Day 12: Busting Bad Attitudes

From the 40 Days of Daily Bread Series.

One night, hungry for God, I found out that our small group leader had decided to have fellowship instead of Bible Study. I wasn’t too happy about that. We’re supposed to be getting fed at church, right? Someone asked a question and the discussion steered right into raising kids. I was a single woman at the time and not a mother, so I left with an attitude. I guess I’ll have to go home and feed myself. I really wanted some spiritual food tonight.

Looking back at my journal from all those years ago, I saw that I had a bad attitude. I didn’t see it that night. I thought I was being “holy.”

What could have happened if I had decided to be happy with the leader’s decision? I could have made a new friend during the fellowship time, had the opportunity to minister to someone, or learned a few things about raising kids even though it didn’t apply to me at the time. I have called other moms many times since becoming a mom. What if I had learned some tips that night that saved me some headaches?

You probably know what an attitude is, but from the definition you can see that our thoughts play a big role. Sometimes we are still learning to renew our minds, but we need our attitudes to line up with scripture. How we feel about things is going to make a big mark on those we influence. If we are influenced by Jesus, then Jesus can influence others through us.

Jesus described himself as being meek (gentle/humble) and lowly in heart in Matthew 11:29. Sometimes we can easily get focused on how we feel, but we are supposed to be led by the Spirit instead of our feelings (Romans 8:14). Our feelings are not easy to overcome, but God will give us grace to overcome pride with humbleness.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29 NLT

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Romans 8:14 ESV

This section is to help us respond to His promptings. "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." James 1:22 ESV #ThrivingInChrist #DailyBread #DailyTime #BibleStudy #GodTime #QuietTime #Devotions #Devotional #40dayswithGod #40daysofdailybread #Bible #spritualgrowth


  • Pray

Ask God to show you any areas that you have a bad attitude. Humble yourself. Repent. Forgive, if necessary. Ask God to make you meek like Jesus. Pray James 4:6 concerning yourself. Thank God for more grace. Realize that God will allow opportunities to surface to test your response.

But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”James 4:6 ESV

  • Write

Write what God shows you in your journal. What if nothing came to mind? Um…take notes. Just sayin’. 😉

In what area are you willing to let God bust a bad attitude?

Our Daily Bread for tomorrow is about three kinds of pride. (And yes I have more stories to share.) Subscribe so you don’t miss it!

Through the Spirit, I can become meek like Jesus in place of a bad attitude. Click to Tweet


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  1. Alvin Weiss says:


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