How to Find Intimacy in Your Connection with God

Learn how to find intimacy with God. Here’s how to get past the subtle disconnections with Him and be fulfilled through daily face time with Him.

How to Find Intimacy in Your Connection with God.

We all have distractions that can disconnect us from God, right? But this post is more than a talk about the perils of distractions. It’s more about our connection with God—and finding intimacy in it.

We connect with God primarily through prayer, worship, reading and studying the Bible. But it helps to know a couple things. Let me tell you about what I learned one day…

A Text Message to Find Intimacy with God?

I wanted to connect with God while I pushed my daughter in the stroller on our tranquil walk. But there in the hot summer day under a gorgeous clear blue sky were distractions that created a disconnect.

  • There was the hawk hunching over his breakfast, afraid we were going to ask to share (no thank you).
  • The cool breeze tickled my skin.
  • Daughter whined, the sun in her eyes.
  • I walked further and pushed the stroller up our slightly inclining street, uncomfortable perspiration beginning to make its appearance.
  • My muscles starting to clamor a louder complaint, yet I walked on.

I kept trying to push it all out because I wanted to sense God’s presence. I wanted to hear from Him on something major. The problem is, I didn’t realize that I was multitasking as I’m prone to do. What did I expect? A text message from the sky?

Me: God, about that thing…. What am I supposed to do?”

God: Say this. Do this. Write this.

Me: Got it. Over and out.

I wanted a quick response from Him. Fast. Easy. Clear.

But God isn’t a magic genie from on high. He desires face time like any other friend, and I don’t mean FaceTime.

God desires face time like any other friend you have. #DailyTime #LiveYielded Click To Tweet

Getting Past Subtle Disconnections to Find Intimacy with God

It wasn’t until later when in a solitary place to seek His face that I pressed into worship. I sensed His strong presence. And that moment marked the beginning of a revival in my heart—a burning in my spirit for realness.

I desire His realness in my walk, and in my words, and in ministry. So I’m done trying to figure out if I’m a writer who speaks or an occasional speaker who writes or if I’m a worship leader with a blog. It’s none of those and it’s all of those because really I’m a messenger.

But I want to be done with my agenda and let Him have His way. I desire His voice overlaid on mine, booming so mine isn’t even there. Let His glory shine all over this blog. I am done sharing His glory.

God never changes. But when we worship, we change. —@GATEWAYworship

Besides hearing the directions I hoped to hear, He showed me: the exchange of my glory for His comes with basking in His presence. The desire for that comes with intimacy. We are changed in His presence. It doesn’t come with being in stages of comparison to others nor in stages of disconnect in our relationship with God.

My goal is to not only help you draw closer to Him through having a Daily Time with God but to reconnect you to His arms. Because subtle disconnections come through hurts and busy days and other ways. I’ll keep encouraging you to run to His arms and stay there. Yes, my friend, stay there and thrive!

If you are in a lasting embrace with someone, that is an intimate position. We crave intimacy and often seek to find it through people and things. God is the only way to receive that fulfillment.

The exchange of my glory for His comes with basking in His presence. #DailyTime #LiveYielded Click To Tweet

We crave intimacy and often seek to find it through things other than God. We can find intimacy with God and be fulfilled through daily face time with Him.

Finding Intimacy with God

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. Matthew 18:20 ESV

Only you and me are gathered together while you’re reading this (and possibly more you can’t see—but that’s good because we aiming for no distractions here). So Jesus is among us.  

Knowing that fact, I want you to ignore everything else but Him for a moment.

He is here. Breathe His name.

Let Him know that you desire to have an intimate relationship with Him.

Talk to Him about anyone or anything else that is contending for His place of intimacy.

If He’s going deep right now and you can’t find the words, pray this:

Father God, You are welcome in my life. Have Your way in my heart. Take me to a walk of greater intimacy with You. Lord, the people and things in my life that I’ve chased as the fulfillment of Your love—I let go of them now. There is nothing on earth that can fill the God-shaped hole in my heart but You.

I desire to connect with You daily. Help me run away from distractions straight into Your arms. Envelop me in Your presence. I love You. Thank You for being jealous of my love and loving me. Amen.  

Wow! God is matchless, isn’t He? Sometimes my heart feels like it will explode with emotion for Him!

Build the Habit of Intimacy with God

In all human relationships, there is an ebb and flow of closeness that increases and decreases. What I *love* about God is His everlasting faithfulness. Want loyalty? You got it in God! The problem is sometimes we increase and decrease in closeness with God. Perhaps today, you would like help to build the habit of intimacy with God. Get the Live Yielded Scripture Writing Plan.

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How to Get Past Distractions That Disconnect Us from God.
How to Find a Greater Intimacy with God.




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  1. Kelly- thanks for sharing this! I find myself wanting God to talk right when I’m ready and it always happens when I least expect it. Love your heart for God 🙂

    1. kellyrbaker says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed it, Julie! Hugs, friend! 🙂

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