Let’s Impart Virtues into the Next Generation
A simple definition of virtues is moral excellence. What would you do with lessons teaching virtue? Here’s some for you to impart virtues into your kids.

A couple of years ago I felt God leading me to do something that surprised me. God has entrusted me to train my children in His ways, but I had reached a season of uncertainty. I turned to my mentors. How did teaching Bible to their kids look in their family? What studies did they use?
He wanted me to teach my children from my own mouth. Was I supposed to teach them Biblical truths? Bible stories? Character traits? I knew the answer was yes. It seemed like a tall order. My tendency leaned toward having them watch a Bible video, send them to read their Bible, or picking up a book and teaching from that instead of creating my own lessons. After all, it was certainly less time consuming.
In obedience to God, I made time for creating lessons. I gingerly stepped into this a couple of years ago, and I found that I love the challenge of the adventure!
I learned that almost any Bible lesson for adults can be taught to children when you:
- simplify it—use vocabulary that is on their level
- keep the class to the length of their attention span—start with one minute per child’s age
Seeing them grow from the seeds of the Word being planted in their hearts is very rewarding. It’s definitely the highlight of my day!
Imparting Virtues: Lessons to Teach Your Kids
Simply defined, virtues means moral excellence. What would you do with lessons teaching virtue? Biblical principles or character-building lessons? What would God have you do with them?
You can find a few of the Imparting Virtues Lessons for children in my Free Resources page. I’m providing you with the opportunity to impart into the next generation. I wouldn’t be here today without the training my parents instilled into me, reinforced by the teachers I was blessed with at church as a kid.

I believe we are to impart to the next generation.
The lessons are simple, but I will add to the Free Resources Page from time to time. I designed them for my children, but they are available for your kids too. The lessons for Imparting Virtues are free for you to use to teach your kids, teach at a small group, or even for your own Daily Time with God.
Many of the lessons are simply outlines. I spotlight certain words or phrases from the topic of the day and teach straight from what the Scripture says.
Never underestimate the value of simple truth; these lessons can be a spring board for you to dive deeper into the concept as needed.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Note For Homeschool Moms
I often make an outline ahead of time, and teach a new subject each week. The main concept is taught on Monday and reinforced throughout the week. Sometimes we have an activity or object lesson during the week for practical application.
Write the title and points on a dry erase board, have your kids copy what you wrote in a special spiral for “Virtues Class,” look up the verses to read aloud together, and optionally let your kids use a no bleed highlighters or fun Crayola Twistables to illuminate the verses in their Bible. Then take advantage of any practical applications given, or go with your own idea.
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