A Pilgrim’s Journey: How to Live Yielded to God
A Pilgrim’s Journey: How to Live Yielded to God is a series featuring traveling terms that relate to spiritual growth to keep you on track.
The Story Behind A Pilgrim’s Journey: How to Live Yielded to God

When I was a young Christian, I had no idea where I was going in God. I wanted to move forward but all I did was flounder for a long time. I felt…lost.
Have you ever felt that way?
One day I started going through a 40-day interactive devotional. It felt like the author took me by the hand and began walking me out of spiritual immaturity.
That’s when I started keeping a spiritual journal. Oh, I had a diary, of course. But this was different. It was me talking to God, God to me, and all He was showing me.
As time went on, I started to notice the truths He had specifically taught me could be connected to words that relate to traveling (like walk or hike).
One day I decided to make a simple list. It looked like a table of contents!
When I realized this, God spoke to my heart to write about it and share what I’d learned with others.
You know what? That day was over 20 years ago!
What happened to writing about it? Well, in 2010 I started blogging. And here and there I wrote about many of these timeless truths.
Some of these written in the past on this site might seem like they were an individual piece. But what none of you knew is that they were always connected to A Pilgrim’s Journey: How to Live Yielded to God.
I will start to add an intro block onto those posts to show the connection with the traveling term.
Come Join the Pilgrimage of A Pilgrim’s Journey
You’re invited to join the pilgrimage of A Pilgrim’s Journey: How to Live Yielded to God. I’ll begin linking previously published and newly published posts here.

Here’s how to follow along:
- Bookmark this page.
- Make sure you’re subscribed to get notifications of the next post in the series.
- Use a dedicated notebook.
At the end of each traveling term, take a moment to allow the Lord to speak to you. Take time to reflect about what you have just read and apply it to your life.
Write what God speaks to you, what He shows you, and what you learn on your journey. A notebook such as this is a valuable tool in measuring your growth in the Lord. I personally have several such notebooks that I have referred to over and over again. You retain so much more when you write stuff down!
The journey never stops, so keep on recording your progress, mistakes and failures
u003cemu003eA Pilgrim’s Journey: How to Live Yielded to God is a series featuring traveling terms that relate to spiritual growth to keep you on track.u003c/emu003e #LiveYielded Share on XThe Travels (Table of Contents) of A Pilgrim’s Journey: How to Live Yielded to God
Intro: Why This Pilgrimage Is for You
1 – Route Vs. Roaming (GPS)
2 – Daily Divine Fuel
3 – Equipped for Travel
More will be added soon!
Intro: Why This Pilgrimage Is for You
Life itself is thought of as a journey, especially by those who have made Jesus not just Savior but also Lord of their life.
Jacob compared his life to a pilgrimage in Gen. 47:9. It says:
Jacob said to Pharaoh, “The years of my pilgrimage are one hundred thirty years. The days of the years of my life have been few and evil. They have not attained to the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage.”

Psalm 84:5 Is the Theme Verse
I love the implications of Psalm 84:5. It’s the theme verse for all of this.
“Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on a pilgrimage.”
Much symbolism is found in the Bible; Jesus even used parables to speak to the people. A Pilgrim’s Journey: How to Live Yielded to God is designed to assist you, the “pilgrim” on your spiritual “journey.”
Three definitions of the word pilgrim from the New American Oxford Dictionary are:
- a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.
- a person who travels on long journeys.
- mainly literary a person regarded as journeying through life.
You’re On A Spiritual Journey
As you read A Pilgrim’s Journey you will see how the travel words relate to your spiritual journey. It’s a course of spiritual growth!
For the ways of man are before the LORD’s eyes. He examines all his paths. Proverbs 5:21

The word ways there is דֶּרֶךְ derek, deh’-rek; from Strong’s H1869; a road (as trodden); figuratively, a course of life or mode of action.
The word paths here is from Strong’s H4570 and means course of action, or life. Proverbs 4 also uses the same Hebrew word and meaning.
Make the path of your feet level. Let all of your ways be established. Don’t turn to the right hand nor to the left. Remove your foot from evil. Proverbs 4:26-27
The Lord is watching and weighing our spiritual travels, but sometimes we have a difficult time seeing them ourselves. A Pilgrim’s Journey will help open your eyes to your spiritual travels.
Continue in the Word

I pray God blesses you as you continue in your spiritual travels and continue to be made into a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray God will steady you with strength as you continue to grow in Him.
Amazing spiritual growth comes when you personalize the Word for yourself and what is happening in your life. Do you know what the Word does for you? It:
- Washes you. Ephesians 5:26-27
- Corrects you. 2 Timothy 3:16
- Fights for you. Ephesians 6:17
- Feeds you. Psalm 119:103; Matthew 4:4
- Lights your way. Psalm 119:105
I pray that you allow the Word to do all those as you continue to walk with Jesus!
u003cstrongu003eAs you read u003cemu003eA Pilgrim’s Journeyu003c/emu003e you will see how the travel words relate to your spiritual journey. It’s a course of spiritual growth!u003c/strongu003e #LiveYielded Share on X