Sweetness of Spirit: Your Life Leaves an Impression
Your life leaves an impression. Are you willing for it to be a sweetness of spirit? In this Daily Time™ Devotional, allow the Spirit to begin sweet change. (The format is different than normal for this Daily Time™ Devotional.)
This is an excerpt from Sweetness of Spirit: A 5-Day Devotional for a Changed Demeanor.

Okay, I’m just going to spill it:
My spirit man was definitely not producing a sweetness. For years I had responded to life in the wrong way. I had, of course, heard and even learned about the fruit of the Spirit. You don’t grow up in the church without being taught about that! But I had a foolish habit of ignoring the application of it to my life, more accurately, the way I reacted to my life.
Growing up I was toughened in my spirit since I ignored the moments He wanted to shape me. I said what I wanted, and my speech wasn’t tactful. I frequently put my foot in my mouth long before I knew it. I argued with my parents and my brother and the friends that I could keep. When I was asked to help with something at home I whined or did it with a bad attitude. My sour responses had taken over my life and was so thoroughly ingrained that I could not see myself.
What robbed the sweetness? Hatred, depression, worry, impatience, harshness, anger, pride… Every time I reacted with one of those, my spirit kept turning sour, until one day I was known only for my selfishness. I think I left a bad taste in others’ mouths more than I didn’t.
Your life leaves an impression. Are you willing for it to be a sweetness of spirit? #LiveYielded #DailyTimeDevotional Share on XAfter the day that I came back to Jesus and truly started surrendering my ways for His, the Lord used my dear mom to introduce a concept that was foreign to me: sweetness of spirit. I was finally ready to “find out what is acceptable to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:8-10 NKJV). I wasn’t happy with myself.
I had bitterly held up the mirror and was sickened by the reflection of my soured spirit mocking me.
“When bitterness is exhausted sweetness will follow.”
— Author unknown
I asked God to change me to produce His fruit of the Spirit. That was the beginning of learning to live yielded to Him.
Fruit will ripen to just that perfect sweetness, leaving a delectable taste in your mouth. Just like eating a good piece of fruit means happy taste buds, I wanted my life to leave a good taste in your mouth.
Your Life Leaves an Impression
What about you? Is the Spirit speaking to your heart? Your life leaves an impression too. Are you willing for it to be a sweetness of spirit? Allow the Holy Spirit to begin sweet change.

Get the rest of the devotional Sweetness of Spirit: A 5-Day Devotional for a Changed Demeanor with reflection questions and set of 12 Scripture cards.
In the devotional, we talk about:
- the impression your life leaves
- what it means to chase the wrong response
- how to be mindful of the moments
- allowing your fruit to ripen
- gaining a new reputation
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