You are speaking the truth. The enemies lies are a stumbling block if we listen. I am learning to dive in the Word or pull scriptures from memory to combat him. It is not always easy to press forward, but God never promised us easy. He did promise He is always near, and He will empower us to accomplish His will. Such a blessing to read your thoughts, friend. I hope you have a fantastic weekend and may God continue to bless you and yours. Be well.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Oh, I’m so glad you clicked over, Horace! Praise God that He never leaves us, that His promises never fail, and He always comes through with the provision we need. Not our will but His be done. Not easy but worth it. I get excited when I see God moving and His people walking with Him. I read the other day, Beth Moore said she stopped asking God to walk with her because she realized she needed to walk with Him. Great wisdom there. I pray you’re doing well. Many blessings to you, friend!

  4. If I’m not in over my head, I’m probably doing it on my own. Keep moving forward, but spend time at His feet, is what I’ve learned in those times when I know I need to keep moving, but don’t quite know the way forward.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      You’re right, Debbie. I think if we aren’t in over our head we are probably doing it on our own. God’s miraculous power comes through us but He is the source. And like you said, we always need to keep coming back to our Source to get our marching orders. I pray God’s blessing on your week. 🙂

  5. debwilson2 says:

    Kelly, this is a wonderful reminder that God accomplishes His plan. We just need to do what He’s told us. He’s bigger than our enemy. Blessings.

  6. Great post! Yes, I am over my head so I will just keep swimming. Thank you for the reminder and encouragement! #SittingAmongFriends

    1. Glad you joined us, Julie! Praying you have a blessed weekend.

  7. Great words, Kelly! I wonder how many blessings we miss because we get stuck instead of stepping out in faith and obedience.

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Wow, great point, Donna!

  8. I wish I had read this before, “I learned recently when you run across someone else giving a similar message God gave you before you have delivered it to your followers, share it anyway. Don’t let the enemy silence you. God obviously wants to talk to His people some more about that message.”

    I had a post ready to go and scheduled for two weeks. Then, our pastor spoke on something similar and I ended up rewriting a major part of the post and even put it on the back burner for two months. I also learned, if He places it on your heart, it might need to be said sooner than later, not scheduled for two weeks out like mine. If God’s laying it on several hearts, it’s pretty important. Blessings, Kelly!

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      Great to see you here, Esther! Yes, I think He works like that to confirm His directions.

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