Want to keep on track with God during the holidays? These three intentional decisions will help you thrive spiritually. Plus a holiday Bible study for you to check out.
We all know how it goes during the holidays. We say we’re going to keep on track with God and then—we’re sidetracked. Menu plans, decorating ideas, craft projects, shopping lists, holiday parties, and—we’re inundated.
It’s a race against the clock and every second is precious. Our only prayer time turns into a plea for a parking spot.
I’ve been there. My excuses push away good intentions.
I must spend time with my friends during the holidays!
If I don’t get meaningful gifts for my family they will think I’m short-changing them!
If I’m not careful, I get caught up in the busy season and my relationship with God suffers. But that’s not the way I want it! Can you relate?
Knowing all the crazy that will threaten to swirl in our heads, we need to make some firm decisions before the holidays arrive.
These 3 Intentional Decisions Will Help You Grow Spiritually During the Holidays
I will have a Daily Time with God. What does that mean? Daily Time is my mantra. It means: Determining Again I Live Yielded. Today I’m Maintaining Evidence. Additionally, decide other pertinent feet-planting commitments such as determining what Bible study you will go through. Get your plan in place. Related: A Simple Plan to Establish Daily Devotions Right Now
I will find or be accountability. Now I know we tend to evade the word accountability. I used to cringe at the thought of it. There were times when I didn’t like being answerable to another human being, but it was what I needed. Psalm 100:3 says, “Know that the LORD, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.” We can learn from the gregariousness nature of sheep. Their flocking instinct is their only protection from death; vulnerability to predators increases with those that scatter. Related: Why Accountability Helps You Thrive with God
I will attend church regularly. There’s something about being under the corporate anointing when you go to church. The Church has had a bad rap, though. Offense divides, rejection rejects, and the result is people leave the Church. Yet Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to forsake assembling together because it’s beneficial in a healthy environment. The anointing oil on Aaron the priest ran down, not up (Psalm 133:2). That’s symbolic; the anointing of headship flows down and blesses the rest of the congregation. Fellow writer Whitney did a great job of listing reasons why it’s easy to stay home from church in my friend, Kelli LaFram’s series, “Why Bother with Church?” Whatever the reason, nix it and be healthy. Related: Nothing Knocks the Church Down Faster Than Division
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A Solution to Keep on Track with God This Holiday Season
A fitting solution is to go through a Bible study specifically designed to coincide with the weeks between mid-November right up to Christmas. A few HelloMornings writers and I wrote the perfect study for you: Greatly to Be Praised
Why get a copy? Greatly to be Praised is a six-week study that uses various Psalms to walk you through the seasons of Thanksgiving and Advent.
What does it cover? The first two weeks focus on praise and thanksgiving. The third is a transition week that focuses on God’s nature and our need for Jesus, and the last three weeks focus on Messianic Psalms to prepare your heart for Advent and Christmas.
How much time will I need? Our HelloMornings Bible study format is specifically designed to help you dive deep into Scripture whether you have five minutes or fifty.
What’s included? Each 6-week study contains:
daily scripture, commentary, study prompts
daily worksheets with planning and fitness space
a primer on Bible study methods
How much does it cost? Greatly to Be Praised is available as a Paperback on Amazon. Get your copy now!
Is there a giveaway? I have four digital copies to give away! UPDATE: Giveaway has ended.
Three right here on the blog and one is reserved for KRB Insiders only via my mailing list.
To enter the giveaway on the blog, leave a comment telling me your favorite verse or passage!
The giveaway runs now through November 10th.
The winners will be randomly chosen and announced on my Facebook page at 9:00 p.m. on Friday, November 10th!
I’m ready to keep on track with God this holiday season! Will you join me? How will you follow through with the three intentional decisions listed above?
Did something in this post resonate with you? Then please share it!
Kelly R. Baker is a Bible study teacher, mentor, and homeschool mom. She serves with her husband in leading the worship ministry at their church. You will probably find her sneaking a bite (or more) of organic dark chocolate in between wrangling her four kids. She'd love to thrive in Christ together with you. She promises if you live yielded, you'll see the fruit.
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Hi Kelly, Your book sounds like a wonderful way to stay focused on the real reason for the season! My favorite verse is John 3:30. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love that verse, Alyson! It speaks so much truth even though it’s short. I hope you win!
