5 Reasons You’re Still in a Season of Waiting
Does God have you in a season of waiting? Would you like to know why? Here are five possible reasons you’re still in a season of waiting.
I don’t know about you, but when I’m in a season of waiting, I want to know WHY I have to wait. How’s that for patience, right? *eye roll*
But seriously. It’s not fun.
That’s why knowing the reason behind the wait eases the frustration a bit. If I get God’s perspective, I can be productive in that season of waiting.
We all desire to hear His voice. But what do I do when God says nothing in response to my questions? Why does God say, “Wait”?
Whatever His reasons are—whether He reveals them to me or not—I can have peace that He is taking the best care of me.
It’s God’s privilege to be sovereign over the lives of His children. Privilege means “a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most.”
So today, I’m sharing with you five reasons you might be in a season of waiting.
Are you in a season of waiting? What do you do when God says, u0022Waitu0022 or even nothing in response to your questions? Here are 5 possible reasons you're still in a season of waiting. #ThrivingInChrist #LiveYielded Share on XFor I wait for You, LORD; You will answer, Lord my God.
Psalm 38:15 NASB
Your Season of Waiting Might Tell You a Few Possible Reasons:
Reason 1: Your desire needs to shift.
Sometimes I want what I’m asking about more than desiring God Himself. God aligned my heart with this when I desired to be married more than I wanted God. I need to take a frequent, careful look at my heart. Have I erected an idol in place of God? It’s easy to lean too far on the side of “God will give me the desires of my heart” without delighting in the Lord.
Reason 2: You’re waiting for God to speak when He’s spoken.
I’ve learned that He desires His children know Him more and more through His Word. Sometimes when I seek Him for clear direction on a specific subject or circumstance, it’s easier to understand what He would say in those times when I feel He is silent. I simply apply His Word. Or the Holy Spirit will illuminate a verse or passage connecting the dots for me.
It might not have been the answer I thought I needed but the one He knows I need. God might say, “Lean on Me. Trust Me. Don’t Fret.” Then I’m reminded of Proverbs 27:7 (NKJV), “A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, But to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.”
Reason 3: God’s waiting for you.
Remember Noah? God gave him that monstrous project that took years to complete. I wonder if Noah ever grew tired of waiting for that day of rain. But he had a job to do with lots of preparation to complete. If he started asking God for the rain to go ahead and come before he finished, then he would’ve had problems! You might need to finish preparing some tasks before God brings your waiting to an end.
Reason 4: You just need to make a decision.
It depends on what you’re waiting about, of course, but this one reminds me of a lady who once told me she stands in front of her closet and asks God what to wear each day. Now I tried to see her logic from her perspective. Her habit could be a wise practice; what if God’s taking you from dressing provocatively to modestly? I could get in agreement with that. But generally, I don’t think God’s going to sit on His throne shaking His head, saying, “Green! Green!” if you chose the blue top.
There are probably so many times that I needlessly fret when I could just make a decision. We have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). If you aren’t getting a peace after making that decision, then the Holy Spirit is letting you know to do something else.
Reason 5: God’s getting everyone in place.
God is building His Church, and He gives His people kingdom assignments. I can’t see everything God can see, but I know He is working. “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT
There are so many times when I don’t see the goodness of His will. I think mine is better until everything plays out. Then in hindsight, I see the beauty of His work.
When I look at Philippians 2:13 (NASB), it helps me remember God’s perspective.
For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for [His] good pleasure.
God will give it to you when your character is ready for it. This might not apply in every case, but it could still be a reason!
RELATED: The Holy Spirit Uses the Dictionary: 10 Verses on Patience
Your Season of Waiting
He will reveal His will. Unless you have continued to live in willful sin, God will hear you (Isaiah 59:1-2). And while you’re waiting, He will work everything to your good (Romans 8:28).
To trust God in the light is nothing, but to trust Him in the dark—that is faith. C.H. Spurgeon
Most of the time, when I’m in a season of waiting, more than one of the above are true. There’s some modification needed or taking place. Whatever the reason, I need to align my heart with God’s will.
A Prayer for Your Season of Waiting
God, thank You that You see my life and hear my prayers. I release my worries to You and trust in Your ability of being my good Father. You are making everything in my life beautiful.
While I’m waiting, help me to modify my thoughts and ways to Your plans and purposes for my life. Open my eyes to see the reason I’m in this season of waiting. Help me to move when You lead and quit when You say stop. Thank You for making Your will clear to me. Amen.
Are you in a season of waiting? What do you think God is saying?
I’ve been thinking about waiting a lot lately, Kelly, and this hit me right where I’m at this morning! Thanks for speaking these words of truth!
My pleasure, Stacey! This subject has been on my heart, too.
Hi. You are so inspiring. I am separated from an abusive man. It’s been a few years and I feel like I’m in a waiting season. I just recently got a new job and I really want to find love again. If u have any advice that would be helpful. Thank u.
I’m thankful for this affirmation that God is always at work. There’s never a wasted moment on His part. This motivates me to stay close to His Word and within hearing of His voice. There’s so much going on behind the scenes that we’re not aware of.
Yes! It reminds me of being a mom. My kids probably have no clue that I’m continually thinking and planning for them. God is the same way with us.
Thank you so much for your encouragement, Kelly! I am in a season of waiting right now with our family, and it is so refreshing to ready your post today. I will continue to trust the Lord, even in the dark, and align my heart with his good, pleasing and perfect will! Blessings to you!
I’m so glad to hear my post refreshed you, Christin! Blessings to you as well!
These are good truths to remember, Kelly. I’ve been in a time of waiting over the last few months in two different situations, neither of which I could control. One is now resolved and the other is not, but I think the truth about my desire shifting has been something he’s been teaching me in one. The other one I think is more about accepting I’m not in control and learning to trust his timing even when it’s different from mine.
Thanks for your comment, Lesley. Seems like He is teaching us something during seasons of waiting.
Wow! This was really needed. Let’s just say I’ve been in a season of waiting and it has not been easy! I’ve had so many questions for God, including why am I waiting?!?
So this post was much needed!
Also, thanks for sharing my Valentine’s post with all the single ladies! ❤
Your post is spot on, Alisha, and I’m so glad I came across it on Pinterest! Also, how cool that we now know each other? 🙂 So glad my post helped! Many blessings!
Love especially the part about making a decision. Thanks for sharing this Kelly!
Great to see my awesomesauce friend here! 🙂
I’m in a unique season of waiting right now and #2 really hit home – waiting for Him to speak when He has spoken. Sometimes I know I’m not satisfied with hearing “Trust Me” even though that’s the answer I NEED. Thanks for writing this!
Yes that one! It seems God is always having me circle back to trusting Him! Lol
I really appreciate this quote: “To trust God in the light is nothing, but to trust Him in the dark—that is faith.” C.H. Spurgeon
And this whole post. I used to wait better – I was young and had time. At 60 I have less time and that bothers me. Until I go back to the word TRUST.
Trusting God seems to be the foundation in waiting. Thanks for leaving a comment, Joy!
Hi. I am also 60 and it scares me. I don’t have as much time left. I have been separated for quite a few years from an abusive man and want to find love again. I have such major trust issues and my faith is shattered. Any advice?