Oh what a great tool just in time for the season! I always love your breakdowns to staying on track. Simple is needed for this mama! I pray this Bible study blesses many, friend.
Hey, friend! Simple is my jam, too. 😉
Christmas for me is always a time to rejoice and enjoy. That’s why I try to get the hustle done before Thanksgiving and spend all of December focused on Jesus.
Now that sounds like a good plan, Debbie! I started a couple weeks ago. I don’t want to lose my focus either.
My favorite is Isiah 40:31 “they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like an eagle, they will walk and not grow weary, they will run and not faint. ” My other favorite is Phil 4: 13 & 19 – “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” and “My God will supply all my needs according to his riches in glory.” I stand on these verses.
Wonderful, Betty! I love rereading foundational verses! They never get old. 🙂
Isaiah 55:8-9 English Standard Version (ESV)
8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Thanks for entering, Julie!
This sounds like a good study. It is important to make time with God a priority and not let that get lost in the holiday busyness!
Yes! Thanks for reading and commenting, Lesley.
Kelly, how cool! I have an upcoming series on a similar topic, staying content in Christ during the holidays. So glad to hear about another HelloMornings Bible Study. I’ll have to pray about whether I have the time to participate this year, but thank you for sharing!
I’d love a copy either way, too! My favorite verse (at the moment) is Philippians 4:12-13. I used to think contentment came when you forced yourself to be grateful- but Paul says the secret to contentment is that we can do all things through Him who gives us strength. What a relief! Sometimes I don’t have the strength on my own to be grateful!!
I can’t wait to read your series! And I love what you said about Phil. 4:13. That verse is often taken out of context. Thanks for entering, Bethany!
Making sure to have a quiet time each day is so important to keeping our eyes on Jesus all throughout our day, Kelly. I have found this sacred habit to be such a blessing in my life–enabling me to stay peace-filled as I look to the Good Shepherd for guidance and power in each challenge. I hope you get a lot of participants for your study! You go, girl!
Yes, I love this daily habit, too! Interesting that you mentioned the Lord as our Shepherd. That’s been on my heart lately.
Hi Kelly, Your book sounds like a wonderful way to stay focused on the real reason for the season! My favorite verse is John 3:30. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love that verse, Alyson! It speaks so much truth even though it’s short. I hope you win!
Oh what a great tool just in time for the season! I always love your breakdowns to staying on track. Simple is needed for this mama! I pray this Bible study blesses many, friend.
Hey, friend! Simple is my jam, too. 😉
Christmas for me is always a time to rejoice and enjoy. That’s why I try to get the hustle done before Thanksgiving and spend all of December focused on Jesus.
Now that sounds like a good plan, Debbie! I started a couple weeks ago. I don’t want to lose my focus either.
My favorite is Isiah 40:31 “they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like an eagle, they will walk and not grow weary, they will run and not faint. ” My other favorite is Phil 4: 13 & 19 – “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” and “My God will supply all my needs according to his riches in glory.” I stand on these verses.
Wonderful, Betty! I love rereading foundational verses! They never get old. 🙂
Isaiah 55:8-9 English Standard Version (ESV)
8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Thanks for entering, Julie!
This sounds like a good study. It is important to make time with God a priority and not let that get lost in the holiday busyness!
Yes! Thanks for reading and commenting, Lesley.
Kelly, how cool! I have an upcoming series on a similar topic, staying content in Christ during the holidays. So glad to hear about another HelloMornings Bible Study. I’ll have to pray about whether I have the time to participate this year, but thank you for sharing!
I’d love a copy either way, too! My favorite verse (at the moment) is Philippians 4:12-13. I used to think contentment came when you forced yourself to be grateful- but Paul says the secret to contentment is that we can do all things through Him who gives us strength. What a relief! Sometimes I don’t have the strength on my own to be grateful!!
I can’t wait to read your series! And I love what you said about Phil. 4:13. That verse is often taken out of context. Thanks for entering, Bethany!
Making sure to have a quiet time each day is so important to keeping our eyes on Jesus all throughout our day, Kelly. I have found this sacred habit to be such a blessing in my life–enabling me to stay peace-filled as I look to the Good Shepherd for guidance and power in each challenge. I hope you get a lot of participants for your study! You go, girl!
Yes, I love this daily habit, too! Interesting that you mentioned the Lord as our Shepherd. That’s been on my heart lately.